27. Hiroshi

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I hug my knees against my chest, as I stare at Ren's passed out body. His breathing is even, as his sandy blonde hair falls across his eyes. I can't stop the tears from falling down my face. Kyo said to not listen to whatever he said, but...

"You shouldn't, we s-shouldn't even be t-together..."

"I want, S-shin..."

His voice rings in my mind.

I grab my phone and send Kyo a text.

HIROSHI --Sorry I can't do this anymore.--

KYO --What did he say?--

HIROSHI --Ren and I are over--

KYO --Me and Rikuta will be there in a minute. Talk to us before you do anything you will regret--

I stare at my so-called passed out boyfriend before me. Tears fall down my face, as I lean over and kiss his cheek. "You will never move on from Shin. He is the one you want to be with, not me." I kiss him once more. "I did truly love you Ren. I would have waited forever, for your heart to fully be mine."

I turn my back on him and climb down the rope ladder.

Tears fall down from my brown eyes, as I lean my body against the tree.

"Hiroshi!" I turn to see Rikuta and Kyo rushing to me. "What the fuck did Ren do?" Kyo's dark brown eyes show worry, as he gazes at me through his glasses.

"Tell us." Rikuta places a hand on my shoulder. "What did that drunk idiot tell you?"

"Did Ren really say yes, to marrying Shin?" I watch both friends sigh, and glance at one another. "Why would he do this to me!" I whisper.

"Hiroshi." Rikuta pulls me into his body. I grasp his shirt, as he hugs me tightly to him. "Ren cares for you."

"No he doesn't! He agreed to marry him."

"That is in his past." Rikuta sighs. He raises my gaze to meet his green eyes. His shoulder length black hair falls around him. "Ren is doing his best to move on for you, he wants to spend his future with you."

"He will never stop loving him though." I whisper. "I love Ren, he said I shouldn't, that we shouldn't even be together. He told me he wants Shin! He will never get over him!"

"No, he probably never will." Kyo sighs.

"If they loved each other enough to become engaged. Then why did they break up?"

"I wouldn't call it a break up, more like they were torn apart from each other."

"Kyo shut up!" Rikuta whispers, while he still hugs me.

"HE DESERVES TO KNOW!" Kyo screams out.

"Ren should be the one to tell him!"


"It's not your place to tell him!" Rikuta's arms drop from my body. "Ren would never speak to you again Kyo. Are you willing to give up your brother?"

"He would get over it..."

"You know he wouldn't, he is hurting. He is in pain over Shin. Fuck! He won't even talk to us about what happened with them. We don't even know the fucking truth."

I nervously watch his two friends arguing with each other.

"I don't care anymore." Kyo grabs my hand. "Come on."

"Kyo man don't do this!"

"Just stay with fucking Ren. I refuse to let him wake up hungover, only for us to tell him that him and Hiroshi broke up. All because he said some stupid shit, while he was drunk as fuck. Rikuta you know what would become of Ren if that happens."

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