As I kissed Hiroshi for the second time now, I felt him wrapping his arms around my neck to deepen our kiss. Shivers ran up and down my body, as I felt sparks emitting between both our touch.
This feeling was so new to me. Being the dominant one of the two that is. With Shin he was the one to push me against the walls, to overpower me, to make me his. Suddenly images of Shin filled my mind.
"Shin..." I whispered out under my breath, the moment our lips separated for the two of us to catch our breaths.
"What!" My green eyes opened wide, as I stared into Hiroshi's brown ones. He pushed me away from him suddenly. "Who the fuck is Shin?" His eyes glanced to the photo frames, I now had laying face down. "You were picturing me as him? Weren't you!" His voice radiated with hurt in his tone.
"I..." My hands grip my sandy blonde hair in frustration. "What the fuck am I doing!" I hiss out angrily to myself.
"Who is Shin? Is he your boyfriend Ren?" Hiroshi walked up to me and smacked my chest. "If you love him so much, then go fuck around with his heart and not mine!" I felt a huge stabbing pain, twist and grip my already shattered broken heart.
I can't bring myself to say anything, I was too afraid that if I did try to speak, I would cry. And letting Hiroshi see me cry, that isn't even close to being on my to do list. So I just remained silent instead, as I walked over and collapsed upon my bed.
"I'm..." Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my pained heart. "Sorry." Sitting up I gripped my head in my hands. Feeling my body start to shake, I now couldn't stop thinking about Shin.
"He broke your heart." Raising my gaze up to see Hiroshi, he was standing there shyly just looking at me.
"You know shit all!" I muttered harshly.
"Then tell me." Hiroshi whispered, as he walked over to my bed and sat beside me. But I couldn't bring myself to tell him about Shin, as I merely shook my head no. "Ren..." Feeling his soft petite hands cupping my face, I softly gazed into his brown eyes. Hiroshi's eyes were beautiful, I could gaze into them all day if he would allow me to.
He suddenly made a move, by pulling me in towards him and gently kissed me softly. His lips feel amazing pressed against mine. Closing my eyes, I sat there on my bed letting Hiroshi kiss me. One of his hands left my face, as he placed it on my hand that was gripping my bed quilt. Suddenly I could feel my hand relax, as it released it's death grip on my bedding. Soon he lifted my hand and his up, entwining our fingers together as I let him.
Just then he pulled away from the kiss, breaking our connection. Our hands however still held up, and entwined together.
Knowing I had to say something, anything. Opening my lips to try and form a word, I stopped myself when he gently pressed the fingers of his free hand to my lips in order to stop me. His right hand held securely onto my left, as our fingers remained entwined together. He gazed at me softly as his fingers still lay against my lips. All I could do was stare at him in shock and confusion as he smiled softly.
"I will wait forever for you Ren. Take as long as you need, to mend your broken heart. I won't be going anywhere." His voice was soft, as he whispered out softly to me.
Removing his fingers from my lips I opened my mouth to speak, when a knocking on my door startled us. Hiroshi quickly pulled himself away from me, while my hand once entwined with his fell to my lap.
"Ren, Hiroshi, dinner is ready." My mother's cheery voice sounded through the door.
Clearing my throat, I tried to calm my mind and heart from what just happened. "O-ok, coming." I finally managed to speak, as I stared intently at the guy standing before me. Watching as he walked across my room quickly and silently, he opened my bedroom door up to leave my room. Standing from my bed I rush after him, as we both walk in silence down the stairs.

Just Another Sappy Love Story
RomanceWith a painful past haunting his every move. Ren pushes himself further into his school work and studies. Determined to graduate the top of his class with perfect scores, his life takes a sudden change. Suddenly with crashing grades and stuck in det...