Chapter 54: Kyman <3

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"You got two black eyes from loving too hard; And a black car that matches your blackest soul; I wouldn't change ya, oh; Wouldn't ever try to make you leave, no."

~Kyle's POV~

I let go of Stan's hand once we made it inside the classroom. Stan sat in his regular seat while I sat in mine. I was going to sit in that seat at the far corner of the classroom, but I decided against that and reclaimed my old seat. I'm sure my friends won't mind.

Mrs. Buckholts started handing out our tests. She said once we finish taking it, we have to start working on an activity in the textbook. Probably some review assignment for everything we've covered so far, which should be pretty easy. If she thinks we have that much time after a test to complete a class assignment, the test should be pretty short.

"Alright class, the test only has fifteen questions on it. As you should already know, show your work and keep your eyes on your own paper. If I catch anyone cheating, you'll automatically receive an F." She announced once everyone had a test. I let out a quiet sigh and started the test right away.

It looked easy enough for me to finish within the class period. I had to cram last night because I missed a lot of class time already. It's a good thing that Cartman came through for me and wrote the notes down for me to study. He would never do that for me in elementary school.

As I was finishing the second question, I noticed Cartman stare at me from the corner of my eye. He didn't really show any emotion when he was looking at me. Just a blank stare as if I was growing a second head or something. I ignored it and continued taking the test.

Surprisingly, Cartman was the first to finish the test. He stood up and handed the packet to the teacher. "Wow, I'm surprised to see that you finished first, Eric." Mrs. Buckholts said quietly. Cartman quietly made his way back to his seat and pulled out his textbook. He then opened his notebook and began the class assignment. What's gotten into him? I've never seen him do classwork and take it seriously before. Even last month he wasn't taking it seriously. Something is definitely up with him.

I was the third person to finish the test despite not knowing all of the answers. There's a high chance that I'm going to flunk it.

"Thank you, Kyle." Mrs. Buckholts said as I handed her the test. I half-smiled and walked back to my desk. I pulled my textbook out of my backpack and opened it up to the page where we had to do our assignment. There was only ten questions we had to do, so it shouldn't be that difficult.

Twenty minutes had passed since the test started, and once everyone had finished, we were allowed to work in groups to finish the assignment faster. I don't know why she's even making us do this. Normal classes would just have us do an exam and be done for the day, but we have to take a test and do an assignment. It's so stupid.

"Jew, get over here." Cartman said as he began tugging on my desk. I looked up at him and smiled. He started pulling my desk closer to him with a grin on his face. I chuckled as my desk moved closer and closer to his. Stan and Kenny moved their desks against ours so we were able to work closely together.

While Cartman and I worked on a question together, I kept noticing Stan glancing at me. He and Kenny agreed to work on the odd-numbered questions while Cartman and I did the even-numbered questions. We figured it would help us finish faster.

Cartman eventually noticed Stan looking at me every ten seconds and glared at him until he stopped. What the fuck...?

"You guys doing anything this weekend?" Kenny asked after putting his pen down on the desk. We all looked up from our notebooks and shrugged. "Probably not. Why?" I said back.

"A few of our classmates and I had a talk about throwing a Halloween party this weekend. It's going to be lit as fuck. You guys feel like coming?" Kenny asked us with a smile. I had forgotten that Halloween was coming up next week. Time really does fly.

"Do we have to dress up?" Cartman asked with an eye roll. "I never look good in costumes."

"Oh bullshit. I thought you looked pretty sexy in your fireman costume last year." I admitted with a blush. "Especially when you were shirtless. Cartman, your abs are out of this world."

Cartman blushed as I was complimenting him. He looked away from me with an embarrassed smile. "You're just saying that." He mumbled.

"Yeah, but it's true." I said back.

Cartman looked back at us and nodded. "Yeah, I'm in." He finally answered. Stan and I exchanged nods. "Yeah, so are we." Stan said.

I planted a kiss on Cartman's cheek and continued doing the assignment. He put his palm over the spot where I kissed and smiled wider.

"I love you, kike." He said suddenly.

I chuckled and shook my head. "I love you too, fatass." I said back.

Throughout the rest of the day, I was growing more excited for this weekend. I wasn't sure where the Halloween party was going to be, but wherever it was, I couldn't wait.

I think it's time for me and Butters to go on another shopping spree. This time, we need to pick out costumes.

"Sunsets on the evil eye; Invisible to the Hollywood shrine; Always on the hunt for a little more time; Just another LA Devotee."


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