Chapter 53: My SBF

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"We've been wasting this time; trying to play it safe; and try to cover up what; our hearts want to say."

~Stan's POV~

"You guys hear that Kyle got home yesterday?" Cartman asked us as he drove the four of us to school. He was parked in a parking spot at school looking through his mirror at me. Kenny was sitting next to him in the front seat. Normally, Kyle would be in the front with Cartman, but he's not in the car with us today. He probably took the bus or got a ride from his parents. Or maybe he's not even coming today. Who knows?

I nodded and looked down at the floor with a sad face. "Yeah, Clyde told me last night. I heard the goth kids got out too. I wonder if Kyle had something to do with that." I answered. Kenny and Cartman started talking to each other about Kyle while I scrolled through Facebook. Facebook kind of traumatized me when I was a kid because everyone wanted me to add them as a friend, but thankfully there's a limit on how many friends you can have. My friends list reached past eight-hundred-thousand at one point, but now you can probably have up to five-thousand. I only have a little over two-hundred. Just family and my classmates.

Kyle hasn't really posted anything in a while on his account. He posted a photo while he was in the hospital, though. Him sitting in a bedroom with the goth kids smoking a cigarette. He must've set the timer on his phone camera because the four of them were just sitting and standing by an open window with their cigarettes in between two fingers. I didn't know Kyle smoked.

After looking through some stuff he has posted, it made me worried about even talking to him. In the short span of time we believed Sam over him, he changed drastically. I just don't want to say or do anything that might hurt him again.

The three of us got out of the car and went into school. Everything was the same as it always was. Classmates going to their lockers and going to class. I did the same thing and grabbed my trigonometry textbook. We're going to need it once again for a class assignment.

Kyle was nowhere to be found. He wasn't at his locker or in the classroom yet. He wasn't even in the new seat he gave himself. I looked around the room and questioned a few people as they came in. No one knew where he was except for one person.

"Yeah, he's hanging out behind the school with those goth kids. I think I saw him smoking a cigarette." A girl said to me. I let out a frustrated sigh and made my way to the back entrance of the school. The goth kids always seem to find a spot behind the school to hang out in. They did it in middle school, and now they're doing it here too. It never made sense to me. Who are they hiding from?

I went to their hangout behind the school and sure enough, Kyle was there smoking a cigarette. He was talking to the goth kids about something and letting out some laughs here and there. I scoffed when I saw Michael pat him on the shoulder. Kyle's my friend, not theirs.

"Kyle, you do know we have to be in class now, right?" I called from the stairs. He stopped talking to the goth kids and looked up at me. He still had the same emo appearance that he had last week. Straight hair, black beanie, and black clothes. He was wearing a t-shirt with a picture of a goth band on the front side. When is he going to give this up? This isn't who he is.

"Fine, I'm coming." He said back. He said goodbye to the goth kids and followed me to class. Despite feeling frustrated that he's hanging out with the goth kids and not me, I was still happy to see him. The second we got inside, I gave him a tight hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around his hips and buried my face into his shoulder. It took him by surprise, but he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged back just as tightly.

"I'm sorry for believing Sam over you. I shouldn't have been stupid enough to do that." I said sincerely. Kyle broke from the hug and smiled slightly, my arms still loosely wrapped around him. "It's okay, Stan. You're still my best friend." He said back.

"I'm still your super best friend." I corrected. He laughed and rolled his eyes. "Yes, you are." He agreed.

We maintained eye contact for a minute. The bell for first period to start had gone off, which prompted Kyle to break away from me and attempt to lead us to class. "We should go. We're already late." He said as he tugged onto my arm.

I don't know what had come over me, but I couldn't help but stare into his green eyes. Even when we walked past me toward the classroom, I still maintained eye contact. I don't know what the fuck it was about his face, but...I don't know.

I seriously hope I'm not falling for him. He's my best friend. I can't catch feelings for him. I still haven't even broken up with Wendy yet. She's going to freak out when she figures out I'm bisexual, or just straight out gay, and that I'm leaving her for Kenny. I have to snap myself out of this trance. Kyle will always be my super best friend, nothing more and nothing less. Plus, Cartman would kill me if I do end up falling in love with Kyle. Besides, my feelings for Kenny are much stronger. I hate to admit it because Kenny can be a bit of a player, but I do love him. His heart seems to be set on me, but I guess I'll have to find that out for myself.

I'm not falling for Kyle. I'll punch myself in the face over and over again just to get that message through to myself. Who cares if I walk out of that beating with a few bruises? I'd rather be hurt than in love with Kyle.

"Yeah...yeah. I'm coming." I finally told him. I let him pull me to trigonometry by the arm.

"Let's do this, let's do this right now; if you're in, I'm in, if you're down, I'm down; (right now); If you're in, I'm in, if you're down, I'm down."


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