Chapter 17: Yum

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"Hold on a minute; my anxiety's just about to kick in; where did it go wrong?"

~Kenny's POV~

After leaving the locker room, I started rushing home. We're still living in the same dump we always lived in. I can't wait to graduate and move out. Move away to college or something.

My parents were both home sharing a bottle of whiskey on the couch. They greeted me when I waked in, to which I just waved and dashed to my room.

Today's probably one of the last days it was going to be somewhat warm outside. I had to decide whether or not to wear my heavy jacket tonight. Yesterday was pretty cold, but that's because it rained most of the day. It does get pretty cold at night still, but we're going to be sitting around a fire. Plus, Stan will be there. Maybe he can warm me up.

I decided to wear a lighter jacket and pack my heavy jacket in my backpack. Just in case it got fucking cold.

I stored a lot of my alcohol under my bed so my parents wouldn't find it. They noticed some of their alcohol go missing lately. That was mainly because of me bringing some of it to Cartman's last night. If they brought the alcohol age down to sixteen, I'd be buying it myself instead of taking it from my parents. Although, I may have to take some money from my parents.

Well, I still have a lot of it saved up from working over the summer. For the past few summers, I've been working a seasonal bouncer job at Raisins. I spent a majority of my shifts walking the girls there out to their bikes and cars. I remember eating there when I was a kid with the guys. Raisins isn't what it used to be anymore, though.

When we were in middle school, Raisins was shut down because of the underaged girls working there. It reopened in the summer following my freshman year under new management and with older girls working the front. They weren't too old, though. Maybe between eighteen and twenty-five. It would've been weird for me to work as a bouncer for girls half my age. Almost a pedophile thing it would've been.

Despite only working the summers there, they paid me pretty good. I've had to beat up some men who would sexually harass the waitresses. Of course, I used some of the money toward bills and shit, but the rest I kept for myself.

After gathering some shit and shoving them into my backpack, I started making my way to Stark's.

The temperature outside was still warm. It'll probably snow within the next few weeks though, knowing South Park.

When I got to Stark's Pond, I noticed a pile of wood near a closed tent. I can only assume that Craig and Tweek were here already. Maybe they had to take a number one.

Inside the tent, I heard some moans and shuffling. The shuffling only became louder as their breaths got heavier. "Oh, Tweek." I heard a low, monotone voice say. Oh god, are they seriously having sex right now?

I sat around the pile of logs and waited for them to finish, listening to everything they were saying to each other.

"Oh yeah, Craig. B-bite my neck really hard." Tweek moaned. Craig's moans started getting louder and more dialogue was spitting out. They're probably almost finished.

"Oh, god. Oh yeah, fuck me, C-Craig." Tweek begged. I scratched my inner thigh as I felt blood rush through me. To ignore the obvious hard-on I was getting just from listening to their moans, I pulled out a bottle of whiskey from my bag and started drinking. Every once in a while, I brushed my fingers against the bulge to check if it was still there.

"Tweek, I'm almost there." Craig said suddenly. I looked at the tent after he said that. I can't see what's going on in there, so I have to rely on dialogue to figure it out. "Let me cum all over your face, Tweek." Craig told him.

"M-my face!? Gah!" Tweek called, probably having a panic attack now. He calmed down after a second and let Craig finish. I was able to tell he finished based on Craig's moans.

"Oh, fuck yeah. I love you, Tweek." Craig muttered. The inside of the tent got silent for a minute. "I love you too, Craig."

Through the slightly open screen on the side of the tent, I was able to make out their naked bodies resting against each other. Craig appeared to be on top stroking Tweek's hair during their after-sex cuddling. "Think you should clean yourself up before coming out." Craig suggested. "Y-Yeah I will." Tweek agreed.

Craig got off of Tweek and went out of sight in the tent. He's probably getting dressed. If only it were me and Stan in the tent. Damn, that'd be so hot. Our naked bodies thrusting against each other repeatedly, increasing in speed and intensity as one of us is about to finish. I just want to lick Stan's abs from his lower belly to his collar bone, ultimately tease him if he wanted me to blow him at that moment. Then I want to bite and suck on his neck like a famished vampire.

I just made my boner worse.

Minutes later, the two lovebirds came out of the tent and saw I was sitting here. I nodded with a nonchalant smile. "What's up?" I said, taking another sip of my whiskey.

"Uh, how long were you here?" Craig wondered. Tweek looks like he was growing anxious. He's probably worried that I heard every one of their moans. Well, I basically did. Craig, on the other hand, stood next to Tweek with an apathetic look on his face. I don't think I've ever seen the man smile or cry with the way he is. Just emotionless. I guess the only thing that makes him feel stuff is his relationship with Tweek.

Those two were made for each other.

"I got here at around the time you said "Oh Tweek." I said to Craig with a smirk. "You guys making sweet love in there?"

"Gah! He heard everything, Craig! I'm - gah! Too much pressure!" Tweek yelled, his eyes twitching and his body getting twitchy. Craig rubbed his back in an attempt to calm him. "Calm down, babe." He said flatly. "Yes, Kenny. We were."

I nodded at his answer and drank more whiskey. "Don't worry Tweek, whatever happens in the tent stays in the tent. I won't tell anyone." I promised. That statement seemed to calm him down.

That kid needs serious help.

"And it's nights like this when I'm on my own; and I realize that you'll never feel like home; now I can feel you now."


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