Chapter 12: Locker Confrontation

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"You're hollow, and shallow; all the cowards said in silence; it's so hard to swallow when you're someone that nobody wants."

"I'm the one that asks the questions here; about all the devils and tyrants; I hope they hear me loud and clear; I'm the only one speaking out."

~Kyle's POV~

When it was time to go to school, Cartman pulled up to our bus stop to pick Stan and Kenny up. I guess he read my mind when I wondered why he didn't do that yesterday.

Kenny and Stan looked confused when they saw me and Cartman in the car together. "Dude, what the hell?" Stan asked, climbing into the back seat with Kenny. "Hey guys, Kahl and I went out for an early morning drive. We had some...stuff to talk about." Cartman told them. Through the mirror, I saw Kenny and Stan giving me weird looks.

"So did you guys have fun last night? I thought it was" I asked Stan and Kenny. Kenny laughed and loosened his hood. Even to this day, he still covers a great deal of his face with that jacket of his. "Hell yeah, I did. Spending nine hours kissing everyone in a circle is one of the things I do for fun." Kenny answered. He then turned to Stan with a blush developing on his cheeks. "Especially you, Stan. Dump that girlfriend of yours and be with me." he added flat out. "I'll rock your world."

"The fuck!? No, Kenny! I'm not gay!" Stan shrieked, his face getting even redder than Kenny's. Cartman chuckled and turned the steering wheel to make a left turn. "That's what I said an hour ago." he muttered.

"What!?" Stan said to him.

"Nothing, damn it!"

For the remainder of the car ride, Kenny was stroking Stan's inner thigh, making him look away nervously out the window. It made me wonder if Stan and Kenny had sort of the same conversation Cartman and I had. Maybe they also had a make-out session at some point last night. Who knows? I think they'd be cute together if Stan dumps that bitch Wendy.

Cartman parked in a spot close to the main entrance. He grabbed his backpack from the floor of the backseat and got out of the car. I did the same thing.

While Cartman and I were heading inside, Stan and Kenny remained outside. "We'll meet up in class." Stan called when I turned back to see him. I nodded and walked next to Cartman inside the school.

On the left side of the hallway, we saw Craig and Tweek by Tweek's locker. As Tweek closed his locker, Craig planted a kiss on Tweek's forehead. "Aw." I said under my breath. Playing spin the bottle last night probably gave them more confidence to make their relationship public. They admitted to us last night that they were, in fact, dating. I wasn't really surprised, but it was good to hear it from them.

Wish I was in a happy relationship like that.

Cartman also looked at them with a slight smile. When we passed them, his smile quickly faded.

When we got to my locker, I unlocked it to exchange a few books. My trigonometry textbook was in there and we were told to bring them back to class today. "I'll be right back. Have to get my textbook too." Cartman told me.

"Okay, hurry back. Sam will be here any-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I heard loud footsteps behind me. Since we came here pretty early, there wasn't really anyone here yet. A few people would pass by once in a while, but that's it.

"You had better explain yourself, Kyle." Sam growled. I closed my locker and found myself pinned against it. Sam didn't put his hands on me yet, but he crowded himself around me so I couldn't get away.

"Sam, I-"

"I came to your house yesterday to apologize about what I did, but your parents said you weren't home! They said you were out "playing with your friends"! Then Stan told me you were all hanging out! I thought you couldn't be caught dead hanging out with...with Cartman!"

"Who the hell put that bullshit in your mind!?" I yelled back. Sam punched the locker beside me, making my right ear ring. "Don't fucking yell at me! I'm the only one who can yell here!" He demanded.

"I'm fucking sorry, okay!? I just wanted to be with my friends for one day! I spent most of the summer trapped in my own fucking house with you there most of the time! Am I not allowed to have freedom!?"

Sam punched the same locker again, making me flinch in fear. "If you ever do something without telling me again, you're dead. You hear me, Broflofski? Dead!" He yelled in my face.

Just as Sam was about to walk away, he found himself in a sudden trance of pain. I was too scared to even open my eyes, so I wasn't completely sure what happened.

It turns out Cartman had returned without me knowing. He yanked Sam away from me and punched him really hard in the face. I watched as Sam was covering the spot where Cartman hit him. Cartman didn't say anything to him. He just remained in a confident stance and cracked his knuckles. I held my textbook tightly against my chest, hiding half of my face behind it with tears streaming from my eyes.

"If you fucking touch him, you're dead Kobler." He threatened. Sam gave him a mean look and attempted to push him against the lockers opposite of where I stood. Cartman's a little bigger than him, so Sam failed epically. Cartman then pushed him against those lockers, making Sam slam his back really hard into them. He winced in pain as one of the locks on a locker stabbed his spine, but Cartman didn't care. Pushing him against the locker was followed by another punch to the face.

"Just remember I'm bigger than you, douchebag. I will fucking rip you apart. You hear me? Rip. You. Apart." Cartman said in his face. Sam didn't dare do anything to him. Cartman slowly backed away toward me, gently grabbed me by the bicep, and led me to trigonometry class.

"Battered, and broken; These words are spoken in despair; and you don't even care."


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