Chapter 13: Feels Alright Underground

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"We're pickin' pedals one by one; do you love yourself? do you love bein' numb; well, don't you know to take your time; 'cause it feels alright underground."

~Kyle's POV~

Class was going to start in another fifteen minutes. Cartman and I were the only ones in the classroom right now.

Ever since he punched Sam, Cartman hasn't said anything. His right knuckle looked like it was bruising up, but he still maintained a tight fist in that hand. I felt my heart race when I realized that Cartman stood up for me. If we were younger, I doubt he would've done that for me. He probably would've stood by somewhere and call me a wuss when it was over. We've really grown up a lot.

Out of nowhere, the classroom door opened up. It wasn't any of our classmates or the teacher. It was Heidi. She saw us sitting in the back of the classroom in silence together.

"Eric! Where the hell were you last night!?" she asked Cartman loudly. Cartman met her eyes and let out a long, unnoticeable sigh. "Heidi, I was just hanging out with the guys."

"You always hang out with the guys! We never see each other anymore!" she cried. Heidi looked at me for a second and scoffed. "You were hanging out with Kyle again, weren't you." he wondered, gesturing at me. Cartman slammed his forehead into his desk, letting out a groan. Seeing Cartman in distress made me feel bad. This scene is a spitting image of what just happened to me in the hallway. Since Cartman stuck up for me, I'm going to do the same for him. Well, except the punching and pushing part. Even though I'm gay, I still don't believe in hitting girls.

"Look, Heidi. We were just hanging out for a little while last night. Not just me and him. Token, Stan, Tweek, Craig, Clyde, Kenny, and Butters." I said to her as nicely as I could. Despite my politeness, she still lashed out about this whole thing. She turned back to Cartman and slammed her hands against her hips.

Cartman looked up at her and opened his mouth to say something, but Heidi beat him to it. "I don't want you hanging out with Kyle anymore." Heidi uttered to him. Cartman gave her an outraged look. "Um, no?" he responded with a mean tone. I just stood in the spot next to my desk in shock. Is she really trying to separate us? I know we spent almost our whole lives hating each other, but I still considered him my friend whom I didn't mind hanging out with most of the time. After what he did to Sam in the hallway, I especially began respecting him more. If Cartman and I were a couple, I doubt he'd do the shit Sam does to me. Compared to Sam, Cartman is my knight in shining armor.

"Um, yes?" Heidi suddenly said back. "Clearly, Kyle is the one stealing your attention from me. I don't want you two hanging out anymore."

Just as she was about to leave the room, Cartman stood up from his chair. "Heidi..." he started, making Heidi turn back around. Cartman took a deep breath and looked at me for a second. He then fixed his eyes into hers.

"I want to break up." Cartman finished. Heidi's jaw dropped at his request. Cartman maintained his posture. His hands were in his coat pockets, he was standing up straight with his chest perked up, and his legs were evenly spread apart from one another. Heidi, on the other hand, looked like she was about to break down. Tears were welling up in her eyes, her cheeks turned red, and her hand squeezed her chest as if her heart was literally broken.

I gave Cartman a surprised look. "Dude, you're not serious, are you?" I questioned quietly.

"Yes, I am. If she's going to stop me from hanging out with my friends, I don't want anything to do with her." he answered loud enough for Heidi to hear.

Heidi left the classroom without saying anything else. Cartman exhaled and sat back down. I found myself walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his shoulders. My head rested on top of his. I felt bad that he dumped Heidi over me, but it was a sweet gesture. If I had the guts Cartman has, I would've left Sam a long time ago. Specifically, around the time he began trapping me in my own house when he came over.

Sam didn't lock me up or anything, but he stopped me from going out most of the time. He wanted all of my time spent on him rather than my friends and family.

Cartman wrapped a hand around one of my arms, returning the hug in his sitting position. I felt a tear drip onto my arm. "Don't be sad, Cartman. I'm here for you." I said in his hat. He didn't say anything back. He just let the tears fall onto my arm.

Out of nowhere, he stood up and held me even tighter. "I really thought she and I were going to work out this time, but she turned into a...fucking bitch." he said softly into my neck.

"I don't think she's right for you anyway." I said, ultimately repeating what he said to me about Sam. He looked into my eyes with a sad frown. "Like you just said, if she's going to control who you hang out with and what you do, she's no good." I felt a sting in the pits of my chest. Saying these things to him made me feel like a hypocrite. I'm letting Sam control everything I do and I'm not doing anything to stop it. Hell, Cartman's the only one who knows about what Sam does. Well, maybe not everything he does.

"You want to hang out after school? Go for another drive somewhere?" I asked him. He nodded with a slight smile. "Yeah, I do, Jew." he answered. I scoffed and smiled back at him. "Heh, there's the good old Cartman." I pointed out.

Once the crowd of people started coming into the classroom, we quickly broke from the hug and took our seats. Cartman would sometimes sneak looks at me with a genuine smile. This could be the beginning of something beautiful between us.

I just need to find a way to deal with Sam. I need to get him out of my life.

"We're pickin' pedals all night long; do I love myself? do I love bein' numb; no need to go, no; watch my vibe; 'cause it feels alright underground."


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