Chapter 60: Halloween Party (Part 4 of 4)

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"Why do all the monsters come out at night?; why do we sleep when we want to hide?; why do I run back to you?; like I don't mind if you fuck up my life?"

~Token's POV~

I had to run outside for a minute to meet up with a friend who provided me with weed. He's not much of a party person since he's been in trouble with the police a lot. He's the kind of guy who likes to stay "below the radar".

He was a little bit up the street from Raisins. The building he was leaning up against appeared to be City Wok. They're probably going to close pretty soon so they can do their "Cock Magic" in their basement. It's where roosters that were trained to play Magic The Gathering play against one another, which is...fucking weird. I suppose it's better than the roosters physically fighting each other. I hate the idea of people betting on which animal would win against a fight.

"Hey, Token." Nathan said as he shoved his hands into his coat pockets. He had a lit cigarette in his mouth that was already halfway done. His other friend, Mimallah (aka: Mimsy) was standing nearby with a lit cigarette in between his fingers. I gave him a slight wave and pulled forty dollars out of my pocket. He was about to give me a sandwich bag that was full of weed, which is why it was going to cost me a lot of money. It's worth the money, though. This can last me an entire month even if I have friends who smoke this off of me.

"Tell me again, boss. Why did you cheat Token out of a third of a bag of weed?" Mimsy asked loudly, making Nathan widen his eyes. I gave Nathan a mean look and slammed both hands onto my hips. Nathan proceeded to punch Mimsy in the shoulder. "Shut up, Mimsyyyy!" Nathan shouted.

"Oh, no no no. If I don't get all of what I'm paying you forty dollars for, then I'm going to give you only two-thirds of the money I owe you." I said strictly. Nathan scoffed and pulled out another sandwich bag, which contained the weed he was about to short me on. I took both sandwich bags from him and gave him the full forty dollars. "Thanks, dude." I said. I then turned to walk away.

As I made my way back to Raisins, I heard Nathan punch Mimsy again. "You're such an idiot, Mimsy. Why would you even ask a stupid question like that?"

"Eh, I'm sorry boss. It just seemed kind of wrong to cheat someone like that." He said back. Instead of going back to confront him, I just continued walking back to Raisins. I think it's a good idea to start checking each time I buy from him.

The second I walked back into Raisins, everything started getting really crazy. It's a little past nine right now, and South Park tends to lose its shit at nighttime.

"Token, you're back!" Nichole yelled once she saw me walk through the doors. Before I could even smile, she ran up to me and grabbed me by the hand. "Come on, let's dance! The party's going to be over soon!" She yelled over the music. I gave her a smile and let her pull me to the dance floor.

While she and I were dancing with everyone else, I noticed Cartman talking to Heidi by the ladies bathroom. Heidi looked like she was about to cry, but Cartman seemed to have been doing a good job trying to stop it. I never knew Cartman to be the person that gets someone to stop crying. He used to be the cause for everyone's misery. I'm just so glad he's changed.

Kyle was standing near Cartman as he attempted to stop Heidi from crying. I guess Cartman broke the news to her that he's gay and that he's dating Kyle. Well, as far as I know, their relationship will be deemed official tomorrow. I know tonight is going to be fucking crazy.

Looking around the restaurant and seeing everyone so happy made me forget everything that had gone wrong in life. Having fun at parties tend to have that effect on me. I'm sure that this is true for everyone else in the world, but the feeling that I have right now is better than any feeling I've ever felt. Not only is the party scene helping me feel this way, but dancing with Nichole is too. I know Cartman was trying to set her and I up together only because of our race, but I think I've developed real feelings for her over the years. We've dated on and off since Cartman got us together in elementary school, but I think as high schoolers, we should give our relationship a real chance. A chance as grownups.

After a little bit of dancing, Nichole and I went to the bar for a drink. She wasn't much of an alcoholic drinker, so she just went for a water. I wasn't really in the mood to drink tonight either. Every time I had too much to drink at parties like this, I would always wake up and forget everything that had happened. Some people would be able to remember bits and pieces of what happened the night before, but I literally forget everything.

Mercedes gave me and Nichole a glass of water. The heat radiating off of everyone's bodies was making me and Nichole sweat. I had to take the head part of my Tupperware costume off just to get some fresh air. I probably should've modified this costume a little more like everyone else did. This costume makes me look like how I did in fourth grade.

It's whatever. I'll deal with this costume next year.

While sipping on my water, I looked over at Cartman and Heidi. They were still by the ladies bathroom talking stuff out. Kyle was leaning against the wall nearby texting on his phone.

Stan and Kenny went back onto the dance floor and started dancing with each other. I always knew they'd make a cute couple.

The two sandwich bags of weed started burning a hole into my pocket. I seriously wanted to smoke some tight now, but I don't know how Nichole feels about people who use drugs. She and I had already gone through different arguments and fights over stuff like this, but never about me smoking weed.

I'll have to wait until me and the guys go to Cartman's house or something to smoke this. Halloween is coming up next weekend and there's supposed to be this really, really big party somewhere in Denver. I can assume that all of our parents are going to go out there and attend the party while us kids are stuck here trick-or-treating and babysitting our younger siblings. I don't know what the other guys want to do, but I'm a little too old for trick-or-treating now. I'd rather throw another party like this one.

If my parents are going to Denver for that Halloween party, I might end up throwing one at my house. Out of all of the houses in South Park, mine is one of the biggest ones. It'll be big enough to fit everyone in school there. It definitely something I can consider.

"Why do I come back to you?; like I don't mind if you fuck up my life? (fuck up my life); like I don't mind if you fuck up my life?"


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