Chapter 31: By Myself

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"Oh yeah; I've been thinkin' now for a while; that you got exactly what I need; when I see you stop and turnin' around; goddamn, you got me shakin' in my teeth."

~Kyle's POV~

Cartman and I had just finished seeing a movie together. He was going on and on about how much of a rip-off it was since the movie kind of sucked.

All I could think about was Butters and Sam. Ever since Friday night, Butters hasn't really said much to us in the group conversation. We tried talking to him, but he hasn't answered. I don't know why I felt so bad all of a sudden. He mentioned he was grounded when he was leaving. He's always grounded.

Sam has been texting me all weekend so far. He tried apologizing for hitting me in gym class, but I refused to answer him. Cartman also told me not to answer him after sneaking some looks at my phone during the movie.

Just as Cartman and I were heading toward his car, which I was nice enough to put gas into since Cartman was low on money, we saw someone running down the sidewalk past us. He was wearing a costume made up of silver and a green hood over his head. The hood was attached to a cape that covered a majority of his backside. It would've been easier to tell who he was if his hair was exposed, but everything was covered. He was also carrying a red container in one hand and a silver lighter in the other. What the fuck...?

"Hahaha." He laughed as he passed us. Cartman and I took a few steps forward to see what he was up to. He went to a convenience store a few blocks down and poured whatever was in the red container and used his lighter to start a fire. Before anyone ran out of the store as everything around it started igniting and exploding into a tall and powerful fire, the guy in costume fled the scene with another evil laugh. His cape blowing around frantically while still covering his backside the faster he ran.

The whole store started lighting up in flames faster than you could believe. Everything was just...burning. Dark gray and black smoke started forming and ascending to the sky. Whoever that was definitely has some serious problems if he can just light a store up in fire and run away without any remorse. Whoever that was had some guts.

A minute hasn't even passed yet and people were already screaming and escaping from the burning down store. The workers of the store, customers, passerbys, etc. People who were in the buildings next door to the store on fire were also screaming and running outside away from the fire. A few of them were seen typing on their phones. Probably calling the police or something.

I felt Cartman's hand wrap around my arm. "Kyle, let's go before that fire fucking kills us!" He yelled as he pulled me toward his car.

I threw myself in the passenger side and Cartman started up the car. The person who set the store on fire was nowhere to be scene. At least, not from where we were anyway.

Cartman backed out from his parking spot and drove down the street where we saw him running. I looked out through all of the windows in the car to see if I can spot him. His laugh seemed kind of familiar to us, which is what prompted us to find out who it was.

"God damn it, where the fuck did this asshole go?" Cartman yelled, slamming both palms against the steering wheel. We were now driving down a few roads in the neighborhood. We passed a lot of houses down this street, including Butters' house.

Cartman slowed down in front of Butters' house when he noticed him through his bedroom window. He was running back and forth without a shirt on. Cartman jumped out of his car and walked closer to Butters' house. He put his hands on his hips and watched as Butters scrambled to put his shirt on. "What the fuck is he doing?" He asked, looking back at me. I got out of the car too and shrugged. "Hey Butters!" I called, cupping my hands around my mouth. After throwing his shirt back on, he looked out the window at us. "Oh, uh, hey guys!" He said back with a wave and a smile.

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