Chapter 66: Sad Christmas / The End

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"Pacific coast; Where dreams go to die; But we all die alone; So wipe the tears from your eyes; And let's go."

~Sam's POV~

Christmas Day

Some time has gone by since I moved out of South Park. After dealing with the police a few times after what I had done to Kyle, we decided it was finally time to find someplace else to be. My parents have been planning this move for a while even before I fucked up with Kyle, so it's not like I was the reason they did this.

The three of us ended up moving to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to be closer to our extended family. My dad's siblings live in a suburb just outside of Pittsburgh, so visiting them for holidays wouldn't be as hard. My mom's side of the family is nearby too since they both grew up and met in Pennsylvania, but they're a little farther outside of Pittsburgh.

This is probably one of the saddest Christmases of my entire life. Not only am I nowhere near my friends in Colorado, but I'm also spending Christmas with people whom I don't even know. I've never really met my extended family because we moved to South Park when I was just a young kid. Of course, just like any typical elder in your extended family, my dad's siblings sure as hell knew me. They say they used to change my diapers when I was a baby.

My parents and I don't really celebrate Christmas since we're part of the Jewish faith, but my extended family apparently does. Despite this, though, my parents decided that there was no harm in celebrating Christmas with them as long as they celebrate Passover with us in April or whenever Easter time is.

While everyone else was gathered closely in the living room opening and exchanging gifts, I kept my distance and watched them from the dining room. I received a few gifts from my aunt and uncle. My parents even bought everyone a little something just to be respectful. They knew I was a football player in South Park, so they bought me football-related stuff. Jerseys of NFL teams I've never even heard of, a football, some protective gear, and gym clothes. I guess they never got word that I don't intend to join any football team for as long as I live.

My dream was to be a professional football player for the Colorado Rockies, or even the Denver Broncos, but that dream probably won't come true since I'm not wanted in Colorado anymore. Hell, I probably won't join any NFL since being a popular football player caused me nothing but trouble. Everyone in that entire state has heard about me and would rather me stay away. It's pretty fucked up that the whole state just wants me gone, but it's my own fault.

"Hey Samuel, here's another present for you!" My aunt Margaret said to me. She was holding what appeared to be a box that was wrapped with Christmas wrapping paper. I slowly stood up from the dining room chair and walked over to her. I carefully took the box from her and retreated to the dining room. Everyone else continued talking to one another and exchanging happy stories about Colorado.

I ripped the wrapping paper off, revealing a closed box. It was one of those boxes you use to package clothes for a Christmas present, but what was inside the box brought back some sad memories.

A yarmulke.

I can't really know for sure why seeing this in the box made me cry, but it did. It just made me remember all of the times where Kyle and I would be at the synagogue with our families. We didn't come out to each other as gay right away, but we started off as great friends. Nothing was ever wrong between us, and it just makes me so sad to see this.

The yarmulke looked exactly like the one I wore to the synagogue in Colorado, which is just another reason why I'm crying so hard.

Before anyone in the house picked up on my crying, I left the yarmulke on the dining table and went outside.

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