Chapter 7: Cartman's House

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"So watch the city light the sky; cause there's something about tonight; yeah, there's something about tonight; it's got me feeling alright."

~Kyle's POV~

Cartman's party attendees: Kyle, Stan, Butters, Kenny, Craig, Clyde, Tweek

On my way to Cartman's house, I texted my parents and told them that I was going over there to study with him. Yeah, it sounds hard to believe considering Cartman doesn't even know what studying is, but my parents were okay with it.

When it came to having homework on the first day of school, Cartman was right. None of my teachers assigned any homework today. I think if I did have homework, I would've skipped out on going to Cartman's after school. Every time I go there to hang out with him, we just fight and bicker about nothing. He knows I've built up a tolerance for his stupid bullshit, so now he digs deeper just to get a rise out of me. I don't know where he gets off on doing that, but he's Cartman.

I knocked on Cartman's front door and waited for an answer. Before coming here, I stopped at home to change my clothes and grab a few things to bring over here. My parents have a cabinet in the kitchen dedicated to wine and liquor. My dad became a bit of an alcoholic, but he's not too bad. He would have some drinks after work each day, but he never drank more than three or four small glasses at a time.

Just in case I ended up crashing here, I brought a change of clothes. Whenever we have get-togethers like this, it always ends with me falling asleep somewhere and not waking up until the next day. This time, I'll be prepared for it.

The door swung open and a whole soundwave of music started seeping through the doorway. Stan ended up getting the door. He wasn't wearing his hat or jacket, his black hair was kind of messy, and he seemed to be loopy as fuck.

"Kyle, buddy. Come in." he said, seeming to be half-drunk already. I came in and removed my hat. Cartman was sitting on the couch with Butters and Clyde while everyone else was sitting on the floor. Despite Cartman's shitty personality, he was able to make a majority of our acquaintances his friends. They still refer to him as "fatass", but that's just a mere nickname at this point considering he's nowhere near fat anymore. Although, he takes it as an insult rather than a nickname.

Cartman looked at me and flashed a wide smile. "Kahl, you made it!" he called from the couch. He scooted closer to Butters, making room for me to sit next to him. Even though it was a three-person couch, he still managed to make room for me.

"Yeah, here I am." I told him as I removed my hat and jacket. My hair wasn't as crazy as it was when I was younger. At first, I started getting it cut really short so the afro was easier to manage. Trying to comb my hair every morning before school turned into a hellish nightmare since a lot of my combs snapped in half from it. Then I just started using more expensive shampoo and conditioner. Over the summer, Sam bought this deep conditioning treatment that I could use to make my hair more manageable. It's not so much an afro anymore now, but it's still as thick as it always was. My hair's a little flatter and wavy as opposed to afro-y and curly. I suppose that's one good thing he's done for me.

I pulled out a bottle of liquor from my backpack. I had it wrapped up in a plastic bag at the bottom of my backpack.

"Aw sweet, you brought stuff." Cartman said cheerfully. I took a seat between him and Clyde, opening the bottle of liquor. Despite being surrounded by friends, I still felt like shit. Sam basically raped me in the shower today. Saying this was the first time he's done that would be a lie. Not just in the shower, but in my own bedroom, his house, at Stark's Pond, the bathroom at KFC. I don't understand why I would even put up with that. It just seems like I'm always a target for abusive people.

Yeah, Cartman has done a lot of stupid shit to me in the past. His Jew-hating remarks, starting that ginger nazi cult in spite of me not being a "true ginger", but I don't think he would ever physically harm me if we were in a relationship.

Ugh, why am I even thinking about me dating him? I...I just hate him!

I drank the liquor straight from the bottle carefully. I only have one functioning kidney and I'm a diabetic, so it's best for me to do this with care.

While Stan and Kenny were playing COD on the Xbox, the rest of us were scattered throughout the living room drinking alcohol and eating snacks. Surprisingly, Cartman wasn't eating any of the junk food. He just sat on the couch with me and drank some of my liquor when I passed it to him.

A random person on the opposing team of the video game killed Kenny's character for the first time during that round. I smirked, knowing what was to come next.

"Oh my god, they killed Kenny!" Stan yelled at the T.V.

"You bastard!" I added, taking another sip of the liquor. Kenny scoffed and set the controller on the floor. "Oh, the nostalgia." Kenny commented sarcastically.

Without even asking, Kenny took my bottle of liquor and drank a few gulps of it. "Who wants to play spin the bottle?" he wondered, looking around the room.

Craig tugged at Kenny's pants. "Uh, Kenny, there are no girls here." he informed him, looking around the room too. "Not that it...uh, bothers me or anything but..." he trailed off.

Kenny rolled his eyes. "Dude, you know I'm bisexual as fuck. I'm willing to make out with dudes. I'm sure you guys are curious at the very least."

"Oh, hamburgers. I remember when I was bicurious. Now I'm even more curious." Butters stated, intertwining his fingers shyly. Cartman laughed and patted Butters on the back. "Butters, you're a fag, okay?"

"Uh, I don't know about that-"

"Butters, Butters. You're gay."

"Oh, well, alright then."

Before finishing the bottle, Kenny asked if I or Cartman wanted anything more out of it. We both took a few gulps from the bottle and let Kenny chug the remainder. "Chug, chug, chug." everyone chanted.

When Kenny finished the bottle, he sat on the floor and crossed his legs into a pretzel shape. "So, you guys in?" he asked again, shaking the bottle in his left hand. Stan turned the Xbox off and joined everyone else into a circle on the floor. Craig and Tweek sat next to each other across from Kenny, making me chuckle in my head. They have to be boning at this point after the whole shipping thing that happened in elementary school where those chicks were drawing pictures of them being intimate with each other. I think they'd make a cute couple if they're not together already.

This will definitely be interesting. Despite being in a relationship with Sam, I was down to play. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.

"Just so we're on the same page," I started suddenly. Everyone looked at me. "Whatever happens in this circle stays in this circle, okay?"

"Okay." Stan said.

"You got it." Craig said.

"Y-Yep! Gah!" Tweek called.

"Whatever, Jew." Cartman taunted.

"Sure." Clyde said.

"Well alright then." Butters said nervously.

Kenny grinned widely. "Alright then. Let's play." he said, setting the bottle on its side on the floor in the middle of the circle.

"We got one more bottle of jack; what the fuck we gonna do with it? (let's get fucked up); and if you got a little problem with that; what the fuck you gonna do 'bout it? (You'll get fucked up)"


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