Chapter 55: Bye, Sam

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"From the get-go, I knew this was hard to hold; Like a crash, the whole thing spun out of control; Oh, on a wire, we were dancing; Two kids, no consequences."

~Kyle's POV~

Friday (Week 6)

Kenny still didn't give us a lot of information about the upcoming Halloween party, which kind of scares me. Usually, when Kenny plans a big party like this, it always ends up being fucked up. Like, it always ends off with us being drunk as hell and one of us fucking someone. The last time I went to one of Kenny's parties, I ended up fucking a girl. I guess when I'm drunk and high at the same time, I do things only a straight man would do.

Kenny and Stan had football practice after school. This was their final practice before the homecoming game next week, so they'll have to engage in another sport until next year if they decide to. They usually play basketball after football is over, but we'll see what happens this year. Maybe Cartman and I can try out this year since Sam won't be around to sabotage his chances of making the team.

While Kenny and Stan went off to the locker room to change into their gym clothes, Cartman and I went to his car to drive to his house. I had everything I needed for the Halloween party in his car. My costume, some alcohol, and a change of clothes just in case I crash at Cartman's house. Always need to be prepared.

"What do you want to do while they're at practice?" Cartman asked me as we walked toward his car. As I was thinking of things we could do, I noticed Sam walking in our direction. Cartman didn't notice him at first, but he was wearing a brown hoodie with jeans and was carrying a bunch of his books to his parents' car. When Cartman noticed I wasn't answering, he looked in the same direction as me, catching wind of who I was looking at. Sam went over to his parents' trunk and threw his books and other belongings into it.

Without even answering Cartman's question, I slowly walked over to him. "Kyle, come back." Cartman said. I didn't listen to him.

When I was within six feet of Sam, I felt my insides tense up. I hardly remember the last time I was face-to-face with him without getting punched in the face.

Once Sam closed the trunk of the car, he turned around and noticed me standing there. Instead of reacting, he just stood there and dug his hands into his hoodie pocket. "You going somewhere?" I asked. He nodded and looked down at his feet.

"Yeah, we're moving. After all of the shit that went down between us, we feel it's best to go our separate ways. South Park clearly wasn't the place for us." he explained. I couldn't help but feel sad for him.

"'ve been living here for years." I told him.

"Yeah, but because I fucked up, we now have to leave. After dealing with a bunch of legal shit, we felt it was best to move away somewhere where no one knows who we are."

I looked back and saw Cartman standing by his car. He wasn't that far from us. Maybe fifty feet.

Sam finally met my eyes. "Before I go, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. There's obviously no way you'll forgive me, but I'm sorry for hurting you. For breaking your arm and shoulder. For raping you in the shower." He started tearing up as he gave me his apology, which surprised me.

"I'm also sorry for giving you a shitty relationship experience. I know I was your first boyfriend, but don't let what happened between us affect your future relationships. No one is supposed to treat you the way I did."

Sam turned around and walked to the door to the back seat of his parents' car. Before he even opened it, I gave him a quick goodbye hug. "I accept your apology, Sam." I said in his chest. I had forgotten how tall he was. It's been so long since we've hugged.

"If it makes you feel better, you'll probably never see me again. I don't even know where we're going off to. All I know is that wherever we go, I'm not going to get myself attached to it." He explained. The last sentence seemed a little weird to me.

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned, looking into his eyes again. Even though I fucking hate him, those green eyes always get me.

"Well you know, I'm not going to make any friends or get into relationships. Hell, I'm not even going to try out for football. Being too popular and too angry at the world was my downfall. Instead, I'm just going to be the quiet kid that everyone will forget about after high school is over."

I couldn't tell if he was trying to make me feel bad or if this was what he was actually going to do, but either way, it's making me feel bad. The only way I'll ever know is if I'm there with him, but we all know I'm not doing that. I guess I'll never know for sure.

"Well, wherever you go and whatever you do, I wish you the best of luck." I said genuinely. He nodded with a slight smile. His smile then faded as he got into the car.

As I moved out of the way and watched as their car left the parking lot, I couldn't help but let some tears out. They were rolling down my cheeks as I made my way back to Cartman, who was leaning up against his car with his arms crossed. "What did the faggot have to say?" he asked meanly. His face softened when he noticed the redness in my eyes and the tears on my cheeks. Instead of saying anything else, he pulled me in for a tight bear hug.

"He said he was moving away somewhere." I told him. "And that he was sorry for hurting me and giving me a bad impression on how relationships are."

Cartman looked into my eyes. "I honestly doubt he was sincere when he said all that, Kyle. Domestic abusers have no soul."

"You told me gingers have no soul." I said in a jokingly way, trying to lighten the mood.

Cartman chuckled and rested his forehead against mine. "You're not full ginger, though. You're a daywalker." he corrected. I rolled my eyes and kissed him.

Cartman opened my door for me. "Forget about that dick. Let's go to my house and play video games until Stan and Kenny come over. We can catch a movie or something." he suggested. I smiled and pecked him on the cheek before getting into the car.

"We're like a time bomb, gonna lose it; Let's diffuse it; Baby, we're like a time bomb, but I need it; Wouldn't have it any other way."


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