Chapter 34: The Final Straw

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"All my friends are dead, they won't be there in the end; well I can't, I can't tell them, there's no way they're listening; all your love has held this at bay; who really cares though anyway?"

~Sam's POV~

I woke up to my alarm at six-thirty like I always did. There's a whole routine I follow before going to school, so I have to get up early to be done on time.

I walked over to my dresser to pick out my outfit for the day. Normally I'd wear skinny jeans with a v-neck t-shirt and my football jacket over it. I opened my dresser drawer and saw that there was nothing in it. "What the hell? I just did laundry last night." I muttered. After opening all of my drawers, I found that everything was empty. I started freaking out as I ran over to my closet. Everything had been ripped from the hangers as if someone broke in here and stole everything.

Within seconds, I reached for my phone to call Kyle. I know some of my clothes are at his house, so maybe he'll be able to drop something off.

The phone rang for what seemed like hours, but he picked up. "Hello?" He said tiredly.

"Kyle! Do you have any of my clothes at your house!? This is a fucking emergency. I have nothing here!" I yelled.

Kyle yawned as I asked him, which made me inpatient. "No. My mom dropped everything off at your house when she and dad talked to your parents." He answered.

"Fuck! I'm going to check the laundry room!" I yelled and hung up.

I raced down the stairs and into the laundry room. There were no piles of folded clothes in here like they're usually would be. Everything in the washer and dryer are my parents' clothes.

"Oh my god, what am I going to do?" I said as tears welled up. "I can't go to school looking like this!" I looked down at my pajamas. Pink with red patterns hearts. What the fuck was I thinking? If I had worn my track pants and a t-shirt to bed last night, I wouldn't mind going to school in it. But...I can't fucking wear this!

I would resort to wearing my dad's clothes to school today, but his clothes are too big on me. He also needs his clothes custom-made because he has broader-than-average shoulders.

I don't think anyone will be able to help me out of this one. I'm bigger and more built than anyone else at the school. I won't fit into any of their clothes. But I have to go to school. I've been able to maintain my 4.0 GPA since elementary school, and I don't plan on letting a pink-with-red-patterned-hearts pajama set stop me.

It's a good thing I still had my jacket with me. At least I can cover up half of my shameful pajama set. Plus, I have spare clothes in my gym locker. I'll just skedaddle by a few random people who will inevitably point and laugh at me, get to the locker room, and change my clothes.

I followed through my whole routine and drove myself to school. A sinking feeling started developing in the pit of my stomach as I neared the school. They're going to make fun of my fucking clothes, and I'm probably going to get so angry that I kill someone. I need to establish self-control, at least for the thirty seconds it'll take me to run to the locker room.

When I entered the school fifteen minutes before the start of first period, everyone turned heads and began laughing at my ridiculous outfit. I was expecting this, but it won't be long until they stop.

As I made my way down the hallway, I noticed Kyle standing by his locker with his friends. Everyone else except for him was laughing their asses off at me. I angrily stomped over to Kyle and asked him again if he had any of my clothes.

"Babe, I'm telling you, I have nothing!" He yelled with a slight chuckle. I looked at the four of them suspiciously. They're known for pulling shit like this, so it's clear that they took all of my clothes from me.

Instead of beating them up, I made a whole spectacle of myself. Maybe it'll help me win back popularity points since I ended up hurting Kyle in gym. I'll make him out to be the bad guy. This will be their punishment for stealing my clothes.

"I can't believe this! You guys did this to me! Kyle, I've been nothing but a good man to you and this is what I get!?" I yelled.

Cartman stepped up and stood in front of Kyle. "Oh fuck you, Kobler! You're the one who beat the shit out of him and raped him! If anything, he's the one who's been a good man to you!" He yelled in my face. I took a step back to regain some personal space.

"No! You have it all wrong, asshole! I only beat him up in gym class because of an argument we had the night before! He started something with me at his house the night before that incident in gym and I just wanted to talk it out with him. Then he starts raising his voice at me and verbally assaulted me! How the fuck can you hear what we were talking about over the loud noise of everyone running and kicking the soccer ball back and forth!?" I lied.

Cartman crossed his arms and stared into my eyes. "I can see right through your bullshit, faggot. I know what I heard!"

"No you don't." I argued.

"Then explain how Kyle had his arm and shoulder broken!" Cartman screamed. "He damn well didn't do it to himself!"

"He probably did! Who the fuck knows!? I wasn't there when it happened!" I screamed back. Kyle widened his eyes and parted his lips. I hate lying like this, but sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to win back your reputation.

Cartman blinked rapidly and opened his mouth again. "Well, you still fucking raped him!" He yelled.

"No I did not! I don't take showers after gym here! I do that after football practice, not fucking gym class. What if I had practice the same day I had gym? I don't take three showers a day, douchebag!"

Cartman fell silent after all of that. He looked back at Kyle with his arms still crossed. "Kyle...did you lie to us?" He questioned.

"No! He's lying, guys! I swear to Abraham he did!"

"Don't swear to Abraham, Kyle! You know what you did!"

Cartman turned back to me with his arms still crossed. "Then explain the bruises he'd get." He demanded softly. Stan stepped up next to Cartman with his arms crossed too. "Yeah, and how you screamed at him over the phone in the locker room." He added.

"Look, it makes logical sense to be upset when Kyle ditches me. He's been doing that a lot lately and I already haven't spent quality time with him since summer break. I'm allowed to be frustrated and to call him out when he's in the wrong. I always clear my schedule for him, and the least he could do is find time to see me. As for the bruises, I don't fucking know. I sure as hell don't do that to him though. Is he being abused at home? I know his father drinks sometimes. Maybe he did it to him."

Kyle tried defending himself, but failed when all eyes were on him.

Stan and Kenny also looked at Kyle with shocked reactions. "Dude." Stan mumbled.

The entire hallway went their separate ways and ignored my stupid pajamas. Everyone walked away from Kyle except for me and Cartman. Cartman was at a loss for words while I stood there with an arrogant smile on my face.

Cartman looked back at me and sighed. "I'll get your clothes from my car." He muttered. I nodded and stood there looking at Kyle. He looked like he was about to cry. "You know how it is, Kyle. Samuel Kobler always wins." I concluded. He turned away and walked to his first class as I followed Cartman out to his car.

"All my friends are fucking dead; no one will be there in the end; all my friends are fucking dead; no, you won't be there in the end; all my friends are fucking dead."


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