38. Ren

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After meeting up with Aidan I went straight to Kyo's. Knocking on his front door, I smile as his mother opens it. "Ah Ren sweetheart, please come in."

"Thanks. Sorry to just stop by."

"How many times must I tell you, you're welcomed here whenever." This always makes me smile. "Kyo's up in his room."

"Thanks!" I kick off my shoes and bolt up the stairs. I love Kyo's parents. They are basically my second parents, and they see me as a second son to them.

I grin as I burst right into Kyo's room, without even knocking. Damn it was so worth it.

The idiot must have been bored out of his mind, as he was laying on his back on his bed. However his head was hanging over the edge of it as he read a comic book upside down.

"FUCK!" He cried out completely toppling off his bed, and landing onto the floor. I can't help my legs but give out on me, as I collapse to the ground laughing so hard. "REN YOU FUCKER!" He yells as he slowly sits up rubbing his head.

I laugh as I find his glasses laying near me. "Here idiot." I grab them and walk up to him. I bend down and kneel before him. I place them back on his face. I then take both of my hands and scruff up his already messy reddish brown hair. "Damn that was hilarious!"

"I could have broken my neck, I hope you know!" He glares at me.

"But your face was so priceless! Not to mention the way your body completely flipped over like that!"

"Fuck off, why the hell you here anyways?" He glances at me. "You seem to be in a good mood, after last night I was a bit concerned you know."

"Yah, Shi-kun helped me through that." I run my hand nervously through my sandy blonde hair.

"So how was the movie night?" He asks as he stands and flops onto his bed. I grin and lay on his bed but on my stomach. I rest my head in my hands, and look up at my best friend.

"It was amazing." I feel my face start to burn in a blush. I hide my face in my hands as I can't stop smiling like an idiot.

"Good to hear. Why are you so happy?" Kyo grins out. "Dude, if I didn't know you, I would think that you got laid last nig..." His voice trails off as I glance at him. I smile with an even redder face. I watch his dark brown eyes open wide. "FUCK! SERIOUSLY!" He yells out. "You and Hiroshi?"

I grin and roll over onto my back. "No, with some random fucker from the street. Yes Hiroshi!" I stare at his ceiling as I bite my lip.

"So how was it? I know you were worried about, you know, topping."

One thing I love about Kyo. He isn't shy and embarrassed about talking about me having sex with other guys.

I can't stop the grin from appearing on my face. "Fuck man. I thought Shin was amazing you know, but Shi-kun...damn."

"So your shy little quiet boyfriend, is that amazing in the sheets huh?"

I silently just nod my head.

"I actually spent the entire night at his place. Fuck I haven't even been home yet since I left for the date." I laugh out.

"His parents were cool with it?"

"They told me to stay over. Kyo I thought his father hated me. Nori is awesome, reminds me of our moms a lot. But Daichi, he is scary as fuck. I blurted out to him, that I am in love with his son and I am not going nowhere. Kyo he basically welcomed me into their family! We all sat down together after and had breakfast. It was all so amazing. I have never felt anything like that before. Shin's parents hated me, I know that. But Hiroshi's, they are welcoming me in." I can't stop the smile from my face as I keep on talking.

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