32. Ren

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Pulling the car over, I park in a parking spot three streets down from the restaurant. "It's impossible to find parking any closer."

"I don't mind the short walk, Plus it's a beautiful evening out." Hiroshi smiles at me.

I glanced at my watch. "Well our reservations are for 7:30, we are a little early." I mumble as I notice it is only 6:52. "Sorry, I expected traffic to be worse."

"It's fine Ren."

My green eyes light up. "Come on." I jump out of the car and Hiroshi does the same. I walk over to him and grasp his hand tightly in mine. "I know a place we can wait." I smile softly down at him.

I lead him over to the city park, and we walk around holding hands. "You should wear this type of sweater more often." I smile as I stop walking, and wrap my arms around Hiroshi's tiny body. I pull him into me and lean down kissing his cheek. "You're hot as hell, with this fitted sweater over top of your shirt." My hands raise up, and I gently trace the v-neck of his sweater with my finger.

"Ok I will then." He smiles shyly at me. "Only if you wear more of these vests, and..." His face burns a deep red.

"And what?"

I watch him shyly bite his lower lip, as he gazes to the grass below us. I raise his face up with my fingers. "Well uh." He is flustered and I love it. "Has anyone told you that your jeans, w-well..."

"Make my long legs look sexy, and highlight my amazingly perky ass?" I grin at him, as his brown eyes grow wide and he shyly nods. "Yah, Kyo told me that." I chuckle at the memory.

"Kyo's gay!"

"No." I laugh out shaking my head. "I uh, well I asked him to go shopping with me for tonight. He basically picked out this whole outfit for me." I whisper embarrassed.

"Well, he has amazing fashion taste." I look to see Hiroshi blushing.

"Yes he does, but I only agreed to wear this outfit with you in my mind." I laugh as we continue walking. "Kyo was joking around to Rikuta, saying that once you saw me tonight, you would want me to fuck you right then and there in the doorway."

"Well, h-he wasn't lying..." I stop as I stare at him. "You're hot ok!" He blushes madly. "I mean, well you're so handsome Ren. When I saw you dressed up for our date, I was so worried I was the only one who might have. I wanted to look good for you Ren."

"Mm and you do, trust me, you're turning me on so much." I chuckle as his cheeks blush pink. I squeeze his hand as we walk through the park. "I owe you so much Shi-kun."

"What do you mean?" He asks me.

"I know I said let's not talk about him, but." I pull Hiroshi over to a bench and sit us both down. Our hands are clasped together. "I never thought I would be able to love another after Shin. But Shi-kun." I reach out and cup his face gently in my hands. "I truly think I can fully give you my heart."


"Ask me anything. I will answer it truthfully." I whisper. I watch his brown eyes open wide. "I know you want to, so I will let you. Just don't ask how. I'm not ready yet." He nods his head in knowing exactly what I meant. My thumb caresses his cheek softly.

"Did you really say yes to marrying Shin?" His voice was so quiet, I could hardly hear him. I know this pains him, but I know he needs to know the truth.

"Yes. On our one year anniversary. He completely threw me off guard asking me that. He said we were too young at the time, but once we graduated if I would marry him. I said yes. We planned to get our own place after graduation. We were going to live together, then get married." My breathing grows heavy. "Sorry, I haven't spoken about this to anyone before."

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