Chapter 63: Let Me Be Your Sugar-Free Lover

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"We always seem to find a way to fuck things up; At the worst time, you know; We've never been the smartest."

~Clyde's POV~

I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. After coming home from Cartman's house, I just kind of lied in bed and stared at the ceiling. My dad's room is next to mine and I was able to make out quiet sobs on his end. The only way I was able to tell that he was crying was from his sniffling.

As I've mentioned before, he hasn't been the same since mom died. He hasn't really dated around much and has been miserable since the day she passed. I try not to think about it a lot, but it's getting harder to do that.

Even though there's nothing I can do to bring her back, I'm still willing to try. I just want some miracle to happen. I just want it to be the case that mom woke up in the morgue and walked out as if nothing had happened. Maybe she is still around and she just forgot about us. That could happen, right? Experiencing memory loss after waking up from being dead?

I slapped myself in the face at that thought and came to terms that mom really is gone and I have to move on.

The guys and I made plans to hang out today. I wasn't really up for it since I still have a bad hangover from last night, but I decided to go anyway. We're supposed to meet up at McDonald's for a late lunch. I felt my head pounding as I made my way to the car. I figured out that Cartman and Scott left their cars at Raisins last night because they were too drunk to drive home. I wonder if they went back to retrieve their cars yet, or if we all have to go there and get them. God, I hope not. I'm not really up for driving all over the place. I just want to get some food and come back home.

After getting into my car, I started it and backed out of my driveway. The front of my head started hurting as I started driving on the street, which forced me to shut my eyes really tight. "God damn it." I muttered.

Lucky for me, McDonald's isn't that far away. Just a few streets over from my house. I made it there within a few minutes and noticed Cartman's car parked in front of the door. Typical Cartman. Always has to be right next to the fucking door.

With the pounding in my head showing no sign of mercy, I opened the door to McDonald's and stepped inside. Everyone was sitting at a booth meant for a huge party. I looked at everyone who was here and was surprised to see that Scott made it. He's usually too busy to bother with us nowadays. Scott, Kenny, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Butters, Token, Craig, Tweek, Jimmy, and Timmy. I'm even more shocked to see Timmy and Jimmy here. Doesn't Jimmy live in Denver?

I let out a sigh and made my way over to the booth. Cartman had planted a kiss on Kyle's cheek as I got closer, making me envy their relationship. I wish I had stepped in earlier to get Kyle to like me instead of Cartman, but it's too late now. I'm not really attracted to anyone else here except for maybe Craig, but again, he's taken. Butters and Scott are okay too, I guess, but I don't know for sure if they're gay or not.

"Hey, Clyde! You made it!" Kyle called happily. I smiled slightly and took a seat next to Scott. He watched as I sat close to him and looked away. "Sorry, it's a little crowded in here." I pointed out stupidly. Scott just chuckled and shrugged. I noticed he wasn't eating anything except for apple slices and a salad. His diabetes is extra sensitive to anything that contains sugar. He literally can't take a few sips of apple juice without needing insulin. Poor dude.

"You going to order some food?" Cartman asked as he took a bite out of his burger. Shit, I forgot to order food. I'm so tired I can't even think straight.

"I'll go with you, Clyde. I'm going to get a water refill." Scott told me, nudging me to get up. I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Cool, let's go then." I said back as I got up.

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