Chapter 42: Where's Kyle?

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Extra Long Chapter :)

"I'm trying, I'm trying; To let you know just how much you mean to me; And after all, all the things we put each other through and; I would drive on to the end with you; A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full; And I feel like there's nothing left to do; But prove myself to you and we'll keep it running."

~Cartman's POV~

Thursday (Week 5)

It's hard to believe that we've gone three days without even talking to Kyle. It's for a good reason though, obviously. He fucking lied to us about Sam. Well, that's how it seems anyway. Everything Sam told us sort of makes sense I guess.

Stan and Kenny seem to be the only ones who completely believe him. Clyde told me the other day he doesn't believe Sam for a second. Then he goes on to tell me that he fucked Kyle and that he's gay. Well, alright then Clyde. I'm going to kick your ass for that later, I suppose.

I drove the three of us to school today since mom gave me gas money last night. This should last me for the next week or so as long as I only go to and from school.

As I drove past the bus stop, I didn't see Kyle standing there. He probably decided to walk today, and chances are, he's wearing his fucking emo clothes. "Dude, why are we stopping here?" Stan asked me. I looked around the street we were on, trying to spot Kyle. If he was walking to school, he'd be outside by now.

I decided to put the car in park and walk up to his front door. As I knocked on it, I saw his parents burst through. They almost crashed into me as they hurried to the car. "So sorry, Eric! Kyle hasn't been home since last night! We have to go find him!" Mr. Broflofski called from the car. I raised my eyebrows and looked at the car. "Oh, my bubby! I hope he's alright!" Mrs. Broflofski cried. Kyle's little brother, Ike, ran through the door and charged for the car.

I walked toward their car and attempted to comfort them. "Look, maybe he's at school. Why don't you go there first and check? Or better yet, call him. He's got a cell phone right?"

"We tried calling him already and he hasn't answered since last night. I figured he was hanging out with you guys." Mr. Broflofski explained. I frowned and looked away. "We're not...exactly friends with him anymore." I admitted, feeling my heart stop. Everyone's lips parted after telling them. I looked back at Kyle's parents and sighed. "Apparently, he lied about Sam ever abusing him. Sam claims that he had no part in Kyle breaking his arm and shoulder-"

"Sam is a fucking liar, Cartman! You of all people should fucking know that!" Ike screamed from the back seat. Mrs. Broflofski looked back at him and frowned. "Ike! Language!" she yelled.

Ike rolled down his window and looked at me dead in the eyes. "I was there when Sam came over that day and beat him up. I remember Sam running out of the house after he did so, and I also remember hearing loud noises after they both went upstairs." Mr. Broflofski pulled out his phone and clicked on an app. "Yeah, we installed security cameras around the house after our house was broken into last year. Every room, including the bedrooms, have a camera in it." he explained.

"So, you're saying it records twenty-four/seven?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. It records both video and audio. Of course, we've come across videos of know, taking it up the backside. I just enabled a setting where it deletes such recordings so we don't have to even look at them." Fuck.

He played the video he had specifically saved to his phone. The video starts off with them both entering Kyle's room. Kyle closed the bedroom door behind him after Sam entered. Some audio started playing as Sam was walking closer to Kyle. Kyle looks terrified in this clip.

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