Chapter 27: Spin The Bottle (Part 3)

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"I took a walk for the very first time on the dark side of the dance floor; lit a match just to heat things up but I got more than I bargained for; mixed drinks, mixed feelings of elation; I should have known it was a one night invitation."

~Kyle's POV~

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~Kyle's POV~

The nine of us ended up at Cartman's house after Stan and Kenny finished football practice. It gave me a bit of time to gather some shit and finish my homework so I don't have to worry about it this weekend.

Everyone seemed much more enthusiastic about playing spin the bottle this time. They were all laughing at who may end up kissing who. We never got a chance to see Stan and Tweek kiss yet, so that should be interesting.

Kenny finished the bottle we were going to use to play with. Token had already started passing the bong around to everyone who wanted to smoke, me included. I doubt Cartman's mom would even mind. Hell, she's not even home tonight.

"Okay guys, let's start." Kenny said as he spun the bottle in the middle of the circle. While the bottle was spinning really fast, Kenny lied out some new rules.

"Just like last time, we're going to kiss whoever the bottle points too, and the person whom the bottle points to has to remove the clothing of the spinner's choice." He started. We all nodded in agreement. Clyde was the one who had the bong in hand, and I think he's going to pass it to Token next. He was taking a long hit from it.

"Then the person whom the bottle points to has to leave hickeys on the spinner's neck." Kenny finished with a giggle. Cartman started laughing at Kenny's new rule. "Are you seriously, Kenny? Our necks will be bruised up after tonight." Cartman told him.

"Yeah, that's the point. Not only our necks, but other body parts too once the clothes come off." He said back.

"So my dick is going to be bruised up too...?" Cartman asked with a blush.

"When Kyle sucks the shit out of it, yeah." Kenny answered with another laugh. I hid my red face after exhaling the weed smoke. Cartman then pulled me closer to him, my thighs resting against his. "What the hell, Cartman?" I yelled after uncovering my face.

"What? I want my Jew close to me. Is that such a bad thing?" He asked innocently as he took the bong from me and lit it up. I scoffed and looked around the circle. Craig and Tweek sat next to each other once again with Butters next to Tweek. I noticed Butters hasn't really said much since he came over, which was weird to me. He was looking down at his legs and scratching his hand. His face looked kind of sad.

I leaned in closer to him to try and establish eye contact. "You okay, Butters?" I asked. Butters looked up with a seemingly fake smile and nodded. "Oh, yes, Kyle. Everything's, uh, great." He answered hesitantly. I nodded and looked down at my lap too, feeling kind of bad for something I was involved in a long time ago.

I remember when Kenny wasn't around for a while and Butters kind of took his spot. Then we randomly decided that Butters wasn't a "good enough friend" for us since he didn't seem to fit in with us. Butters has gone all out to give us a good laugh and did things we asked him to do. Fake a deformity to get on that Maury show to win us a cool prize, buy Shelley tampons so we could watch the Terrance and Philip movie trailer, and even gain weight and lose it by eating City Wok food so we could earn some money by having Jared Fogle featured in the success story. I just feel bad for being a horrible friend to him and spoiling his desire to even want close friends. Yeah he hangs out with us, but he doesn't really say much anymore because he's scared that we're all going to just dump him again if he opens up too much. He's scared to get emotionally attached again.

I don't know why it's suddenly hitting me hard now, but I think I should start fixing things with him.

I noticed Stan and Cartman looking at him too, probably feeling the same thing I felt. Butters glanced at them briefly, but then looked back down at the spinning bottle.

The bottle finally landed on Clyde. This made Kenny chuckle seductively as Clyde looked at him with a red face. "Okay, Clyde. Shirt off." Kenny instructed. Clyde sighed and started unbuttoning the three buttons of his black polo shirt. He seemed to be having trouble, so Kenny leaned over and helped him. "I-I got it, Kenny." Clyde told him. Kenny didn't listen and undid the final button.

"Damn, Clyde." Kenny muttered as he then pulled him in for a kiss. At first, Clyde's lips remained stiff. Once Kenny started licking Clyde's lips, Clyde slightly opened his mouth and let his tongue battle Kenny's. This caused Kenny to moan into his mouth and climb on top of Clyde as Clyde slowly lied down on the ground.

"Okay, guys. Don't get a fucking boner now." Cartman demanded as he started his turn with the bong. It was already too late for Clyde, though. His crotch was bulging.

Kenny finally got off of Clyde and allowed him to spin the bottle. As he did this, Clyde's face maintained that red flush that almost matched his jacket.

The bottle ended up landing on Stan. Stan looked at him with some red on his cheeks too. "Alright Stan, take your pants off." Clyde told him, scratching his inner thigh. Kenny licked his lips as he watched him do this. Once Stan's pants were off, Clyde crawled over to Stan and sat on his lap with his inner thighs pressed against Stan's outer thighs. "Oh shit." Kenny mumbled.

Stan wrapped his arms around Clyde's lower back tightly as they kissed each other. "Mm, fuck." I heard Stan whisper. The rest of us watched as if it were normal. We're all pretty close, so this didn't make us feel awkward or anything.

Clyde took his right hand off of Stan's shoulder and he trailed it down to Stan's bulge. We can already assume that Clyde is out at this point.

A minute later, Clyde climbed off of Stan and went back to his spot. I avoided looking at Stan in his boxers since there was a raging boner present. "Fuck, Clyde." Stan uttered, out of breath.

"Pretty hot, wasn't it?" Clyde asked with a wink.

Stan reached over to the bottle and spun it quickly. He and Clyde exchanged looks at each other as the bottle slowly but surely began slowing down. While the bottle slowed down, Kenny brought over a bowl that had folded pieces of paper inside of it. He placed it down near his legs. "From this point on, the person whom the bottle points to has to pick a random paper from this bowl." Kenny told us.

"Oh god, what is it?" I asked, feeling tension build up.

"Just a small addition to the game. The pieces of paper have sexual dares on it. Seven minutes in heaven, sucking each other off, fucking each other out in the open, blah blah blah." Kenny explained.

The bottle stopped again and pointed at Kenny. Stan's blush only deepened as he realized this. Kenny just smirked and fished out a piece of paper from the bowl. "Oh, look Stan. Seven minutes in heaven." Kenny sang as he showed Stan what the paper said.

Before Stan could protest, Kenny stood up and pulled Stan up with him. "I'll set a timer on my phone. In the meantime, you guys keep playing." Kenny told us.

"I make you come just to watch you leave; you walk around with my heart on your sleeve; don't sweat it, it's over now, our time ran out."


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