Chapter 37: Why So Emo?

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"Come one, come all; you're just in time; to witness my first breakdown; cause there's a mile gone; for every minute passed; when I'm stuck in this town."

~Kyle's POV~

My whole day had been pretty lonely. Butters and I ended up eating lunch alone together since he didn't want to sit with everyone else. Normally, the nine of us would be at a table together. But he decided his friendship with me was more important for the time being. I told him he didn't have to sit with me out of pity, but he assured me that he wasn't. He was just being a good friend.

I decided against taking the bus home today, as I did almost every day. Today felt so lonely I even asked Sam if he wanted to hang out today. To my surprise, he said no.

The walk home became even more depressing with each step I took, knowing that no one is by my side. Everyone must think that they were idiots to help me with Sam now that Sam lied about everything that had happened. Between him leaving bruises on my body to raping me in the shower. The whole school is convinced that I'm the bad guy.

I shed some tears as I turned the corner to where my house was. I kept my jacket zipped up with my hood over my head and my hands in my pockets. My earbuds were jammed into my ears so tightly I couldn't hear anything else beyond them. Just the sweet sound of this All Time Low song.

When I made it to my house, I noticed someone standing outside of my front door. Judging by the red jacket and the brown hair, it appeared to be Clyde. I thought it was Cartman, but he wears a hat. I don't think I've ever seen Clyde wear a hat with any of his everyday clothes.

"Clyde?" I called as I walked up the walkway to my front door. He spun around and gave me a slight smile. "Hey Kyle." He said back with a wave. When I walked up to the front porch, he stood in front of me with his arms crossed. I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding why he was even here.

"So...what's up?" I suddenly asked. "Wouldn't you rather be hanging out with...everyone else besides me?"

"I seem to be the only one who didn't fall for Sam's bullshit." He randomly announced. "I know for a fact that you wouldn't turn emo for any other reason."

"I'm not emo." I argued.

Clyde chuckled. "Kyle, you're clearly emo. Look at your clothes."

I looked down at my outfit and shrugged. "What of it? I just figured I'd try out a different style." I defended.

"Yeah, the emo style. I bet you've become so emo you cut your arms and shit." He taunted. Well, Clyde. You got me there.

I didn't say anything in response, which changed Clyde's facial expression drastically. Very slowly, he reached for one of my arms and held my wrist into his hand. I yanked it away before he even had the chance to roll up my jacket sleeve. "Dude, what the fuck?" He shouted. I dug my hands back into my pocket and looked away. Everyone can bash me for looking emo, but I'm not going to have the whole school know my arms are cut up like a ham that was attacked by cats.

"You should probably hang out with Stan or something. You guys would make better super best friends than Stan and I ever will." I suggested. Clyde shook his head and pulled me in for a hug. "I think you could use a friend more than him right now. Besides, he has six other people he can be with. You don't."

I wrapped my arms around his back and buried my face into his shoulder. "Well, I have Butters too. He didn't seem to believe Sam either." I said in his shoulder.

"True. Is he the one who dressed you up like this?" He asked, breaking from the hug. I shook my head and opened the front door. "No. I actually asked him if he and I could go shopping yesterday for clothes like these. I went with this style by my own means. He just helped me pick shit out." I told him.

"You didn't go to Hot Topic did you?"

"No, Spencer's."

Clyde frowned. "The store with all of the dildos?" I looked at him again. He walked into my house behind me when he asked that. "They have dildos?" I asked desperately. Clyde slowly nodded, which made me smirk. "Damn..."

"You don't need a dildo, Kyle. Doesn't Sam still fuck you?" Clyde wondered as he sat on the couch in the living room. I laughed out loud at his question. Sam? Fucking me!? Hell fucking no!

"Clyde, he rapes me! You should already know that! Why would I willingly fuck a rapist like him!?" I yelled at him. Clyde let out a sad sigh and looked down at his lap. "Well, you should be fucking someone who doesn't rape you." He mumbled.

I sat next to him after throwing my backpack against the front door. "Well, as you probably already noticed, I don't have a lot of people in my life that want to. After the lies Sam made everyone believe, I'm pretty limited in terms of friends; even more, sex."

Clyde scooted a little closer to me and rested his hand on my knee. "Well, I'm here." He reminded me. I looked at his hand on my knee, and then into his eyes. Not realizing he was serious, I chuckled.

"Clyde, not in a million years would you want to-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I was interrupted by Clyde smashing his lips into mine. Just as it should be for everyone else I kiss, Clyde's kiss felt different from Sam and Cartman's. When he kisses, it tends to be sloppier and with a lot more tongue. I like that combination.

Clyde pressed his palms against my shoulders, pushing me down into a lying-down position with him on top. "Why don't we do it right here on the couch?" He suggested in between kisses. I nodded and unzipped my jacket. Clyde did the same thing with his jacket and removed my hat so he can grab chunks of my hair.

Just as things were about to get even more heated, the sound of the front door unlocking silenced the both of us. Before anything else happened, Clyde jumped off of me and sat back in his spot on the couch. I sat up too and fixed my hair a bit so it didn't look suspicious.

Mom and dad both came into the house with Ike in front of them. "Oh, hi bubby!" Mom said with a wide smile.

"Hey guys." I said back. Clyde waved at them with a smile too. "Is it cool that I have a friend over?" I asked them.

"Oh of course it's alright! Just make sure you get your homework done before you go to bed." Mom said back. I nodded and watched as they went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Clyde put his hand back on my knee. "Would you rather take this upstairs?" He asked with a wink. I gave him a seductive look and nodded. "Yeah, let's go." I answered.

"Don't call the doctors; I don't need no medication; I just need one more vacation; and make it last."


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