Chapter 52: I Love You, Tweek

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"There's so many things that I could say; But I'm sure it would come out all wrong; You've got something that I can't explain; Still I try and try and let you know; Summer we spent, one could never forget."

~Tweek's POV~

Wednesday (Week 6)

"I really don't think drinking that much coffee is good for you, Tweek. I think it's the reason why you have all of those panic attacks." Craig told me as he watched me drink my third cup of coffee. We were hanging out in my parents' coffee shop an hour before school started. The shop doesn't open for another hour, and by then we'll be in school.

"I've got to wake up somehow, babe." I told Craig. Craig chuckled and leaned closer over the counter. I was standing behind it making myself a cup of coffee in a to-go cup. "Yeah, but you don't need that much. It makes you all jittery and neurotic."

Once the coffee finished brewing, I poured it into a large to-go cup and put a lid on it. "Don't worry, Craig. I'll be fine. I haven't had a panic attack since that day we played spin the bottle." I assured him. I leaned over the counter and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Are you almost ready? We have to be at school soon." Craig wondered. Our faces were still pretty close to each other. I checked the time on the clock above the door to the shop. It was almost seven o'clock and we had to be at school in a half an hour. "We have a little bit of time, babe. The bus doesn't get here until seven-ten anyway." I answered. Craig nodded and sat back down on the bar stool in front of the counter. I walked up next to him and took a seat next to him. Craig was smiling and taking sips of his coffee while also sneaking looks at me.

"So, I know I don't really open up much about my feelings, but I hope you know that I love you, Tweek." Craig suddenly told me. I continued drinking the remains of my coffee from the coffee mug. I wanted to save the to-go cup for school. I smiled once I swallowed my coffee mouthful. Craig pivoted his body toward me so he was face-to-face with me. "Well, I love you too, Craig."

Craig wrapped his palms around both of my shoulders and pulled me in closer. "No Tweek, like, I really love you babe. I've loved you since elementary school. Ever since we first met. Even though we were set up to fight each other by Cartman, I knew deep down that you and I would end up together." He added with a wide smile. I hid my smile behind the collar of my shirt. "Oh, Craig. I love you so much." I said to him. I pulled him in for a kiss on the lips. It was pretty brief because time seemed to have sped up and the bus was going to be here any second.

"Would you rather me drive us to school today? I hate taking the bus." Craig asked once he and I parted. I shrugged and stood up from the stool. "Yeah, you can drive us. It doesn't matter to me." I answered. He gave me a sexy smile and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "We should get going then." He said as we headed for the door.

Craig started the car and let it warm up while I put my backpack in the back seat. Since we walked out of the coffee shop, I've been thinking a lot about Kyle. Seeing his arms cut up the way they were sent shivers down my spine. I really hope he's doing okay.

We weren't even allowed to see him in the hospital, and when we visited the next day, they told us he was transferred to a mental hospital out there. I just wonder if he'll get out anytime soon.

Overthinking this made my eyes twitch. I did the best I could to hide it from Craig because he worries too much about me now, especially when I get jittery and neurotic. I don't blame him for worrying that much about me, though. If we were to switch places and he was the one with the twitchy eyes and the stuttery voice, I'd worry too.

"Cartman told me last night that Kyle's home." Craig told me as he began driving. Hearing that made my eyes stop twitching. I looked at him with a smile. "Really? Is he going to school today?" I asked him. I really hope he is. I just want to give him a hug and apologize for everything that's happened. He's probably still really pissed off at us, though. Believing Sam over him made him turn emo and he started hanging out with Butters more. Butters like to deny it, but he's become a bit of an emo himself. I've seen glimpses of the cuts he makes on his wrists. When he scratches his wrists around me, the sleeves of his jacket ride up his arms a little bit and reveals the scabbed-over cuts on them.

It's really sad to know that Kyle was so sad he started doing the same thing as Butters. I don't know exactly what happened to Butters in the past that made him become what he is today, but I can bet it's a similar story to Kyle's. Growing up with friends who turn on you or take advantage of you. I know Butters has gone through a lot of that in his life.

Craig was looking at me as I was deeply thinking about everything. "Did you hear what I said?" he asked. I returned to reality and looked at Craig. He had his hand on my shoulder. I looked around outside and noticed we were at school already. How the hell...?

"No...sorry babe. I was a little distracted." I admitted, rubbing my tired eyes. The thought of Kyle being in a mental hospital made me lose a lot of sleep, which is why I've been overdosing on coffee lately. Craig doesn't really know about everything that runs through my head unless I bring it up to him.

"No it's alright...all I said was that Kyle will be at school today, but I don't know if he's still going to dress emo or not. I do know that we should apologize to him for what happened." Craig repeated. I nodded with a slight smile. "Yeah, that would be cool. I have to admit, babe. I lost a ton of sleep over this."

"Seriously? Is that why you've been drinking a lot of coffee lately?" Craig wondered, getting himself ready to hug me. I nodded and shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much. I'd normally only need a few cups a day, but I've been chain-drinking. One after the other throughout the entire day, but now that I know Kyle is okay, I can finally sleep at night." I finished with a smile. Craig pulled me into him and held me tight. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him against me just as tight, if not, tighter.

Before I got out of the car, I gave Craig a long kiss on his lips. It was meant to be nothing more than a stiff peck on the lips, but he opened his mouth in the kiss and stuck his tongue into my mouth. "Maybe after school, I can help relieve your stress."

"How are you going to do that, Craig?" I asked with a wink.

"Well, we can go to my house, go to my room, rip each others' clothes off, and see where it goes from there."

"Mmm, dirty boy." I mumbled as I went in to kiss him again. He smirked and kissed me back.

"You still have all of my; You still have all of my; You still have all of my heart."


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