Chapter 14: In The Closet Still

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"Standing in the hallway; the walls explode with sounds of a fight; yeah; searching for a reason; I don't know if I'll make it out alive; alright."

TRIGGER WARNING: Explicit content. Read with caution.

~Cartman's POV~

Kyle and I got in the car after making a stop at our lockers. Our teachers gave us some homework for tonight, which is fucking bullshit. When the heater in the car started warming the car up, Kyle removed his hat. His hair was still the same as it was last night. Wavy, straight, manageable, thick. I miss how his hair used to be, though.

The bruise on his cheek seemed to be healing. It didn't look as bad as it did yesterday after gym class. After witnessing the way Sam treated him this morning, I can almost guarantee Sam punched him. Kyle didn't fall anywhere except into Sam's fist.

Piece of shit. If it wasn't illegal, I'd kill Sam.

Before driving the car, I stared at Kyle's bruise on his right cheek. His face was pointing toward my direction, so it's easy to see it from where I'm sitting. He's looking down at his phone while resting the side of his head against the head of the seat. Probably scrolling through more texts from Sam.

"Where are we going, Cartman?" Kyle suddenly asked. Instead of answering, I continued to look at his cheek. The bruise was yellowing around the border, meaning it was in the process of healing. The center of the bruise was still a bluish-purple color.

"I want to kill Sam, Kahl." I told him, ignoring his original question. He looked up at me from his phone with widened eyes. "I-is that what we're doing?" he asked nervously. I looked away and began driving.

"I know I've fucked with you in the past, but I would never put my hands on you like that if we were dating. I hope you know that." I continued. Kyle exhaled and looked down at his phone again. "I know you wouldn't. I trust you, Cartman." he admitted with a blush. My cheeks started flushing too and my heart started palpitating.

He trusts me...?

We ended up going back to my place. As usual, my mom wasn't home. It'll just be the two of us. I'd rather Kyle be here with me than at home with that douchebag. If I had the energy, I would've killed him at school today. Like honestly, I wouldn't give two shits if my punches put him in a coma.

Thinking about what I could've done to him today made my anger toward Sam rise again. I spent the majority of high school hating him because he was my rival when it came to sports and other athletic shit, but now I hate him even more. I fucking loathe him. No word is strong enough to express how much I hate him and how I wish he'd kill himself.

Kyle grabbed his backpack and carried it to the front door. After getting out of my seat, I did the same thing. "I was thinking we could do homework together...and maybe...go out to eat somewhere or see a movie." Kyle suggested, giving me an innocent look. I turned the key in the lock and looked into his eyes.

"You know I can never turn down food, Kahl." I joked. He rolled his eyes and playfully punched my shoulder. "I know you can't, fatass," he said back. "That's why I asked if you wanted to do that. There's no way you could say no."

"So you're playing your Jew tricks on me. You're trying to suck me into doing something with you with the promise of food. Typical kike." I taunted jokingly.

"Oh, shut the fuck up, Cartman." Kyle demanded with a chuckle. I smirked at his reaction. He's so cute when he's mad. NO HOMO, OF COURSE.

I opened the door and let Kyle go in first, being a gentleman and stuff. Plus, I wanted to get another look at that ass since he's wearing skinny jeans today. Mmf, damn.

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