Chapter 64: Sclyde

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"Tonight we lie awake; Remember how the coffee made us shake; On those long drives?; One more long night."

~Scott's POV~

Sunday (Week 7)

For the last twenty minutes, I've been looking at myself in the mirror. I couldn't tell whether or not I was overdressed for this date with Clyde, but we are going to Buca De Faggoncini for dinner. The last time I went there was with that new kid to find Classi during our superhero venture in fourth grade. I never did get that kid's name nor hear them speak.

"You look handsome tonight. What's the occasion?" Mom asked me as she walked by the bathroom. I kept on adjusting my tie and fixing my collar, but I wasn't sure if I looked sharp enough.

"I'm having dinner at that Italian restaurant in town, and my friend told me to dress nice." I explained as I continued playing around with my tie and collar. Mom came into the bathroom and helped me adjust my tie. "Well, I think you look handsome." She said with a smile. After fixing my collar up a little bit, mom walked out of the bathroom toward the stairs. "Don't be out too late. It is a school night." She reminded me. "Alright." I called back.

I took a final look in the mirror and smiled at the improvement mom made on my shirt and tie. She's always been good at fixing up tuxedos.

I made my way downstairs and headed to the front door. Dad was sitting on the couch reading through the newspaper from this morning. He and I didn't really bond the way most fathers and sons do. The only time I'd really talk to him is if I was going out, but even then he hasn't shown any sign of caring.

"I'm, uh, heading out dad. I'll be home by ten." I told him. He didn't respond to me. He just flipped to the next page of his newspaper and continued reading, making my face sadden. I let out a sigh and headed through the front door.

As I started the car, I received a message from Clyde. After giving him a quick kiss yesterday, any text from him fills my stomach with butterflies.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked his message.

Clyde: hey, I'm on my way to Buca. See you soon <3

Aw, that little heart he put at the end. That made me smile all over again.

I sent him a quick reply and started driving to the restaurant.

The drive over there was nerve wracking. The closer I was, the more nervous I became. I don't know why I was so anxious about this. Clyde and I have hung out before and ate out at restaurants together. And besides, I'm the one who asked him out. Why am I more nervous than he is?

Then again, Clyde could be just as nervous as me. He couldn't even say anything when I asked him out yesterday. It was as if my request had shocked him and he forgot how to talk for a second. I can see why all of the girls are crazy over him. He's so adorable.

As I parked my car near the door, I noticed Clyde standing just outside of the main entrance. He was leaned against the wall scrolling through his phone. He was wearing kind of the same thing as me, except with different colors. I was wearing a black tie, and his was red.

Once I got out of the car, he looked up and flashed a cute smile. "Hey, glad you made it." He told me with a hint of red on his cheeks. I chuckled cutely and gave him a quick hug. "Yeah, I'm glad you're here too." I said back dumbly. Clyde wrapped an arm around my shoulders and led me inside of the restaurant.

The dining area was packed with couples. Most of them were drinking wine and snacking on bread sticks, making my stomach ache in hunger. The bread sticks here are really good.

Clyde went to the podium by the entrance and told them his name. We decided it was best to make a reservation here so we were ensured a table. This place gets really busy every night.

The hostess grabbed two menus and led us to our table. Clyde was holding onto my hand as we made our way through the dining area.

Our table was in the back of the restaurant where it was a bit more secluded. Clyde was the one who made the reservation, and I guess he had asked for this particular table. He looked back at me once the hostess walked back to her podium. "I specifically asked them to reserve a table in a more secluded spot." He told me, making my cheeks redden even more. Clyde just smirked and took a seat across from me.

Since we're not old enough to be served wine, they served us sparkling apple juice. I had just asked them for a glass of water instead since I'm diabetic.

...(Time skip: one hour and thirty minutes)...

Our dinner wasn't too eventful. Clyde and I just sat there and talked mostly about our past adventures and ate pasta on top of that. I had to get my pasta specially made thanks to my diabetes. I'm just lucky that they had whole wheat pasta on the menu. I had also asked them to serve me a smaller portion since even too much whole wheat pasta can affect my diabetes.

After splitting the bill based on the stuff we ate, Clyde and I made our way outside. "I had a lot of fun tonight, Scott." He said with a grin. I smiled back and gave him a hug. "Yeah, me too. I can definitely give this date a ten out of ten." I agreed, pecking him on the cheek.

"Do you want to hang out after school tomorrow? We can chill at my house and play video games or something." Clyde offered, breaking from the hug.

"Hell yeah. That sounds fun." I told him.

Before I headed back to my car, Clyde spun me around and pulled me in for a kiss. This one lasted longer than the one from yesterday. The kiss took me by surprise, but I quickly melted into it once my mind registered what was happening.

Clyde pulled back a minute later with the reddest cheeks I've ever seen on him. "I know it's a little early to say this to you, but...I love you, Scott." He said suddenly. He loosened his tie after he finished muttering those words. I did the same thing and blushed with him.

"It's never too early to tell someone how you feel. you too, Clyde." I said back suddenly. Clyde looked up from the ground and smiled again. "See you in school tomorrow?" He said as he slowly backed away toward his car. I nodded and did the same thing. "Goodnight, Clyde." I called as I opened the door to my car.

Once I sat down, I completely sunk in my seat with the feeling of happiness overriding everything else. I don't think I've ever felt loved before. Well, besides by my mom, but this is a whole new feeling. I'm so happy it's with Clyde, too.

"I would've married you in Vegas; Had you given me the chance to say, "I do"?; Couldn't make it anymore obvious, could you?; Be anymore obvious, could you?."


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