Chapter 20: Hospital

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"(And I) look in the mirror, I don't like what I see; (and I) don't like the person starin' right back at me; (but I) gotta get myself together before I get weak."

~Kyle's POV~

The doctors confirmed that both my arm and shoulder were broken. Not only was my shoulder dislocated, but it was also broken.

Ike was sitting in a chair next to my bed with tears in his eyes. He was trying to contact mom and dad to let them know what happened to me, but they weren't answering their cell phones. With each failed attempt, he cried even more. "I can't even get fucking mom on the phone, Kyle." He told me as he hung up the phone.

"Try calling their work phone. It should also be on my contacts." I said back.

"That won't be necessary." Someone outside of the room said. The door was open, so we were able to confirm that they were talking to us. One of the nurses came inside with a police officer. My heart stopped when I saw him. He had a notepad and a pen in his hands ready to take notes. Shit. "Your parents are on their way."

"I'm also here with officer Barbrady. We're suspicious that someone may have done this to you, given the additional bruising on your body." The nurse explained. Before I could say anything, Ike stood up. "Look, I don't think this is a good time. Kyle just needs some rest right now." Ike explained to them.

"I understand that, but we need information on the suspect while it's still fresh in his mind." The nurse argued.

"I don't want to give out any information or be forced to making a legal thing out of this. I just got into a fight with a classmate and it's really no big deal to me. I just want to focus on healing." I told them painfully. The nurse stared me down for a little bit, but eventually gave in to my wishes. "If I need to make a police report, I will. But I don't think it's necessary right now." I finished.

The nurse and officer Barbrady both left the room without forcing me to talk to them. They'll probably have it on record that I was assaulted.

A few minutes later, my parents rushed into my room with sweat on their foreheads and tears in their eyes. "Kyle! Sweetheart! What happened to you!?" Mom shrieked when she saw the cast around my left arm and shoulder. She rushed over to me and held me close while Dad stood on the other side.

"Mom I'm okay, I promise." I said in her embrace. She yanked herself away from me and stared into my eyes. "You're not okay, Kyle! Who did this to you!?"

For the millionth time today, I started crying again. I had to wipe away the tears with my right hand since the entirety of my left arm is useless. I can't even move it without it hurting.

"I...I don't want to say his name, guys." I muffled behind my hand. My parents turned to Ike when he also muttered something. "What was that, honey?" Mom asked.

"It was Sam." He repeated. My eyes shot open and focused on Ike. "Seriously, dude? I told you not to tell them!" I yelled. Ike gave me an apathetic look before looking down at his lap.

Mom and dad huddled us in for a group hug. "I don't want you seeing that boy anymore, Kyle." Dad told me.

"What choice do I have? We go to the same school and have gym class together. I can't exactly avoid him forever." I explained.

"You can if you file that police report."

"I...I don't want to. I don't want to get into any legal bullshit with him."

"Kyle, language!" Mom shouted.

"Come on, I'm sixteen mom."

My parents and I remained in a group hug despite our conversation. They took a good look at my head where Sam had punched me and smashed against the wall. My forehead was bruised, and there was a gash on my scalp. My right eye was also bruised and there was a bandage covering a cut on my lip. My whole face looked like it was covered with zombie makeup.

"I'm keeping you out of school for the rest of the week, honey, and your dad and I are going to take some time off from work to keep after you." Mom said in my ear. "I don't want you going out like this. And we're going to have a chat with Sam's parents." I nodded at her statements. "Alright mom." I said back.

A few hours later, I was discharged and sent home with some pain medication. It's supposed to help me sleep, which is exactly what I want to do right now.

When we got home, I started making my way upstairs to my room. "If anyone comes over, can you just tell them I can't hang out?" I asked mom. Dad and Ike were in the living room grabbing some pillows to bring to my room. The doctor told me it would relieve some pain if I elevated my left side, so I guess pillows are the only logical thing to use when in bed.

"Sure, sweetie." She answered with a slight smile.

Dad and Ike followed me upstairs with armfuls of pillows. Before I could lie down, they arranged the pillows on the left side of my bed so I can lay down without having to lean up for them to do it.

"Alright Kyle, see if that's comfortable." Dad finally said. When I went to lay down, I rested my left arm and shoulder on the pillows they lied out for me. It felt alright. Alright enough for me to sleep. "Yeah, this is good. Thanks guys." I said with a pained smile. Smiling alone hurts now thanks to my busted lip. Sam really went too far this time.

After waiting an hour for the pills to kick in, I fell fast asleep.

"Don't let them break you down; don't let them take you down, yeah; just like a hole in my heart."


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