6. Ren

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"Why me?"

"Man, what are you talking about?"

Sitting on the swing, I gazed at the guy beside me. He is tall, lean, muscular, handsome and, well perfect. "You're so different from me, you actually give a shit about your life. So why do you wish to get to know me better?"

"Deep down you care about your life too. Maybe you just don't see that yet though."

"You know fuck all about me."

"I want to learn everything there is to know about you.

"Why?" I look to see his cheeks slightly blush pink.

"Because I think you're amazing Ren. You captivate my every thought."

My eyes flew open, while I sat up in my chair. My body shook as my breathing was heavy. I could feel the tears in my eyes, as I blinked them back from falling.

"Shin..." I whispered his name. I run my hands through my sandy blonde hair, causing my bangs to fall across my face. My eyes look to my unfinished homework before me. "I need to finish this tonight." Glancing to the clock I groan out, see that it is already one in the morning.

Picking up my pencil, I start to write my answers when my eyelids start to grow heavy once more. Pushing myself away from my chair, I grab my jacket while I slip it on my body. Quietly walking through the house to not wake my parents, I exit the front door.

"Some fresh air will wake me up."

Shoving my hands inside my pockets, I just start randomly walking. I freeze as I find myself at the same park from my dream. My eyes land on the swings, and I notice another figure sitting there in silence. Curious I make my way closer to them when I stop walking. The moonlight shined off his black silky hair. Hiroshi hasn't noticed me yet, as he was drawing silently in his sketchbook. His face shows his concentration, as I stood there silently. Wanting nothing more than to turn and leave, however my feet instead lead me as I walk towards him.

"Couldn't sleep?" I whisper softly, making him jump up as his sketchbook fell from his hands to the grass below his feet. I bend down and pick it up for him. My eyes stare at the page that fell opened, I was captivated by the beauty of his drawing. "This, this is..."

"Yah I know what you're thinking. I'm a creeper." He grabs the sketchbook from my hands, and slams it shut. He stands up to leave, as I call out to this shy quiet small boy.

"Why me?" He stopped walking, and looked back to me. "You don't know me, why do you want to?"

A smile forms on his softer feminine face. My heart pounds as the moonlight reflects off his pale skin. "Because I think you're amazing Ren, you somehow managed to captivate my every thought."

My body shakes as I collapse onto the swing. Sighing I run my hands through my hair in frustration. "Stop doing this to me." I whisper.

"Doing what?" He walks over and sits on the swing beside me.

"Stop reminding me of him so much."

"Who do I remind you of?" His voice was soft, yet filled with confusion.

Jumping up from my swing, my hands turn into fists. "None of your fucking business."

"Then how can I stop, if I don't know who it is?" He lightly chuckles. "Look Red I really am truly sorry, that I got you stuck in detention. I feel terrible about it."

"Well, detention isn't new to me." I groan as I flop back down on the swing. I lean my head back as my eyes now stare up at the starry sky.

"You don't seem like the detention type, you're a straight A honor student aren't you? Top of all your classes."

"Like I said, you don't know fuck all about me."


"What?" I sigh as I look back to his face. He is smiling at me, and my heart started to beat faster.

"This is nice. Just sitting here, and actually talking with you for once."

"Yah, guess it isn't all that bad." I mutter under my breath quietly.

"Are you going to that school dance this coming weekend?" My eyes open wide as I stare at him. "I'm not asking y-you out. If that's what you think, I was just curious." His cheeks are pink and I can't stop the smile on my face.

"I was thinking about skipping it. But if you're there maybe, just maybe I will show up."

Hiroshi's eyes open wide as he stares at me.

"Guess you're not so bad after all." I laughed out loud at his shocked expression.

"Just what exactly is that supposed to mean?" He whispers.

"Whatever you want it to I guess. Just don't go thinking that it means I like you or anything ok? You're just relaxing to talk to."

"That's fine with me." He smiles softly. "Does it hurt?"

"Does what hurt?"

"I am guessing Kenta was the one who beat you up this morning."

"Oh, that..." My hand raised up to my face. My lower lip is cut and the left side of my face is still all bruised up. My stomach is even worse however, it would take a couple of days for it all to fade. "I'm alive aren't I?" I stand from the swing. "It's late..."

"Yah." I watch him closely, as he stands and hugs the sketchbook to his chest.

"You told me art was your passion."

"Yah, it's the only thing I live for in my life."

"Your drawings are amazing. You know, you're the second guy to draw me now." I think back to the drawing I saw, when I picked up Hiroshi's sketch book. It was a drawing of me.

"Who was the other?" He asks curious.

"Someone very special to me..."

We walk from the park in silence, and I notice once again Hiroshi walks slightly behind me. As I go to walk across the street to my house, I freeze as his soft voice speaks out to me.

"Hey Ren. Do you think we could do this again, just you know, talk?"

Turning to face him, I watch a shy blush cross his cheeks. "Yah, why not?" I look him in his eyes. "Just don't go thinking this is something more than it actually is."

"I wont. I mean I know I would never have a chance, with a guy like you for a boyfriend anyways."

"Why do you say that?" I asked out curiously.

"Well have you never looked at me? I am tiny, weak, shy, a loner. I would just be an embarrassment to anyone. I know I am just worthless."

Storming up to him, my hands grasp softly his shoulders. "Don't look down on yourself like that, if you think that. Then that is all anyone will ever see."

Hiroshi raises his head up, and his brown eyes meet my green ones. I stare silently at him unable to speak or to move. Our eyes locked, and I find myself smiling softly as the moon reflects its warm glow across his face. I couldn't stop my own next actions, as I leaned down and gently kissed his lips softly.


Flying into my room, and leaned against my closed door. My heart was pounding as my eyes gazed at the window. Seeing clearly, watch a light turn on in Shin's, no in Hiroshi's room. His curtains were closed, but that doesn't stop his silhouette from showing as he stood before it. I watch silently, as I see his hands pull up his shirt as he removes it from his body. Walking closer to the window, I make quick work of grasping my curtains, and pulling them shut.

Turning around, my eyes land onto my once again unfinished homework.

"Screw this." I mutter as I walk to my desk and slam my books shut. "Screw school, I am already so far behind. There is no way I can catch up now. Shin please forgive me..."


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