Chapter 26: Soccer To Ya

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"How deep do you want to go; don't you know that some things are better left alone? (X2)"

~Cartman's POV~

The sight of Sam is enough to get my blood boiling. His black hair, green eyes, fit body, his abuse streak. Him walking out with Kyle irritated me to the point of uncontrollable rage. Kyle's mine.

I finished getting dressed and walked out of the locker room. Kyle was sitting on the bleachers with Sam standing by him. He was talking to him while he sat there in silence looking down at the floor. He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, which seemed weird to me since he always wears t-shirts during gym. He probably still has the bruises on his arms. That fucking douchebag.

The gym teacher started putting us on different teams. I was teamed up against Kyle and Sam, which sucks ass. Their team has to wear a green vest so we can tell who's against us.

Once everything was set up, the teacher threw the ball in for us and the game began. I was pushing past people with the soccer ball to kick into the goal. Kenny was the goalie for my opposing team, so I decided to go easy on him since he's my friend and all.

Sam got in the way and kicked the soccer ball all the way across the gym to my goal. He didn't score, but it meant we had to run over there and retrieve it.

"Oh, fuck you Sam!" I yelled. He chuckled arrogantly and shrugged. "It's just a game, you baby." He taunted back.

I waved him off and started running toward the call. Butters had the ball and he was kicking it skillfully toward Kenny, who was ready to catch the ball. I ran beside him to make sure he was covered. "You can do it, Butters!" I called. A few people were on the other side of him attempting to get the ball from him, but my other teammates prevented that.

Sam and Kyle were standing by the goal talking to each other while acting like they were participating. Kyle was rubbing his left arm carefully as Sam was talking.

While also running beside Butters, I paid attention to all of Sam's movements. It's another way I'm studying my prey, as Jimbo would put it. Sam is too arrogant when it comes to sports, and based on his body language, he was talking to Kyle about tossing a football. Probably boasting about how he scored the winning touchdown at one of his games. Kyle didn't seem to care too much, but was rather invested in rubbing his arm.

As Butters was preparing to score a goal, I noticed Sam raising his voice at Kyle. "Why don't you ever pay attention to what I'm saying!?" He yelled in his face. The teacher wasn't around to witness this. He was probably in his office by the locker room or something. Who the fuck knows where he went?

"I-I am listening, Sam! I'm just...distracted right now!" He yelled back. I stood there and watched as everything went down. Butters noticed me frozen in my tracks. "Hey, Cartman! You okay, buddy?" He wondered, still kicking the ball. "Shut up, Butters!" I demanded.

Butters continued kicking the ball toward the goal and ended up scoring. "Woooo! Awesome job, dude!" Stan called, patting Butters on the back. Kenny then picked up the ball and threw it in the middle of the gym.

While all of this was going down, I continued witnessing Sam and Kyle's argument.

"Don't raise your voice at me, Kyle!" He yelled just before grabbing him by the arm. Kyle winced in pain as he tried tugging himself free. I cracked my knuckles and readied myself to kill Sam. Some people close by also stopped to witness their argument. Kenny, Stan, Clyde, and Token.

"Sam, leave him alone dude." Clyde called from the other side of Kenny's goal. Sam looked at the five of us and gave us a mean look. "Shut the fuck up, assholes! This is between me and Kyle!" He yelled back.

With his hand still wrapped tightly around Kyle's left wrist, he rolled down his shirt sleeve and saw the brace he had on. "What is this, Kyle!? A little brace because you're too much of a pussy to take a beating!?" He yelled in his ear. Kyle squeezed his eyes shut and looked away from him.

"Let go of him you fucking kike before I kick your fucking ass!" I screamed. Sam let go of Kyle for a brief second, but then punched him in the face. The impact caused Kyle to cry out in pain and fall. Sam then kicked him in his left shoulder, causing him to cry out in even more pain.

"Sam, stop!" Kyle screamed behind his hands. He was covering his face with both hands so Sam wouldn't be able to fuck that up too. "Not until you start listening to everything I say!" He yelled, followed by another kick to his left side.

Clyde, Kenny, and Token ran up to restrain Sam from hitting him. Craig, who was also on Kyle's team, ran up and tried helping Kyle up to his feet. I looked around the gym and the entire game was put on hold. The teacher was still nowhere in sight, so this was a free pass to beat the living shit out of that fucking black-haired kike.

"Hold him down, guys. I'm going in." I told them. They tightened their grip around Sam and watched as I threw punches at him.

"This is for breaking Kyle's arm *punch to the shoulder*, this is for breaking Kyle's shoulder *punch to the face*, this is for breaking Kyle's heart *punch to the chest*."

"Stop punching me you piece of shit!" Sam screamed with tears and blood occurring on his face. I laughed arrogantly and cracked my knuckles again.

"And this is for raping Kyle on the many occasions you did *hard kick to the balls*."

Everyone let go of Sam and let him fall to his knees. I kicked him so hard he probably won't be able to produce sperm again. Good.

Kyle looked at me with tears in his eyes and threw himself into me. His arms wrapped tightly around my chest and his face buried in my shoulder blade. "Thanks, Cartman. You're the best." He muffled. "I have to go to the nurse. My arm and shoulder are in pain again."

Stan and Kenny ran up to us and looked at Sam as he moaned in pain. Everyone was yelling at him in unison and calling him a rapist. "I didn't think Sam would ever do that shit in public. If he comes to football practice, I'm gonna have everyone in the locker room kick his ass with me." Stan told me.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. It's time to get fucking rid of him." Stan finished, rubbing my back.

"How do we get back (how do we get back)?; to a time where it was so easy; 'cause I need you and you need me; oh, what happened to that?; I'd rather you lie than throw it all away."


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