Chapter 16: Sam's Soap Opera Life

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"Well I was there on the day; they sold the cause for the queen; and when the lights all went out; we watched our lives on the screen; I hate the ending myself; but it started with an alright scene."

~Stan's POV~

Kenny had pulled me aside this morning after getting out of Cartman's car. He and I were talking for a little bit before school started. It turns out he legitimately developed feelings for me after last night. I made the point to him that I'm not gay and I'm dating Wendy. After reminiscing last night, though, I started wondering if I was gay. Or bisexual at the very least.

Kenny and I ended up kissing a few times during spin the bottle last night. For each time we had to kiss, I got more into it. Kenny has those lips that could never compare to any girl. Most girls I've kissed in high school before dating Wendy again wore lip gloss and their lips were too moist. Kenny's lips were the perfect moisture and texture, and he was maybe a few inches taller than me. Having someone taller than me always made me feel safer somehow.

God damn, maybe I am gay...

Kenny and I were going into the locker room after football practice. Our homecoming game was coming up pretty soon, so coach scheduled our practice times to be longer than normal. It didn't matter to me. Anything was better than going home right now. My parents have been fighting a lot lately again. I didn't care enough to figure out why, but every time I come home, they're always in the kitchen going at it.

Kenny and I were sitting on the same bench in the locker room changing back into our regular clothes. "So what'd you have planned for today?" Kenny asked as he removed his football jersey. While he was combing out his messy hair, I stared at his sweaty chest. Despite the sweat, he as nice abs. Mine were respectable too, but not as toned and muscular as his.

"I don't know honestly. Wendy's been acting like a bitch lately so she's been with Bebe the last few days. I'll probably just go home or something. How about you?" I wondered.

"Craig and Tweek actually want the six of us to hang out tonight. Go to Stark's Pond and roast some marshmallows or something. You in?" Kenny asked. I gave him a weird look. "On a school night? And...the six of us?" I asked, taking my shirt off too. Kenny kept his off and sorted through his locker to find his clothes. "Yeah, you, me, Craig, Tweek, Cartman, and Kyle." He answered. "And yes, Stanley. On a school night. We're not going to stay out late like we did last night. Probably until like ten or something."

That didn't sound too bad to me. After all, it gave me something to do while my parents were at home arguing over stupid shit. They should be in bed by ten or so anyway, so why not?

"Yeah sure." I answered. Kenny smiled and hugged me. His sweaty chest against mine blurred my mind into nirvana. Playing spin the bottle last night really made me confused over who I was personality-wise. Kissing the guys last night felt...right. I wonder if Kenny plans to bust a move on me tonight again.

"Awesome. I'll see you at five." He finished after he got himself dressed. I smiled and waved as he left the locker room.

Just as Kenny was almost to the door, the door swung open. An angry Sam stomped into the locker room with his phone in both hands. He stopped next to me as I was removing the rest of my football uniform to put my normal clothes back on. "Have you talked to Kyle today, Marsh?" He asked, giving me a distressed look. I never really understood why Sam always called me by my last name. I have a first name for a reason, asshole.

"Not since lunch, why?" I asked. Sam scoffed loudly and went to his locker on the other side of the locker room. Kenny slowly walked back to me and we exchanged questioning stares.

"The hell's wrong with him?" Kenny asked, gesturing at the pissed off Sam. I shrugged and slipped into my jeans. "Who the fuck knows, dude? I just hope he doesn't get mad at Kyle like that. I'll kick his ass if he does." I told him. Kenny nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me too. Kyle's like one of my best friends. I'll kill anyone who fucks with him."

"And he's my super best friend. I'll kill someone twice for him." I agreed. Kenny laughed and continued out of the locker room. "See you in an hour, Stan." He called as he opened the door. I waved again and continued dressing myself.

The locker room was filled with mind-numbing chatter. Not too loud nor too soft. I relaxed in my seat while listening to the ongoing conversations everyone was having at once.

Out of the blue, someone started yelling really loud, silencing the whole room. "What do you mean you can't hang out tonight!?" Someone yelled. He's probably talking on the phone.

"Oh, please. All you ever do is hang out with that - that Nazi piece of shit! Haven't you realized by now that he doesn't respect our people!? That he fucking hates Jews like us!?" This was definitely Sam yelling at Kyle on the phone. What a piece of shit.

"Yeah I know what I said, but we haven't hung out in days!"

"So what if it was my fault!?"

"No! I'm coming over right now! You'd better be home when I get there!"

God, what an asshole. I wish Kenny had stuck around long enough to hear this. I'm sure someone has this on video. Sam always got hysterical in the locker room, but I didn't think Kyle had anything to do with it. I'm just now finding out that he's the victim of Sam's soap opera life.

I'm sure Kyle could use a friend right about now.

"You're just a sad song with nothing to say; about a life-long wait for a hospital stay; and if you think that I'm wrong; this never meant nothing to you."


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