Chapter 3: The Worst In You

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"I had you in my grip; but you're starting to slip; bring out the worst in me; and now it's come to end; I think I'm giving in; you set my demons free."

"It seems no matter where I look it's always gone; with you I know I'll never win; and it's hard to say where it went so wrong; and failed me in the end."

TRIGGER WARNING: explicit content. Read with caution.

~Cartman's POV~

The stupid kike dragged me to math class just when shit between me and the other jew was about to go down. Instead of bickering with him as I did with Kyle, we would always end up in a physical fight. There was just something about him that I hated. He's the captain of the Varsity football team and was almost as muscular as I was. I'm not insecure about that, but football players in this school are just dicks. They think they can push people around just because they can throw a football over a 120-yard field. Fuck those guys. I can do more damage than those pussies.

"I wanted to kick his ass, Kahl. Why did you drag me to fucking class for?" I growled at him. He didn't answer me, which sort of worried me. He always had a smartass jew answer for me, but he's so fucking quiet today.

Instead of trying to bicker with him, I grabbed the legs of his desk and pulled him closer to me. At least so I could get a rise out of him. He didn't even say anything about that, which made me blush. Did he want to sit closer to me? Is he falling madly in love with me?

Well too bad for him because I'm straight and I'm dating Heidi.

"What are you doing, fatass?" Kyle mumbled to me. I smirked because, well, that's something.

"Bringing you closer to me. Got a problem with that, Jew?" I answered, cocking my head to the side. Kyle buried his face into the desk and groaned. He didn't even attempt to put the desk back where it was, but he'll have to when the teacher comes in. Maybe.

The math teacher came into the classroom when the bell rang. "Good morning, class. My name is Mrs. Buckholts, and I'll be your Trigonometry teacher for the year." she introduced nicely. I chuckled under my breath at her name. Sounds like "butthole".

When she scanned the classroom, she noticed Kyle's desk right next to mine. Angrily slamming her palms into her hips, she demanded that Kyle moved his desk back where it was. "I know you want to be close to your boyfriend, but now's not the time for that." she scolded, pointing a finger at him.

That caused me to lash out. "I'm not his boyfriend, Mrs. Butthole!" I yelled, making everyone in the class laugh. While everyone was busting a nut laughing, Kyle moved his desk back where it was and Mrs. Buckholts was getting super pissed.

"Another outburst like that and you'll be in the principal's office!" she yelled back, making everyone quiet. I looked at Kyle, who looked like he was going to cry. I stopped bitching at the teacher and sat quietly. I don't know why I'm growing soft on him, but he seems to be feeling like shit. Dating an asshole like Kobler; I can't blame him. Kyle's probably sick of hearing him babble on about football and other gay shit like that. For a gay Jew, I'm surprised to see him like this.

He spent most of last year going on and on about Kobler, but now he won't even say anything. Fucking say something you stupid fag!

Instead of reacting sympathetically, I react angrily when things don't go right. It doesn't always help restore everything, but it's just a natural instinct. I guess I was too spoiled when I was a kid. Too bad I'm not spoiled anymore. Mom's never home anymore, I've had to work over the summer to save up for a car, and I've had to buy my own food. Since I'm rocking a hot bod now, I've been sticking with healthier shit. Salads and meat rather than Cheesy Poofs and Doritos.

Mrs. Butthole started teaching the class random math shit. Kyle had his phone underneath the desk. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. Instead of taking notes like the nerdy Jew he is, he was typing something on his phone with both hands. Probably talking to his boy toy. Not that I care or anything...

I scoffed and looked away from him. I felt Kyle's eyes on me when I made that loud and obvious noise. "What's your deal, asshole?" he whispered to me.

"Nothin'." I answered. I looked at him again. "Texting your bitch?"

"None of your fucking business." he said back. I smirked. "Can't keep your dicks to yourselves."

"Shut. Up. Cartman!" Kyle screamed.

The teacher fell silent and gave us the evil eye. "You two, to the principal's office. Now!" she yelled at the both of us. Kyle shot her an innocent look.

"No! Cartman was talking to me and-"

"Principal's! Office! Now!"

"But Mrs.-"

"Do you want detention, Broflofski!?" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Weak." I mumbled as I gathered my stuff. Kyle picked his bag up and headed out the door. I jogged with one strap of my bag over my shoulder.

Once out of the classroom, I jogged faster to keep up with the kike. "Wait the fuck up!" I called. Kyle stopped in his tracks and waited for me.

"You really fucked me, fatass. I was really trying not to get in trouble this year, but you fucked me." He scolded, poking a finger at my chest. I brushed his hand away and smiled my arrogant smile.

"Well, Kahl, someone's gotta fuck you. Clearly your boy toy isn't doing a good job. If you were a girl, I'd fuck you so. Fucking. Hard." I said really close to his face. His face was turning the deepest shade of red as he slowly backed into a wall. I walked closer to him and placed both hands against the wall, pinning him in between.

"Does your boy toy fuck you, Kahl? Does he pin you against the wall and take advantage of that sweet ass you got? If I was gay I would. I would destroy that sweet ass you got, Jew."

I noticed his legs started shaking. The sight of him being flushed and slightly aroused made me laugh. I finally had him now.

"Not only that, but I would also tie you up and make you my bitch, Kahl. I'd lift you up against the wall and kiss every inch of your face and neck. Bite every part of your neck until you were tattooed with hickeys. Wouldn't that just be awesome, Jew?"

I suddenly started feeling warmer than usual and blood was rushing throughout my body, especially toward my crotch. I unzipped my jacket and let my body breathe. Kyle did the same thing. "Whew, is it hot in here?" I questioned him.

Kyle shyly looked into my eyes. "'re not gay right?"

"No, why do you ask?" I said back.

"It's better when you're with me; but that's better left unsaid; it's better when I'm empty; but I still let you in."

"It's better when you're with me; but that's better left unsaid; it's better when I'm empty; but I still let you in."


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