Chapter 28: Spin The Bottle (Part 4)

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"Manage me, I'm a mess; turn a page, I'm a book half unread; I wanna be laughed at, laughed with just because; I wanna feel weightless and that should be enough."

TRIGGER WARNING: explicit content

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TRIGGER WARNING: explicit content. Read with caution.

~Stan's POV~

Kenny pulled me into Cartman's closet right after telling them to continue the game. The second he closed the door, he pinned me against the wall and started kissing me. After coming to terms with my possible bisexuality/homosexuality, I let him do it.

I felt Kenny lower his hands from my face to my chest. "If we're going to do this, we only have seven minutes." He whispered against my lips. Without a second thought, I took my shirt off. It was really hard to see what he was doing, but I assumed that Kenny was ripping his clothes off too.

"Oh fuck, Stan." Kenny moaned as he attacked my lips again. "I fucking love you, dude."

Before I could say it back, he spun me around and inserted himself into my ass. I started moaning pretty loud since this is literally the first time I've ever done this, but Kenny had that taken care of within a few seconds. He placed his palm over my mouth. "Don't be too loud, Stan. They'll hear us."

"They know what the fuck we're doing already, Kenny. It's so obvious." I said behind his hand. Kenny didn't say anything back. He continued thrusting as fast as he could before the timer went off.

I felt something digging into my back. Kenny had unwrapped his arms from my hips and started scratching my back. "Careful, Kenny." I mumbled. He eased up on the scratching and rested his palms at my hips again.

The timer ended up running out. Kenny's phone was vibrating and ringing, letting us know time was up. "Shit, hold on Stan I'm almost done." Kenny moaned into my neck. "Yeah, m-me too. Ugn." I said back.

"Guys, was that the timer?" We heard Craig call. Neither one of us answered him. Kenny's thrusts became more powerful as he neared his climax.

As his arms wrapped around my chest, Kenny pulled me in even closer and finished thrusting. "Oh fuck, Stan. I'm cumming." He told me.

Kenny pulled out and pulled his pants back up. I did the same thing with my boxers and pushed Kenny against the wall opposite of the closed door. Before he had the chance to put his shirt back on, I gave him some hickeys on his neck and chest. He watched as I did this and let out quiet moans. I licked, sucked, and bit until the thin beam of light from Cartman's room illuminated the bruises appearing on his upper body.

I then kissed him once more. Simultaneously, I walked backward as he stepped forward toward the door. "We should get back out there." He suggested, caressing my cheek. I nodded and opened the door behind me. Kenny had his shirt in his hand and threw it on as the door opened.

"Shit, took you guys long enough." Cartman yelled. Kenny just laughed and sat down in his spot. "Sorry, we were making sweet love in there." He told him, winking at me afterward. I laughed and nodded at Cartman, who just furrowed his eyebrows. "In my closet!? What the fuck, you guys!? There'd better not be any mess in there!" He yelled again.

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