Chapter 57: Halloween Party (Part 1 of 4)

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"I've got a thunderstorm inside my head; I got a million different reasons I should be dead; I put the pen to the paper and the pedal to the floor; Fill up another cup and I'm out the door."

~Clyde's POV~

Friday (Week 6)

The eight of us (all of us except for Kenny) are meeting up after school to get ready for the Halloween Party. Kenny has to go to the location of the party to make sure everything was set up.

Everyone agreed to meet up at my place since Dad's not home. They weren't here yet, but they will be pretty soon.

While I waited patiently in the living room downstairs, I paced around and looked at the pictures on the walls. The framed picture on the wall above the couch was a family portrait from when I was in elementary school. Dad started missing her a lot more lately and began hanging as many pictures of her around the house as he could. The walls going up the stairs, in the kitchen, even one in the bathroom, which I thought was a little weird.

The picture in the bathroom was only of my Mom. Dad hung it above the toilet, which brought about the traumatic memory of how she died in the first place. The toilet fucked up one day after my stupid ass left the seat up. Mom sat on it one day without putting the seat down and accidentally flushed it as she fell in. The suction was so strong it pulled her insides out.

I shivered at the thought of it since I was right there watching her die. I looked at her in the face and watched as the life left her eyes. All because of my ignorance and refusal to listen. Just because I left the seat up, I no longer have a Mom. I don't think I even had a chance to tell her I loved her.

I remember being angry with her after her death because she constantly went to the extreme to ensure I got into the habit of leaving the seat down. I remember deliberately putting the seat up and raising my middle finger to the heavens. Later on in life, I started feeling sad about it again to the point where I do my business with the seat down no matter what.

While looking at the family portrait over the couch, I sighed and went to grab a beer from the refrigerator. I promised the guys we can bring some extra booze to the party in case we run out. The party's supposed to be overfilled with people.

I suddenly heard a knock on the front door. Since I was too focused on the beer and the family portrait, I jumped at the sound of it. I turned the doorknob and saw Kyle standing outside. He's the only one here right now. "Hey, Clyde." he said with a wide smile. He was still dressed in his emo-ish clothes. He was also holding his backpack in his hand. "I just threw my Halloween costume in here and ran right over. I wasn't sure if I was late or not." he explained.

"No, you're literally the first person to show up." I assured him with a laugh. Kyle eyed the beer in my hand and gave me a concerned look. "I know you're ready to party, but don't get fucked up yet. There'll be plenty to drink over there." he said jokingly.

"Yeah, I know. Just been thinking about some stuff." I admitted absent-mindedly. Kyle dragged his backpack inside and set it against the wall by the couch. "Like what?" he wondered. I took in a deep breath and shook my head. "" I mumbled as I stared at the family portrait.

Kyle pivoted his body toward me and gave me a sad look. He then noticed what I was looking at. The family portrait. "There are pictures of her everywhere. Your dad's not losing it too, is he?" Kyle asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I took in another deep breath to prevent the tears from coming out. "Yeah, he is. It's my fucking fault she's gone. If I could bring her back, I would. I'd give up everything for her to be here again."

"I know you would, Clyde. I can't even imagine what it's like to lose a parent." Kyle sympathized, holding me tightly in a hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist and hips. I cried a little bit in his shoulder, but stopped pretty soon after. Kyle was rubbing my back in an up-and-down motion, comforting me. "You give the best hugs, Clyde." Kyle said randomly. That made me smile and tighten my arms around him.

I broke from the hug as another knock occurred. I rushed toward it and opened it to find everyone else here. "Hey, Clyde. Kyle's here, right?" Cartman asked with a smile. I stepped aside and showed them that he was here already. Kyle waved and went for his backpack. "Alright, let's get ready for this party." Stan said as he entered my house.

The last person to come in here was Scott Malkinson. I was pretty surprised to see him come over because it's been so long. "Hey, Scott!" I said, feeling happy to see him. Scott smiled and stood next to me after coming inside. "What's up, Clyde? It's been years." he said back.

"Yeah, tell me about it. Glad you're here, though." I told him.

We all started getting dressed in separate rooms. I got dressed in my room while everyone else got dressed elsewhere. It's been a long time since I've even seen this costume, but since it's been about six years, I had to improvise and get everything in my size. It still looked okay in my book, though.

Once everyone was done, we all met downstairs and looked at the costumes we all had. The sight of it all brought back the happiest of memories. Cartman was the last person to come downstairs and meet up with us, but he was wearing an all too familiar costume.

When Cartman looked at everyone here, he couldn't help but smile. "So, we all had the same idea then." he concluded.

"I guess so, but we're missing a few people." Kenny brought up, making us figure out who they were. I already knew who was missing, but I didn't want to talk with a dry throat I got from holding in the sadness.

"Oh yeah, Wendy, Timmy, and Jimmy." Token finally said. Some of us let out a short sigh. "It's alright, I suppose. Wendy isn't my girlfriend anymore, Jimmy's in Denver, and Timmy...shit, I don't even know where he is." Stan finished.

I looked around the room and felt sad for everyone else. It's definitely time to perk up and have fun at the party. "Don't get so down, guys. Let's go over to that party and have fun." I suggested. This seemed to have cheered everyone up.

"Alright, let's go then." Butters agreed, opening the door for all of us.

"Close the curtains, let's waste the day away; (Right now); Forget about tomorrow for the love of yesterday; (Right now); I miss you like a common crook; You stole my heart when no one looked; And I need you, I need you right now."


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