1. Ren

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Thank you for reading my Book, Please note the quick following things:

Any photos used I do not own unless I draw them.....
Any Characters used I do not own....UNLESS THEY ARE MY OC's


I spend so much time and effort coming up with each oc character, as well as the plots of the stories. So please come up with your own and do not copy mine.

DO NOT POST SPOILERS IN COMMENTS! if you are re-reading this, please be considerate of new readers, who have not read my stories. Do not give away spoilers and ruin the book for them!

If you have read this published elsewhere....please tell me as I only posted it here on wattpad.

Some stories do have Trigger Warnings....
Thank you for understanding.....please do enjoy!

Pink Angel~

Just Another Sappy Love Story
Written and Published 2016 / 2017

Edited 2020


Authors Note:         
This story switches from the Present to the Past quite frequently. As well as PoV changes now and then.        
The chapter titles explain whose PoV it is, and the current time period for that specific chapter.

1. Ren // Chapter 1, in Ren's PoV, Written in the Current Time Period        
5. Ren - Two Years Ago // Chapter 5, in Ren's PoV, Written in the past Two Years Ago        
13. Hiroshi // Chapter 13, in Hiroshi's PoV, Written in the Current Time Period       

"Hey dude." My best friend grinned at me. His reddish auburn hair fell across his brown eyes. The glasses he wore slid down his freckled covered nose, as he swung his arm over my shoulder.

"What's up Kyo?" I chuckle as I push his glasses backup for him with my finger.

"Well the music store downtown is releasing that awesome new CD today."

"Which CD?" I ask curiously, as we walked down the hall towards my locker.

"Green Day!" His grin only grew wider on his goofy face.

Shaking my head at my strange friend I smile softly. "I will never understand your obsession with American Bands." I laugh as we walk together, his arm still wrapped around my shoulder.

"Because they are awesome!" He laughs. "Come with me dude, pleeease!"

My smile drops from my face. "Cant." I mutter under my breath. "I have my first day of detention today." my voice grows cold and icy.

"I still can't believe that new guy got you in trouble. You did shit all!" Kyo huffs.

"Yah." I grumble out. Arriving at my locker I unlock it, before throwing it open. "Shin would be so disappointed in me."

"Dude, don't go there Ren."

"I thought I grew passed the detention stage." Sighing I stare at the picture hanging on the inside of my locker door. I raise my hand, allowing my fingers to graze along the glossy paper.

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