Chapter 49: Out?

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"Let's go down now; into the darkness; of your thoughts; hurry up now; we're waiting for us to fall; I fall to pieces now (x2); a broken mirror; I fall to pieces; in your life."

~Kyle's POV~

Tuesday (Week 6)

I spent most of the morning with the goth kids. They were talking about ways to get out of here. They wanted to try and break out sometime overnight, but I talked them out of it. If we're going to get out, we're going to do it right.

As far as I know, I don't have any ongoing mental issues. Just dealing with a years worth of abuse from Sam, but now that we're broken up, I don't feel any urge to hurt myself anymore. I only did what I did because I felt like I had no one. Being on my deathbed proved that to be wrong, though.

I told the goth kids of the possibility of my friend David finding a way to get us out of here. I know someone in his family works in this mental hospital, so maybe he/she can pull some strings and get us out.

While the four of us sat at our table and smoked some cigarettes, a nurse came into the living area and stood in place. "Alright boys, it's time for our group therapy session. Let's head over now." She called. Everyone, including us, groaned and followed her to the room we go to do the therapy thing. The four of us flicked our cigarettes out the window and tagged along.

"I fucking hate this shit." Pete said under his breath. "Nothing but a bunch of conformists staring at you and not caring about your problems."

"Yeah." The rest of us said in unison.

Starting yesterday, the doctors started putting me on some kind of medication. It's supposed to "balance out my emotions" or whatever, but I don't think there's much to balance out. Despite the shit I did to myself, I have a pretty balanced head on my shoulders. What's even more fucked up is that the medicine is high in dosage. Probably enough for two or three people to take. The side effects of it have been kicking in since earlier this morning. I've mainly experience nausea and drowsiness so far, but who knows what else is going on inside me? I heard that some of these mood stabilizers can cause kidney issues, weight gain, tremors, and even hair loss.

I need to find a way to avoid taking them. The last thing I want is to lose my hair.

"How long have you been taking pills here, guys?" I asked as we entered the therapy room. Michael yawned and took a seat next to me. "Since the first day we all got in here. It's starting to fuck us up." He answered. Pete and Firkle nodded in agreement. Looking at the three of them, they didn't look so good to me. Their eyes had purple bags underneath them, they were even more pale than usual, and they were rubbing their stomachs with the palms of their hands. Yeah, we need to stop taking these.

Maybe I should let my parents get involved in this. My dad's a lawyer after all. Maybe he can get us all home. If David's attempt doesn't work, I'm going to give my parents a call.

I texted David this morning before the orderlies came into my room to force me into the living area. If they had left me alone, I would've slept the whole day away. I asked David if there was a way to get me and the goth kids out. I didn't check his response yet, but I can imagine that he answered me. I had to hide my phone underneath a floorboard next to my bed. My room is carpeted, but I managed to lift up a corner of the carpeting next to my bed and hide my phone underneath a floorboard underneath the carpeting. Based on how easy it was, people in the past have done that before.

Everyone was going around the room and opening up about their feelings. I've already told everyone everything going on in my life, so there's no point in me talking anymore. Just offer support to the other patients I guess. There's really not much going on with me anyway. All I did was attempt suicide during a moment where I thought I was alone. I still didn't understand why my ex-friends even bothered to find me, but if I can get out of here soon, they'll most likely tell me.

A little while later, the sun started to set. That meant it was dinner time. The food here kind of sucks because none of it was homemade. I mean it probably is, but it'll never compare to what my parents make at home. I guess I took a loving family for granted.

I was looking out the window that viewed the front of the mental hospital. Cars would drive by and patients would come in to be admitted. There were some moments where cars would pull up and bring a patient home. I smiled at each patient that had the opportunity to leave here. I don't think my parents even know that I'm here.

I looked away for a few minutes and shed some tears. Butters was right. I shouldn't have done this to myself. I just hope he was able to hitch a ride with Cartman back to South Park. I'd hate to think that he was still in my room at my work.

Once again, I started staring out the window. A familiar car pulled up into the parking lot. "What the hell..." I muttered.

Another car pulled in after them and parked in a spot next to the first car. When everyone got out, I was surprised to see who they were. My parents, and...Henrietta's parents? I'm sure I've seen her parents before, so they looked familiar.

My parents chatted with Henriettas parent's for a few minutes. Why are they standing out there? Come inside and get us the fuck out!

Minutes later, three more cars pulled in and parked close to my and Henrietta's parents. Holy shit...are they here to get us out? Well, why else would they be here?

Dad was holding a stack of papers in his arms as he and the other parents walked inside. I was on the third floor in the men's ward. The women's ward was on the second floor.

I rushed out of my room and went over to the goth kids. Without saying anything, I dragged them into my room to look out the window. "What the fuck, Kyle?" Firkle said. I pointed at our parents in the parking lot and their jaws dropped. "Holy shit. They're finally here?" Pete wondered. Michael blinked rapidly, probably thinking that it was all a dream.

"Guess we're finally getting out after all." I commented with a grin.

"Wow, after all this time, they finally came to their senses." Michael said back.

"Yeah. I had a friend who said he'd help us out. Maybe this is what he did." I told them.

Speaking of which, I fished my phone from underneath the floorboard. David did text me back. Almost immediately after I asked him to help the goth kids.

(9:22 am) I got in touch with everyone's parents. They'll be there tonight to get you guys out.

"I'm outside of your window with my radio; you are the only station; you play the song I know; you are the song I know."


Ugh, once again, sorry for the slow update guys. I figured out I was failing a class in college and I needed to get some extra credit stuff done. I'm all caught up now and I'll do my best to update as much as I can today to make up for what you missed out on reading. :)

I'll also try to draw some more scenes from each chapter and post them on each part today (2/20/2020). Yeah they kind of suck because I haven't used Illustrator in a while, but it should at least give you an idea of what the scenes look like.

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