Chapter 21: One Visitor

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"When you go; would you even turn to say; I don't love you, like I did yesterday?"

~Kyle's POV~

Hours had gone by since I fell asleep. My phone had blown up with random notifications from either Stan, Kenny, or Cartman. Cartman even tried calling me a few times.

I sorted through the text messages I got first, one of them being from Sam.

(4:22 pm) Hey, I'm sorry.

Reading his pathetic excuse for an apology made my heart stop and my eyes well up. This isn't the first time he's apologized about beating me, but it was just the whole deja vu thing that made me upset. I keep letting this shit happen to me and look where it put me. On bed rest after a hospital trip.

I also read the other texts from Stan, Kenny, and Cartman.

(2:43 pm - Stan) hey dude, want to hang out today?

(12:11 pm - Kenny) Yoyo Brof we hanging out today?

(3:56 pm - Cartman) hey we just stopped by and your mom said you can't hang out. What the fuck, Jew?

As I was reading them, another message came through from Cartman.

(5:10 pm) I'm climbing up to your window. Be there in a sec douche.

I let out a long sigh and set my phone back down on the nightstand. I then rested my head against my pillow and continued crying. Not only because of what Sam did, but because the pills were wearing off. I'm supposed to take them every six hours.

My bedroom window suddenly slid open and Cartman climbed into my room. I hid my cast underneath my blanket. "Morning, kike." He said with a cute smile that made my heart melt.

"Hey, Cartman." I said weakly. He sat next to me on the bed and attempted to remove my blankets. "Time to get up. We have shit to do."

"I actually can't go anywhere." I said flat out. Cartman stopped removing my blanket and gave me a surprised look. "Why the hell not? You sick or something?" He wondered, trying to look into my eyes. I was hiding my face behind a pillow.

"No, I'm not sick. I...I just can't today, Cartman." I explained. Not only was I trying to hide my tears from him, but I was also hiding the cuts and bruises.

Cartman proceeded to remove my pillow and the blanket. "Come on, if you're not sick then what's the pro-" He paused the second he looked at me. My cast and my face were now both exposed. He noticed the tears in my bloodshot eyes and the bruises covering a majority of my body. Wearing a cast made it hard for me to wear a shirt since a lot of them were fitted, so I just had it off while I went to sleep.

"Um, Kyle? What the fuck happened here?" Cartman asked, trying to maintain his cool. One look into his eyes made me cry again. I covered my face with my right hand and turned away from him. I didn't even answer his question because I was so upset.

"I'm going to fucking kill that piece of shit. Is he the one who did this to you?" He asked me. I gave him a brief nod and pivoted my body away from him. "He...broke my arm and my shoulder. Then punched me in the face, slammed me against the wall and onto the floor, busted my lip, gave me a black eye. Cartman, he...he fucking broke my heart and I don't know what the fuck to do anymore."

"You're going to get rid of his faggoty-ass-"

"Not only that, but he fucking raped me in the shower on Monday after gym class. Not just rape though. He also beat the shit out of me there too."

Cartman slowly stood up and looked at my whole body. My back was exposed, so he was able to see the cuts and bruises on it too. The longer he looked at my bruised up body, the angrier he got.

Suddenly, he started pacing the room. "I swear to fucking god, Kyle. He's dead. The next time I see him, I'm going to fucking kill him. I'm going to slam him against the wall, punch him in his fucking Jew face, crack his skull-!"

"Cartman, please calm down! My parents are going to hear you." I told him.

"Do they know about this?" He questioned.

"Yes they do. They're going to talk to Sam's parents. In the meantime, I'm not going to be in school or be able to hang out outside of the house." I informed him.

"Okay, so how the fuck did he even break your arm and shoulder anyway?" Cartman asked me, sitting back down. I started tearing up at the memory of him doing it. I swallowed and started telling him. "He, uh, he body slammed me when he pushed me into the floor. Well, that's how he broke my shoulder. My arm was positioned weirdly when he pushed me and the impact of the fall snapped my arm in half." I told him.

"Mark my words, Kyle. He's fucking dead. By tomorrow, he'll be six feet under, on his way to the seventh layer of hell." Cartman said back.

I looked back at Cartman while he was standing back up. He let some tears fall from his eyes too. "I...I don't even know what else to say, Kyle."

I jerked myself toward him, hurting my left side in the process. "You can say it was all my fault. That staying with him would've led up to this eventually. There's a lot you can say about this, so just spill it already."

Cartman came back up to me and held me close to him. "It's not your fault, kike. Even though she never beat the shit out of me, I was kind of in the same place with Heidi as you are with Sam. The only difference is I ended things with her."

"Well yeah because you had the guts to." I pointed out. Cartman broke from the hug and rested his forehead against mine. "I can assure you that Sam is going to pay for what he did." He promised me. I smiled a bit while looking into his eyes. He smiled too and pecked me on my bandaged lip.

Cartman walked over to my desk and grabbed a blue sharpie from the pen holder. "Mind if I sign your cast, Jew?" He wondered, removing the cap of the marker. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Sure, go ahead." I answered, bringing my arm a little closer to him. He gently wrapped his hand around it and signed it. "Don't look until I finish." He told me. I closed my eyes and felt my cheeks flush. He's probably going to write a lovey dovey message.

Once he was done, he let go of my arm. "Okay, you can look now." He said. I opened my eyes and read what he wrote.

I love you, Jew. <3 Love, Eric

"Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading; so sick and tired from all the needless beating; but baby when the know you; down and out; is where you oughta stay."

"And after all the blood that you still owe; another dollar's just another blow; so fix your eyes and get up; better get up while you can."


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