Chapter 33: Cartman's Plan

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"I, I can't believe we waited all this time; whoa; life is a parasite on my skin making me crawl; we are up close and we are dancing in the halls."

~Cartman's POV~

Monday (Week 5)

I was awake by three in the morning, as we had planned. After Butters went home last night, we started perfecting the plan to get back at Sam for what he's been doing to Kyle. Kyle didn't really say much as the rest of us were talking things out, but he didn't stop us either. He knew Sam deserves this.

I don't think I'd consider this the most diabolical plan I've ever came up with, but it should be enough to teach him a lesson. Sabotaging his belongings was only part of it. Now, we're going to take things a little further.

Right on cue, everyone in the group text we set up last night told me they were on their way over. Perfect. All I need to do is get dressed and pack my stuff for school.

My notebooks were on the floor next to my bed. There was going to be a test in trigonometry today, so I decided to get some studying in before going to sleep. I normally wouldn't study. I'd just wing it and hope for at least a C, but...I don't know. Something about me changed I guess.

Once everything was packed up, my bedroom door opened. Kyle, Kenny, and Stan walked into my room. They looked really tired, but they weren't complaining. They're the ones who suggested we get up early to get back at Sam.

"You almost ready to go?" Stan asked me. Kyle came up to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. I turned my face and pecked him on the lips.

I nodded and wrapped the straps of my backpack around both shoulders. "Yeah, let's fuck this kid's life up." I told them.

They followed me out of the room and down the stairs. My mom was dead asleep in her own bed, so she didn't hear us when we went downstairs at the same time. I then grabbed my car keys from the table by the door and went outside. "You have enough gas for the day, Cartman?" Kyle asked me.

"Yeah I should be good for a few days actually. My mom gave me some money while I was asleep. She left it on my table." I answered. Kyle smiled and closed the door behind him as he was the last one to walk outside.

Once we were all in the car, I started it up and cranked the heat all the way up. There was still a lot of snow on the ground from when it snowed on Saturday, and I don't think it's going away for a long time.

"So where does this douchebag live?" I asked Kyle as I backed out from the driveway. He sat up straight in the front seat and gave me the directions to his house. "He doesn't live too far from here. He lives a few streets away." Kyle answered. "At the stop sign, make a left."

I stopped at the stop sign and turned left like Kyle said. He knew we were all tired, so he did his best to speak as softly as possible. We're not morning people anymore, especially at three in the morning. Hearing loud voices tends to irritate us into uncontrollable rages especially without our energy drinks. Well, Kyle fell in love with Tweak's coffee. He's more of a coffee drinker now.

"His house is right here." Kyle suddenly said as he neared a beige-colored house. It looked like every other house in this neighborhood. Two stories, a garage unattached to the house, five windows in the front, a brown door following the walkway from the sidewalk; you get the idea.

Kyle gave me the spare key Sam gave him when they first started dating. I took it and unlocked the door. "Alright, you guys know what to do. Go around the whole house and stuff his clothes into these bags. We'll start his day off by not having anything to wear to school." I explained.

Stan scratched his head and adjusted his beanie. "How is stealing his clothes considered sabotage?" He wondered as he grabbed his winter jacket from the rack.

"Stan, he's gay. All gay people care about how they look. Shit, we're the same exact way. I care about my appearance." I admitted, not realizing I just came out to them.

They all stared me down with their mouths open. I shrugged. "What?" I asked, opening one of the garbage bags I detached from the roll.

"You just admitted you're gay, Cartman." Kyle said playfully. "That means you're finally out of the closet."

My eyes widened as I realized this. "Uh, no I didn't!" I yelled. Everyone shushed me and let me upstairs to his room. It's better that we carry out the plan than to discuss my sexual orientation right now.

A half an hour has gone by and we had all of his clothes in hand. We had to use a few garbage bags, but at least now he'll go to school in nothing but his pajamas. He doesn't wear the lounge pants and t-shirt like we do. He still wears the kind of shit we wore as kids. A matching pajama outfit with patterns of random shit. In Sam's case, he was wearing a pink pajama set with red heart patterns. Fucking fag.

"Alright, we have everything right?" I asked everyone quietly. They nodded and followed me out to the car.

We had to stuff everything in the trunk. In the unlikely event of Sam figuring out it was us, he won't stand a chance at getting his clothes back since he can't break into the trunk. Once again, though. This is only the beginning.

"I, I can't believe this is happening; to me, this can't keep happening; no, this can't be happening to me; parasites; parasites; parasites; we are."


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