Chapter 22: Samuel Kobler Must Die

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"Tend to do my best when everything goes wrong; that's why sad songs make me happy; cause' I don't have to feel alone."

~Cartman's POV~


I spent the whole day with Kyle yesterday after telling him I love him. I was a nervous asshole when I wrote that on his cast, but when he told me he loved me too, I was the happiest nervous asshole in the world.

Even though I'm happy that he loves me back, I'm still fucking pissed at Kobler for what he did. I didn't tell Stan or Kenny about this yet, but on our way to school I'll tell them.

Instead of waiting at the bus stop, I decided to pick them both up from their houses. Just me trying to be a more decent friend since I was a piece of shit in the past.

I went over to Stan's house first. I saw both him and Kenny come through the front door. What the fuck?

"Oh hey Cartman. We were just on our way to the bus stop." Kenny called as they approached my car. "Well get in. I'll drive us." I said back, trying to hold in the anger I have toward Kobler. Stan peered around to the front seat and noticed Kyle wasn't here. That made him furrow his eyebrows. "So, uh, where's Kyle?" He wondered.

"He's at home resting." I answered flatly.

"Resting...? Is he sick?" Stan wondered.

"No. His arm and shoulder are broken."

Stan was taken aback by what I just said. Kenny reacted sort of the same way too. "H-How the fuck...?"

"I'm gonna kill that piece of shit, you guys." I stated. "I spent some time with Kyle last night and he was crying like most of the time I was there. That piece of shit really fucked him up and he's going to pay."

"That son of a bitch. I fucking knew it." Stan mumbled. I looked in the mirror at Kenny and he had an evil look in his face. "Kenny and I have football practice with him after school if you want to plan something."

That sounded like a good idea to me. I can sabotage him during football practice.

"I should probably add that Sam raped Kyle in the shower after gym on Monday." I told them while stopping at a red light. I watched as the cars to my right and left started driving through their green light. A few of them were speeding, but what do I care?

"Wait, what do you mean...?" Kenny wondered with a frown. I scoffed and looked at him through the mirror.

"I mean he beat the shit out of Kyle in the shower in the locker room and resized his asshole against his will, Kenny." I explained with an eye roll.

For the rest of the ride, the three of us sat in silence. I already had a plan developing in my mind. Instead of fucking him up on the field, I'm going to sabotage him throughout the day. That's why I was bringing everyone to school early. They seem like they want to help out.

Like Tuesday, I parked close to the school while the lot was still empty. The three of us got out of the car at the same time and headed straight for the main entrance. I had a hammer in my backpack and planned on using it to break the lock off of his locker. Both his gym locker and main locker.

Kenny and Stan followed me to Sam's locker with their hands in their coat pockets. The looks on their faces suggested they were pissed beyond comprehension. The amount of anger building up inside of me will probably never compare to them, though.

I took the hammer out of my backpack and broke the lock off with one powerful hit. I then threw the lock across the hallway against the wall. "You think you can fuck with Kyle? Think again you piece of shit." I mumbled as I started picking through his shit. Stan and Kenny stood next to me on both sides keeping watch. "What are you going to do?" Stan asked quietly.

I pulled out each of his textbooks and began ripping pages out of it. "I'm going to sabotage his shit. Rip out pages from his notebooks and textbooks to get him in trouble." I explained as I ripped out page after page. Kenny just chuckled. "That's it?" He asked while laughing.

I chuckled my devious chuckle. "No no, Kenneth. This is only the beginning of a never-ending hell for Kobler here." I answered.

Sam also had some random accessories in here too. A phone charger, his football, a pencil box, and a folder that contained his finished homework. Despite being the captain of the varsity football team, he finishes his homework during school and keeps it in his locker. I took all of his finished homework, ripped it in half and in half again, and threw it in the garbage closest to me.

I then proceeded to break each and every pen and pencil in his pencil box, cut his charger in half, and slashed some holes in his football. Popping the football made a loud noise that scared us shitless, but this is only the beginning of my revenge plan.

The final step of this plan is to beat the living shit out of him until he begs me for mercy, or until he ends up crippled. Whichever comes first.

His dream is to become a professional football player for the Colorado Rockies, but he won't be able to live that dream as a quadriplegic (someone paralyzed from the neck down).

"I got no regrets, but have my days with doubt (days with doubt); to those left in sadness, I'll be the one to lead you out."


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