Chapter 36: The New Phase

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"I feel all numb now, is that a feeling?; like a plastic boxed orange with no peeling; I wanna waste, I wanna waste, I wanna waste away."

~Kyle's POV~

Tuesday (Week 5)

For the first time in a while, I was a little excited to go to school. I couldn't wait to show off my new clothes and look like a stranger to everyone else. Before going to sleep last night, though, I had cut up my arms a little more. I didn't do it to make a fashion statement out of my new wardrobe, though. I was still upset about what happened at school yesterday and how Sam lied about everything.

I decided to wear my dark gray skinny jeans with a black t-shirt. The design on the front was of Marilyn Manson. I don't listen to his music, nor have I ever, but it's whatever. It looked pretty cool.

I threw on my new jacket after putting my shirt on. It was pretty heavy since it's always cold here. After one look in the mirror in my bathroom, I started walking down the stairs to the front door.

Instead of taking the bus, I decided to walk to school. Stan, Kenny, and Cartman were probably going to be there anyway. Well, maybe not Cartman since he has his own car, but I'm not going to risk it.

When we were hanging out last night, Butters introduced me to some cool bands. I downloaded some songs by them on my phone and listened to them on the way to school. He's still convinced that he's not emo even though he listens to these songs. Some of them were pretty sad.

I walked past the bus stop and noticed only Stan and Kenny standing there. They looked at me as I walked by, but they didn't seem to recognize me. I hope they didn't because otherwise I would've spent two-hundred dollars on nothing.

When I finally made it to school, I walked through the main entrance and was greeted by people turning their heads and looking at me. They probably didn't recognize with all of the new clothes and my styled hair. They probably thought I was the new kid in town or something.

I hid my smile behind my hand as I went to scratch my cheek. It already feels good to be so popular yet so alone. Everyone staring me down but not saying a word is a pretty good feeling.

Once I made it halfway down the hallway, I shoved my hands into my pockets and looked down as I walked past everyone. I even walked past my ex-friends on my way to my locker. My eyes met theirs as I made my way past them. They seemed to have figured out who I was based on my eyes and hair color. Stan was the first one to speak up. "K-Kyle?" He said. I stared at him with a blank expression and shrugged. "Yep." I answered just before walking.

Seeing them up close just made my chest hurt. Walking away from him seemed to have upset him, so he scoffed and walked the opposite direction.

When I made it to where Sam's locker was, I stopped. His locker was open, and I figured it was him taking his stuff out. "Hey Sam." I mumbled. He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard my voice. "Oh...hey babe." He said back.

He closed his locker and looked at me. He noticed me in the black beanie, dark-gray skinny jeans, black t-shirt, black jacket, straight hair, and black Vans shoes. The sleeves of my jacket were rolled down past my wrists so no one could tell that I cut myself.

"So what's with the get-up?" Sam asked, looking at my clothes again. I shrugged and kept my gaze on the floor. "Just something I threw on. No big deal." I said flatly. Sam didn't say anything else to me. He just stared me down until his eyes were fixed onto my arms. Before he could say or do anything else, I backed away from him. "I should get to class. I'll see you later. Love you." I said just before leaving him there.

I adjusted the straps of my backpack and headed straight to class. It's obvious that my ex-friends don't want me to sit near them, so I changed my seat before everyone else came in. I still sat in the back row, but I sat in the seat on the opposite side of where my original seat was. No one sat there anyway, so it wasn't an issue.

Everyone started piling into the classroom minutes after I claimed my new seat. Cartman noticed me sitting in this seat as soon as he came in. He looked a little saddened by the sight, but he just took his seat instead of confronting me.

While everyone was coming into the room and taking their seats, I snuck some peeks of the cuts on my arms and wrists. They weren't too deep or anything, but deep enough to where they bled.

While Mrs. Butthole was teaching us the new topic for trigonometry, I zoned out and began doodling in my notebook. I felt Stan, Kenny, and Cartman's eyes on me as I completely ignored the lecture. I heard Cartman whisper something to Kenny, but I didn't tune in. I didn't care enough to do so.

A little while later, the bell rang for the next class to start. Since it's Tuesday, I had to be in Music class. No one else I know has this class with me, which is a relief. If they're not going to be my friend, then I don't even want to look at them.

As I walked down each hallway it took to get to class, people were staring at me. I heard some of them whisper to each other about how "emo" I looked. Most of the people here know who I am at this point and never thought I'd ever dress like this especially since I used to bash emo and goth kids in the past.

Butters met up with me as he went to his next class. He doesn't have Music with me, but his class is down the same hallway. "How's the new outfit treating you?" He asked with a chuckle. I shrugged and gave him a smile. "The outfit is fine, but I'm not sure about the people here. They're treating me like they treat emo kids. The constant staring and talking shit, you know." I answered. Butters rolled his eyes and flipped off whoever was looking at us, including Stan and Kenny.

"Fuck them, Kyle. They don't get it." Butters assured me.

"Nobody cares if I'm dead or alive; oh, what a wonderful life (x3); nobody cares if I'm dead or alive; oh, what a wonderful life."


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