25. Ren - 1 Year Ago

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I stare at the bag in my hand. I can't stop the blush from appearing on my face.

"I saw this and thought of you, wear it tomorrow night. It will make those beautiful green eyes of yours, sparkle even more then they do now."

"Earth to Ren...." Kyo chuckles as he lays on my bed.

"Sorry." I mumble as my face blushes even more. I can't get Shin's voice out of my head, from when he gave me this bag earlier today.

"So, you gonna finally tell me what's in the damned bag you're hugging?"

"Huh?" I look to my arms to see Kyo is right. "Fuck." I dropped the bag on my bed and sighed.

"What the fuck Ren, can I?" I nod my head as he reaches for the bag. "Lets see what's got you all embarrassed and shy." He grabs the bag and opens it. "And we have, uhh a shirt?" I watch him pull out the dark green button up shirt. I watch him look at me through his glasses. "Care to explain your new fetish?"

"It's a gift from Shin." I mutter as I flop down on my bed beside him. "He gave it to me today, said he thought of me when he saw it. That it will make my beautiful green eyes sparkle even more than normal."

"That is so cheesy, it's so romantic!" Kyo grins at me.

"Yah, he wants me to wear it tomorrow night."

"Oh, on your big one year anniversary date! Damn he has it bad for you Ren. I still can't believe you two have been dating a full year! And his parents still don't know!"

"Yah, trust me it's not easy keeping it a secret, but it won't be for much longer."

"You really love Shinji huh?" Kyo grins as he lays beside me on my bed.

"Yah, you were right you know. Back at the first day of Junior year, about that whole love at first sight shit you talked about in the registration line."

"You realize I totally made that all up on the spot right?" He grins at me.

"You asshole!"

"Well I am glad my bullshit got to you." He props his body up, and smirks at me.

"That was literally all bull?" I ask sitting up myself.

"Well, I kind of watched this romantic movie with my mom the night before, they said that shit in the movie."

I shove Kyo so hard, that he falls off my bed and lands on the floor. "Jerk!"

"Sorry buddy." He grins. "Hey but just because I got that shit from a movie, guess it doesn't mean it's not real. I mean look at you and Shin!"

I stand and walk over to my window and stare out. "Who knew I would change so much from meeting one guy huh?" I laugh out.

"No kidding. You were just about to drop out from high school, but look at you now! An honor student, top of all your classes!"

I scoff at that. "Yah..." I stare at his window. My heart pounds as I watch my boyfriend walk past it. I grin and turn back to Kyo. "Me an honor student? Did hell freeze over?"

"Me and Rikuta were wondering the same thing!"

"Fuck off."

"Well one thing is for sure." Kyo laughs out.

"What's that?" I cock an eyebrow at him.

"Your attitude hasn't changed."

"Fuck off." We both start laughing.

"And my point is proven for me!"

"Yah, yah, yah whatever..."

"But seriously, where is Shin taking you tomorrow night?"

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