Chapter 15: Not All Gold And Glory

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"I'm pulling hairs tryna cope with this bullshit I'm faced with; how do I face this? A world rendered tasteless; I can't believe what I'm seeing around me; this shit is astounding and you fucks can't seem to get enough."

TRIGGER WARNING: Explicit Content. Read with caution.

~Kyle's POV~

I'm really nervous about doing this with Cartman. He still claims to be straight even though it's obvious that he's not. He's taken some interest in me to where he's willing to have sex with me. Maybe he's questioning himself right now. I'm probably some kind of experiment to him.

Regardless of what this was, I unbuttoned my jeans and let them fall to my ankles. Cartman grinned and pulled me into him again. His arms snaked around my hips and his hands went down my briefs, touching both of my cheeks bare. Cartman was getting a little rough with me at this point, but I didn't care. I trusted him enough to not physically harm me while doing this.

"Take these off, Jew." he ordered, removing his hands from the inside of my briefs and tugging at the elastic. I did as he said while he also took his briefs off. Cartman locked his bedroom door and shut the curtains before getting onto the bed with me. I lied down flat on my back with him on top of me, rubbing his hips against mine.

Cartman and I switched spots so I was on top of him. He put both hands on the back of my head and pushed me toward his crotch. "Suck on it." He said softly. I did as he said and held onto his dick. I licked it from the base to the tip before taking the whole thing in my mouth. To avoid biting it by mistake, I sucked my lips to the inside of my mouth so it covered my teeth.

I let the saliva build up in my mouth so it kept Cartman moist. He was moaning my name quietly each time I deep-throated him. "Oh, Kyle." He muttered. His fingers ruffled through my hair while I continued sucking. He opened his eyes and looked at the mess the saliva was making. He smirked and a blush developed on his face. "Such a dirty girl, aren't you Jew?" He asked.

I kept sucking his dick for a little while longer. Cartman continued moaning every once in a while and his breaths would get heavier. "Fuck, you're so much better than...ugn, Heidi." He mumbled. I chuckled at the compliment and kept sucking without stopping.

Another few minutes went by. Cartman suddenly made me stop sucking. I gave him a worried look as he was repositioning himself. "Everything okay, Cartman?" I wondered. He was now standing over me on the floor next to the bed.

"Yeah. Bend over. I'm going in." He demanded. I nodded and lied on my stomach on the bed. Cartman climbed back onto the bed. He was now hovering over me. His hips against my ass. "You ready for me?" He asked as he prepared to insert himself into me.

"I'm ready when you are." I answered. He smiled and went all the way inside of me. I found myself crying out from the sudden sting of pleasure going up my spine. It wasn't until now I realized I was still wearing my shirt. I didn't care, though. Besides, I don't want Cartman to see the cuts and bruises on my upper body.

Cartman was using the shirt I was wearing as a leash. He would tug and pull on it whenever he thrusted hard into me. I felt my back ache whenever he pulled onto the shirt, though. The cuts on my back turned out to be pretty deep because, well, Sam's an asshole.

Cartman leaned in closer to the back of my head, his lips brushing against my ear. I didn't realize how tall he was until he did this. "So tell me, Kyle. Am I better than Sam?" He asked while thrusting. I didn't answer right away because I was still high on pleasure. Yeah Sam was big, but Cartman is bigger. Much bigger. Mmf.

"Does Sam know how to fuck my Jew?" He wondered again.

"You're - oh fuck - so much better than Sam, Cartman." I said through my cries of pleasure. Cartman chuckled and spanked my ass with one of his palms, making the experience that much better. "Mm, yeah, Cartman. Fuck me." I told him.

Cartman started slowing down after hearing my moan. "I want you to beg for it, Kyle." He said back. I turned my head to face him. "Oh come on, right now?" I whined.

"Yeah right now. Beg for it, Jew~." He demanded again. Cartman was still thrusting pretty slow, but not slow enough to where I wasn't being pleasured. Him going slow is better than nothing.

Out of nowhere, Cartman stopped. He was still inside of me, but he stopped moving his hips. "Beg." He repeated, now sounding a bit more serious. Damn it, I actually have to fucking beg now?

For every two seconds I didn't beg, Cartman would spank me. Not in a painful way or anything.

"Please fuck me Cartman." I started, making Cartman perk up and listen. "I want you to fuck me and cripple me. And when you finish fucking me, I want you to cum inside me. Please Cartman, fuck me until I break." I begged without taking a breath. I looked at him and he began smiling. "As you wish." He said back.

Cartman's thrusts were powerful than ever. He continued grabbing handfuls of my shirt and tugging at it. It got to a point where it started ripping around the neck area. The hem around the neck opening was also choking me slightly, but I didn't care. It actually turned me on even more.

"Oh, fuck Cartman." I said as I was about to finish. Cartman wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me upward to where my back was against his chest. "I'm almost there, Kyle." He whispered in my ear. "God, you feel so good. So much better than Heidi."

When he said I was better than Heidi, I climaxed right then and there. Cartman finished soon after I did. His thrusts were still powerful, but eased up when he was finishing. "" I moaned as I felt Cartman's cum inside of me.

Before pulling out, Cartman squeezed both of my ass cheeks with his palms. "Bebe was right. You have a sweet ass, Jew." He complimented.

I scoffed and collapsed fully on the bed, unable to feel my legs. "And you were right. You have good dick." I said back. My whole body was covered in sweat. I can only imagine how sweaty Cartman was. He did a majority of the work here.

"Want to take a quick shower with me?" Cartman asked suddenly, getting off of the bed. I hesitated for a second. The instant I take my shirt off, he's going to see the shit Sam did to me. I have to come up with some excuse. He knows Sam punched me in the face, but not any of the other shit. Especially the shower rape thing.

"I, uh, can't move yet. I'll hop in after you're done." I said, basically telling the truth. Cartman smirked. "Oh, right. I crippled you. But that's your reward for sucking me off good." He said as he left the room. I laughed and bundled myself up under Cartman's blankets. I felt so tired and so awake at the same time.

I decided to rest my eyes until Cartman came back.

"It's easy from the outside; you're fighting to get in; it's not all gold and glory; I gave my life for this."


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