Chapter 25: Healing

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"Out on the edge of town; there are memories buried in the ground; after midnight; the worst part of me is calling out; it's calling out; on the edge of town."

~Kyle's POV~

Friday (Week 4)

It's been about a month since I broke my arm and shoulder, and a month since Sam and I have really seen each other. I wasn't able to participate in gym, which is how I was able to avoid Sam.

The doctors checked the status of my broken bones yesterday and told me it was almost healed completely. Instead of wearing this thick cast, they changed it over to an arm brace I can actually remove when I get in the shower. It's the same kind of cast a person with carpal tunnel would wear except it covers my entire arm. My shoulder was already healed up enough to where it no longer needs a brace. At least a brace like this is easier to hide under my jacket sleeve.

I'm surprised that it healed up so quickly. It feels like just yesterday Sam had just broken it.

The four of us are standing by the bus stop. Normally, Cartman would be driving the four of us to school, but he said his car was low on gas. He said he only had enough to drive to the gas station to fill up, but he doesn't have any money right now. If I had any, I would've given him some money.

Cartman's arm was wrapped around my shoulders as if we were a real couple. Stan and Kenny had already warmed up to the idea of us being together. At first, Stan felt sick to his stomach since he literally didn't see this coming, but if he can stop throwing up about Wendy, he can stop throwing up to just about anything.

Stan and Kenny were standing next to each other by the bus stop sign. They were just talking to each other about who knows what. I was too zoned out in Cartman's embrace to really care. I looked at Cartman, who was smiling with a hint of red on his face. I smiled at him too and nuzzled the side of my head into his shoulder blade. "The fuck, Jew?" he said with a laugh in the beginning.

"What?" I questioned, looking into his eyes.

"You're looking at me with lust in your eyes, you dirty girl." Cartman taunted. Kenny looked our way and laughed. 

I stepped away from Cartman and flipped him off. "Fuck you, fat boy!" I yelled.

"I'm not fat, god damn it!" he yelled back. Before he had a mental breakdown, I planted a kiss on his cheek to factory reset him. He stopped yelling and looked over at Stan and Kenny. "Kaaaaahl, not in front of our friends." he said in his high-pitched voice. I laughed and looked away. "Well, you were freaking out, so I had to fix you." I defended.

The bus finally came for us. As usual, most of the seats were taken up by other people, so the four of us had to sit in the far back. I sat by the window with Cartman next to me while Kenny and Stan sat together in the seat next to us. I started wondering about those two and if they're going to get their relationship on. Kenny's been expressing his feelings for Stan in the most obvious ways to him. Holding him by the waist, flirting with him, et cetra.

Getting a closer look at them, I noticed Kenny's hand nearing Stan's thigh. Stan just looked at it and blushed instead of moving it away from him. Cartman noticed it too and chuckled. "You guys going to get it on soon?" he asked them. Stan shot him a mean look and used his hands to cover his crotch. Boner alert.

Since it's Friday, we have gym class today. I can only participate if it doesn't involve the use of my left arm. I don't know what we're doing today, so I'll have to wait and see.

As the four of us walked into Trigonometry, we were talking about meeting up after school today to play another round of spin the bottle. Cartman suggested we did it in his room this time around so if shit gets sexual, we'd have some privacy. "Just think about it, guys. Everyone had a boner the last time. Why not try to get off to each other?" Kenny wondered.

"Oh my god, Kenny." Stan said under his breath. Kenny turned to him and smiled a sexy smile. "Don't worry, Stan. Only you turn me on."

I guess the plan is on. We're all going over to Cartman's after school. I think Stan and Kenny have football practice until four, so that'll give me time to go home, change my clothes, take a shower, and bring a bag of shit over. Since I'm back in school with only a mere brace, my parents are okay with me hanging out outside of the house.

Since I have gym class and the possibility of having to participate, I might come across Sam today. He has tried calling and texting me throughout September, but I never answered. I can only imagine how pissed off he is. Hopefully, Cartman will be around to stand up for me.

No. I need to stop being a wuss. The next time Sam hits me, I need to stand up for myself. I'm sure Cartman will get sick of it eventually.

Time sped by and before I knew it, I was in the locker room changing my clothes for gym class. Yeah I have to participate because we're playing indoor soccer. Fuck. My. Life.

"Babe, you almost done?" Sam asked as he knocked on the stall door. I sighed and finished tying my shoes. "Yes, coming out now." I called back.

I unlocked the stall door and came face to face with Sam. He pecked me on the lips, to which I didn't return. I kept my mouth stiff. Sam then wrapped his arms around my neck and led me out of the room. Very briefly, I turned my head to look at Cartman. He was sitting on the bench with an angry look on his face. He's not mad at me, obviously. He was eyeing Sam.

I watched his mouth mumble something before leaving the locker room.

"Standing at the edge of summer now; waiting for one last fall; well, can we just slow down?"


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