Chapter 65: Token's Halloween Party

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"I know that hope weighs on your mind, lost within the seams,; It seems like we lose ourselves in between.; But the harder things become, the harder you push away.; Oh baby, yeah baby, it kills me."

TRIGGER WARNING: slightly explicit content. Read with caution.

~Kyle's POV~

Friday (Week 7) Halloween Night

The entire week of school went on as normal. We went to our classes, got assigned homework, took tests, then went home for the day. The guys and I continued hanging out after school as we always did. Clyde and Scott have been a little distant lately, but Kenny obviously as a theory as to why. I'm almost sure that they're going to make it to Token's party tonight, though.

Our parents ended up traveling to Denver for that epic Halloween party that kids our age aren't allowed to go to. Everyone who is twenty-one and older are the only ones allowed to attend. Just my luck. I guess I have to wait another five years just to do that.

It all works out, though. The rest of South Park is attending Token's party. Well, everyone except for the younger kids and preteens. They're forced to stay at home with a babysitter and possibly go trick-or-treating with them. Ike isn't even allowed to attend yet since he's only in middle school. My parents hired someone to look after him while they were gone since they were sure I had other plans.

"Do you know if Shelley is going to make it to the party, Stan?" Kenny had asked. The four of us are at Cartman's house getting ready for the party tonight. Stan just shrugged his shoulders and looked up from the floor. "I doubt it. She's probably doing something at her college. She's not able to come back until Thanksgiving or Christmas break." He answered. As the two of them grew up over the years, they started getting closer and Shelley wasn't as much of a bitch to Stan as she used to be. I think the only reason why she was like that was because she was insecure about her appearance. Now that the retainer is gone, she hasn't been as self conscious.

"Aw, that's alright I guess, right?" Kenny asked as he slipped into his Mysterion pants. Stan shrugged again and nodded. "Yeah. I'm just glad she's doing alright." He agreed.

Cartman came up from his basement with his Coon costume on. I couldn't help but smile at how handsome he looked in it. Cartman noticed this and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "You guys about ready?" He asked, looking at Stan and Kenny on the couch. They both got up and walked closer to us. "Ready when you are." Kenny said in his deep, Mysterion voice.

"Alright then, let's go." Cartman mimicked Kenny's voice as he would when he played as The Coon during our superhero adventures. Stan and I didn't establish any specific vocal tone when we played superheroes. We just talked as we normally did outside of our costumes.

The four of us hopped into Cartman's car and buckled our seatbelts. Before driving over to Token's house, Cartman pulled me in randomly for a quick make-out session. Stan and Kenny sat in the backseat and watched as our tongues twirled around one another. "I know someone who's gettin' some tonight." Kenny joked. Stan covered his eyes with his hand and kept it there until we stopped. Kenny just continued watching as if it were normal to do so.

"When we get to Token's house, I want to fuck you in his bed." Cartman mumbled to me. Kenny raises his eyebrows at what he said. Stan uncovered his face and also looked a little shocked at what Cartman said. All I did was smirk and stare at his lips.

"I bet you won't even have the guts to do that." I challenged, making Cartman laugh evilly.

"Oh I do, though. And when you find yourself in Token's room with me naked, you have to suck my balls." He shot back. All I did was smirk at this ridiculous bet. "Fine with me." I agreed.

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