Chapter 19: Back With A Vengeance

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"Where is your heart?; can we beat this if we all; tear the borders, break the walls; together as one?"

TRIGGER WARNING: abuse and explicit content. Read with caution.

~Kyle's POV~


My parents had received a call pretty early in the morning from the school. I'm not sure exactly what the reason was, but school has been cancelled for the day for all of us. Yay, lucky me. I get to sleep in.

Since Ike and I don't have school today, I had to babysit him while my parents went off to work. They told me Sam could come over if he wanted to, but I don't think I want to see him today. He's still mad at me for hanging out with my friends last night.

Ike was in the living room watching T.V. while I was making breakfast for us. Some eggs and turkey bacon. Ever since Sam stopped coming over, I've been eating regularly again. Sam would always comment on how "fat" I was getting, even though I'm like half his size.

I handed Ike a plate so he could eat while watching his show. I ate mine in the kitchen.

When I was almost finished, I heard a loud knock on the door. My entire body suddenly started getting colder and stiff. It's only nine-thirty, so it's safe to bet that Sam was here. No one else would show up this early.

With a shaky hand, I opened the front door. As predicted, it was Sam, and he was pissed. He noticed Ike on the couch, so he requested that we went upstairs. "W-We'll be right back, Ike." I told him. He continued eating his breakfast, not acknowledging what I had just said to him.

The minute my bedroom door closed, I was confident that my life was over. He obviously wouldn't seclude me from people unless he was going to hurt me. I felt my throat dry up as he started approaching me.

"You want to explain to me why you've been avoiding me?" He asked darkly. I found myself against a corner with him blocking the way. I put my hands up in defense.

"Sam, I-I just thought maybe we needed time apart. You've been so angry lately-"

"Angry!? How the fuck was I being angry!?"

I swallowed, trying to eliminate the dryness in my throat, but it didn't work too good.

"Well, you've been...beating me and sexually taking advantage of me-"

"Oh what? So you're telling me you didn't like what we did in the shower on Monday!? Are you trying to accuse me of fucking raping you!"

It's pretty amazing how I piss him off with everything I say. He's acting delusional right now. I never accused him to his face that he raped me, nor did the word "rape" even come out of my mouth. I guess telling him he's been sexually taking advantage of me is technically accusing him of rape, but...but he fucking did though. It doesn't matter how I word it. He still fucking did it.

"Say something, Broflofski!" He screamed, making me flinch.

"Sam, I said no in the shower and you still did it. That's the textbook definition of "rape"." I explained softly. Out of nowhere, Sam had punched me in the face, making the back of my head jerk into the wall behind me. I winced in excruciating pain since my head still hurts from when he beat me in the past. It's a wonder how I didn't suffer a concussion yet.

"Don't you fucking accuse me of raping you, Kyle!" He shouted in my face. "We're a couple, so there's no such thing as rape!"

"What are you talking about, Sam? If someone says no and you still do it, it's classified as rape!" I yelled back. Raising my voice was followed by another blow to the head. What is his obsession with hitting me in the head anyway? It's not going to change what I think. Well, I hope it doesn't.

"So you're saying you're willing to go to the fucking cops about this!?" He asked loudly in my ear. Once again, he started to repeatedly slam me into the wall behind me. With each impact, he would slam me in harder the next time, causing me to cry out in pain.

"I never said - oww - I was!" I yelled. Despite what I just said, he continued slamming me against the wall. "Sam, please stop!" I cried out.

He stopped slamming me against the wall, but he instead pushed me to the ground really hard. I moaned into the carpet in pain as I felt my left arm snap. Sam then walked up to me and slammed into my left shoulder really hard with his elbow, making my shoulder snap too. My cries of pain only increased in volume the more he hurt me.

"You're not going to tell anyone what I did, right Kyle? You know I love you!" Sam asked me. I didn't even process his question. I was too focused on not passing out from the pain. Me not answering only made him angrier. He started slamming my head into the floor. I think he's trying to kill me.

Out of breath, Sam stopped hurting me. He got off of me and watched as tears rushed through my eyes into the carpet.

Realizing what he had just done, Sam backed away toward my bedroom door and ran out once he reached it. I watched him as he did this with tears in my eyes and blood in my nose.

When I tried getting up, my entire left side gave out on me. I think my arm was broken and my shoulder was dislocated.

Knowing how helpless I am, I called for Ike to get up here. Hearing the footsteps rushing up the stairs, I can already assume it was him. I fucking hope it was him. "Ike!" I called through the open door. He peered in and saw me lying on the floor. His jaw dropped and he screamed. "Kyle! What the hell happened!?" He screamed, trying to pull me to my feet.

"No no, Ike. Call an ambulance. I can't get up." I instructed. He reached for my phone on the bed and started dialing. I grasped at my left shoulder with my right hand and cried even more in pain.

I need to start dealing with Sam now. It's time to resort to some drastic measures.

"The longer I live, I learn that we don't belong; we've taken more than we can give; and you'd do better, better on your own."


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