Chapter 2: First Day Of School

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"I spent last summer falling apart; I left the windows open and the rain did fall."

"Saw myself in the mirror and I froze; why can't we just hold on; and on and on and on; in a moment now you're gone; and you're not coming back to me; you're not coming back to me."

~Kyle's POV~

I left the house after applying the concealer. It hid the bruise pretty good, so I don't have to worry about anyone asking me about it.

The bus stop wasn't far from my house, so I was never in a rush to get ready for school unless I woke up late.

As I crossed the street, I had my hands in my coat pockets and kept my head down. It was raining really hard right now, but I didn't bother putting my hood up or grabbing an umbrella from inside. I just let the rain fall onto my hat, which slowly but surely seeped its way through to my hair. Again, what do I care? It's always cold here, so what would be the point in taking my hat off anyway?

Stan, Kenny, and Cartman each had their own umbrella. They were chatting away like they always did. I forced a slight smile as I saw the sight of my friends and Cartman talk to one another about nothing. Brings back memories of when we did this as kids. Those days are over, sadly.

I approached them and stood next to Stan with my hands still in my pockets and my head down. I didn't bother greeting them. I just stood there like an inanimate object. Everyone turned to me and started questioning why I wasn't talking. Cartman made some smartass remarks to me just now, but I didn't have the energy to retaliate. I just stood there and didn't budge.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Cartman making his way over to me with his umbrella. He hovered it over me and stood dangerously close, making my cheeks flush. "You're going to get sick, you stupid kike." He said meanly. I shrugged and maintained my posture. Cartman eyed me from top to bottom, giving me an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Stan poked my shoulder, which made me turn to him. "You okay, dude?" he wondered with a worried expression on his face. I forced a fake smile and nodded, my eyes being half-shut from exhaustion. Kenny stood by too and examined me. Normally, I'd be bickering with Cartman over stupid shit, but I just wasn't in it today. I just wanted to go home, lock the doors, turn the lights out, and go to sleep.

With the umbrella in one hand still hovering over our heads, Cartman nudged me a little harder. "Kahl, talk god damn it." he commanded. The way Cartman nudged me sent a sting of pain up my back. I groaned in pain until the pain subsided. I don't think he meant to hurt me, but fuck me, that kind of pain is crippling.

"S-Sorry, Kyle." Cartman said genuinely. He used his fingers to rub the area where he nudged me, which made it feel a little better. Kind of weird for Cartman to be apologetic. Normally he'd just call me a wuss or a pussy, but I guess he decided to stop now that he knows I'm gay. Still, though. It was weird. Cartman's weird.

After what seemed like days, the bus finally showed up. The driver wasn't Crabtree, though. She's been dead for a long time.

While everyone took a seat toward the front of the bus, I sat alone in the way back. I would usually sit next to Stan since he's my best friend. No, my super best friend. But I just don't feel like being me today.

The solitude only lasted a few seconds because Cartman took a seat next to me. Him plopping himself next to me scared the shit out of me. "Dude, what the hell?" I asked loudly.

Cartman reacted defensively. "No, "what the hell" to you!? Why are you acting like a dildo?"

"A dildo? What?"

"Yeah, a fucking dildo, Kahl. Why are you acting like a dildo?"

"I'm not acting like a dildo, fatass!"

Cartman smirked at the stupid argument we were having. I rolled my eyes angrily and looked out the window. I. Fucking. Hate. Him.

"Why are you always starting shit with me, Cartman?" I finally asked, feeling the heat on my face. He's probably going to punch me in the face just for asking a stupid question that he's not going to take seriously. Just in case that happened, I shut my eyes and held my breath. This is how I'd prepare myself if Sam hit me. Close my eyes and hold my breath. That way I didn't feel the pain right away.

Noticing I wasn't punched in the face, I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Cartman's face. He just stared at me with a surprised look. "Kahl, what the fuck was that?" he questioned. I looked around me and all eyes were on me. I just put my hood over my head and stared out the window. I still felt everyone's eyes burning holes into every part of my body, making my chest clog up even more. I wanted to cry so bad, but I can't.

As Cartman would put it, crying is for pussies.

We pulled up to the school and went inside. Stan and Kenny thought I needed some space, so they went to our first class without me. We all have math together first period, so it's not like we were going to be separated for long. I told them to save a seat for me.

Cartman followed me to my locker. He didn't say anything, but I can tell that he could sense something was wrong. I'm kind of grateful he's following me. At least he'll be a witness if Sam tries to hurt me. He has hurt me during school before, but only when the hallways are empty. Little does the dumbass know the hallways have cameras.

As if on cue, Samuel walked up to me with a smile. That handsome smile I've grown to hate over the summer. "Morning, babe." he said as he pecked my concealed cheek. I groaned silently in pain, raising Cartman's suspicion.

"Morning." I said back, putting some books in my locker. Cartman stood close by me and stared Samuel down. "Kobler." he muttered.

"Cartman." Samuel muttered back.

I closed my locker and pulled on Cartman's arm so we could go to math class. "What the fuck, Jew?" Cartman yelled out loud. I didn't say anything. I just dragged his fatass to the classroom so we're away from Samuel. I didn't want a fight to break out since I know he hates Sam more than me.

"Your voice rang like an echo in the night; in the sky like a long lost satellite; don't let these days ever die."


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