Chapter 51: How Sorry Are You?

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"Wait a minute, let me finish; I know you don't care; but, can you listen to me?"

~Kyle's POV~

The drive home seemed to have been faster than the drive there. I told my parents about what medication I was put on. Even though the doctors prescribed me more so I can take them at home, they're not going to go through with it. I told them what the pills were doing to me. Making me feel sick, tired, and I even started losing some hair earlier today. I guess I can wait a day or two for them to wear off completely.

We finally got home. I hopped out of the car and grabbed my backpack from the trunk of the car. When we all got out, my parents and Ike gave me a hug. "Oh, we're so happy you're home bubby." Mom said in my shoulder. I smiled even wider than I did at the mental hospital when the goth kids said I could chill with them anytime.

"Well, I'm glad to be home." I said back. I wasn't even lying when I said that. I'm genuinely happy to be home again. I took this life for granted for too long, and I don't intend on doing that ever again.

I went into the house and set my backpack by the stairs. I desperately needed to eat something besides mental hospital food. We would literally eat the same stuff every day. Cereal or toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and either chicken or steak for dinner with a vegetable side. They weren't even portioned to my liking. The portions were too small, especially for those who were there due to being anorexic. If they're trying to cure those people, they would've given them bigger portions. At least enough to get them into a sufficient weight group so they don't starve to death.

Whatever the case, I felt happy to be home. I asked mom if she had dinner ready. It was already past six o'clock, so I figured it was dinner time. At least in the Broflofski house.

"Of course, honey. We're about to eat in a few minutes." she said back. I flashed a wide smile and brought my backpack upstairs.

When I went up to my room, I saw my window wide open. I dropped my backpack on the floor and looked around the room to see if someone was in here. My bathroom door was closed with the light on, which completely raised my suspicions. Who the fuck is in here?

I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. "Occupied." A male voice called. I furrowed my eyebrows once I recognized his voice. "Cartman!? What the fuck are you doing here!?" I yelled.

"Oh shit, you're home!?" He yelled through the door. The sound of a flushing toilet sounded on his end and the door swung open. I stepped away from the door to let Cartman walk through. I stood there with my arms crossed and an angry look on my face. He looked at me and slowly smiled. I, on the other hand, maintained my angry face. I was still mad at him for turning on me.

Despite the look on my face, he walked up to me and pulled me into him. "I'm sorry, Kyle." He told me as he held me tighter. I didn't hug him back right away. The amount of anger that was built up is greater than how much I've missed him. I think I hate him even more than I love him, and I love him a lot.

"I'm still really pissed off at you guys." I reminded him. "I know, but I want to show you something. Maybe it'll make up for what happened." He said back. He pulled away from the hug and pulled out his phone. "Whatever you show me, it's not going to be enough for me to forgive you Cartman." I said angrily.

"We'll see about that." He said under his breath.

He went to his text messages and pulled up a video that someone sent him. Cartman faced the screen into my face and played the video.

"No, stop it you guys!" Sam was screaming. Cartman was on camera beating Sam up along with Stan, Kenny, and the rest of our friends. I saw Clyde and Craig gang up on him after Cartman, Stan, and Kenny backed away. Sam was begging them for mercy. I held my breath, hoping that they wouldn't give in to him.

Once they started beating him up, I exhaled and smiled. I don't really know what happened that day, but they figured out the truth. The truth being that Sam lied.

The football coach was holding Clyde back from beating up Sam. "Let me go! I want to cripple this abusive rapist!" Clyde had screamed.

"Rapist!? Get a hold of yourself, Donovan!" The coach yelled back. Cartman is then seen showing something to the coach. While all of that was going down, I looked up at the ceiling at the camera my parents put in here. It's starting to make sense. Cartman must've gotten a hold of the recording from that day Sam busted my arm and shoulder. The only way that could've been was that Cartman and my parents talked to one another while I was in Denver. I wonder why he was even here to begin with.

Finally, the coach looked at Sam with an angry face. "Kobler! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Coach yelled. Sam was crying his eyes out with blood coming out of every opening on his face. His nose, mouth, one of his eyes.

Coach grabbed Sam by the hood of his jacket and dragged him off camera. I was still able to make out coach's hoarse voice in the background.

The camera suddenly turned in their direction so I was able to watch Sam being forced down the hallway. "You're in a world of trouble, Kobler. Raping and abusing someone is illegal and this will definitely lead to legal consequences." Even though I wanted to avoid getting the police involved, I'm so glad that everyone knows the truth. That all of my friends are going to come back to me and stick by my side again.

Cartman put his phone away and looked at me again. "Everyone was seriously pissed off about what he did to you. You saw Clyde in there. He fucking lost it, and you never see him so hotheaded like that. You especially never see Craig so mad like that, but he was there to help us cripple that piece of shit." Cartman lectured.

"And don't even get me started on Tweek. I don't think I've ever seen him fight like that before. I know it must've killed you when we believed Sam over you, but we still care about you Kyle. We never stopped caring. Hell, when I got the recording of Sam breaking your shit from your parents last week, I had actually stopped by to see if you wanted a ride to school with us. We still considered you our friend, and it scared us when you started dressing all emo and when you threw your school shit away."

When he mentioned my stuff for school, I began to panic. I had forgotten that everything I needed for school was in the garbage. "Oh shit!" I involuntarily yelled.

I was about to dash outside to see if my school stuff was still in the garbage. There's a good chance that they already picked it up last week, but you never know.

Before I could make it to the door, Cartman stopped me. "No, no Kyle. I already fished everything out for you. All of your stuff is in my locker." He assured me. I took in a deep breath and exhaled in relief. "Thank you, Cartman." I said with a smile.

Cartman then pulled out a few pages from his notebook and gave them to me. "And these are the notes from Trigonometry. Our first exam is tomorrow so you'd better study up." He warned me. I looked over his notes and was surprised at how neat they were. Cartman actually did this for me, and it' sweet of him.

"I don't know what's going on in your AP classes, but you can probably just borrow someone's notes or something. Take some pictures on your phone, whatever."

"Thank you again, Cartman. You're so...sweet." I said with an embarrassed smile. Cartman looked down with a smile and hid his blush. He's really come around from when we were kids. He's not so bad anymore. He's the complete opposite.

"I never really know how to please you; you're looking at me like I'm see through; I guess I'm gonna go; I just never know how you feel; do you even feel anything?"


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