March quickly fell upon us. Meaning Spring break was only just around the corner.
"Ah, so what should we do!" Kyo grins jumping on my back. "Spring Break is next week! Meaning its two weeks of freedom!"
"Get the fuck off!" I laugh out. "You're fucking heavy!" I grin at him as he slides off my back.
"Ouch that hurts." He punches my arm.
"Though the idiot raises a good point." I turn to look at Rikuta. "Let's plan something for spring break!"
"Well guess it would be fun to get away." I smile.
"What about you two?" Kyo asks, throwing one arm around each of the twins. They only just moved to Japan from America. We all instantly took a liking to them, they are a pretty rad pair.
"Well we are..." Nadia starts off speaking.
"...going back to America." Aidan finishes.
Fuck that is still taking some time to get used to. The whole finishing each other's sentences shit. It really pisses me off at times.
"Awe. So we won't see you both for a full two weeks!" Kyo whined out sadly.
"Sorry!" They both say at the same time.
"What about Shin?" Rikuta grins at me, nudging my shoulders.
I blush, as my fingers trace along the engagement ring upon my finger. "I'm not sure. He has been so busy with homework, and studying for Law School lately."
"But that is forever away still! He has until next year to apply for college." Kyo says confused.
"Well the law school he has his eyes on, is a pretty tough one to get into. He is trying to do as much extra work now to add to his application, besides this school requires earlier applications."
"He is pushing himself hard about this." Kyo mumbled.
"He actually, well..." I sigh.
"Well what, Ren?" Rikuta asks.
"Every time I even bring up the whole law school thing, he seems to push it aside and changes the conversation." I mutter dryly. "I don't know what's up with him right now."
"Ask him then!" The twins smile at me.
"I will try to again."
"Ren you're his, Fiance..." Kyo whispers the last word. "He should be able to tell you everything." I nod my head listening to my best friend. "Good!" Kyo grins. "But back to the main topic on hand. What the hell are we doing for Spring Break!" Kyo strikes a stupid ass pose, as he points his finger up in the air.
"Why the fuck are we friends with him again?" Rikuta asks.
"Well I'm stuck with him." I mutter. "Sixteen years together, I am in it for life..."
"Ok, so better question." Rikuta grins. "Why the fuck am I friends with him?"
"Because you love me!" Kyo jumps on Rikuta causing us all to laugh.
"Damn Ren's right! You are heavy!"
"And you're all evil." Kyo laughs.
"Well hey. My cousin has been bugging me about visiting. He loves you guys. Maybe we can crash at his place, for a couple days of Spring Break?"
"He lives near a beach right?"
"Yah." I chuckled softly.
"Sign us up!" Kyo grins excitedly.

Just Another Sappy Love Story
RomanceWith a painful past haunting his every move. Ren pushes himself further into his school work and studies. Determined to graduate the top of his class with perfect scores, his life takes a sudden change. Suddenly with crashing grades and stuck in det...