36. Ren

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Waking up, I feel something soft and gentle running through my hair. Opening my green eyes, I find myself gazing at a bright red blushing Hiroshi.

"Sorry." He mumbles shyly, as he removes his hand from my hair. "You just looked so handsome, I couldn't stop myself."

Memories of last night hit me. I made love to Hiroshi. I feel my own face redden.

"Morning." I smile softly at him. I raise my hand, and run it through his black silky hair. "You're not sore are you?" I mutter.

"Oh." His blushed face only reddens a darker shade.

"I know it hurts the first time. I wanted to be as gentle as I could for you Shi-kun."

"It's not that bad." He lays his face on my bare chest. "Ren, last night..."

"Was it what you expected?"

"It was better." I smile as I feel him nuzzle his face against my bare chest.

"Yah it was amazing." Last night was my first time ever topping a guy, damn it felt amazing. I love this new side of me that Hiroshi brings out. "Please say that is something we will do again." I whisper softly to him.

"I wouldn't turn down that offer." Hiroshi whispers shyly.

"Good." Smiling, I wrap my arms around his bare body. "FUCK!" I sit up.

"Ren?" Hiroshi looks at me concerned, as he sits up as well.

"Your parents, they are going to murder me!" I throw off the bed sheets to find us both still completely naked. "Shit." My green eyes roam the room until I find my departed clothes. "What if your parents walked in here this morning! You're way to fucking calm about this." I pull my boxers on and soon after my pants. I grab Hiroshi's boxers and toss them to him. "Please at least put these on."

He chuckles and pulls them on.

"It's not funny Shi-kun! Daichi already hates me! He is pissed I got suspended and grounded, he probably thinks I am the worst influence on you. I promised him we wouldn't, fuck I am so dead."


"I have to go!"

"Please stay." I feel a soft hand grasp mine. I turned to see a blushing Hiroshi, though he looked sad.


"Do you regret it?" His voice was quiet. "Was it better with him?"

"Please don't bring Shin into this." I quickly wrapped my arms around Hiroshi's body. "I told you already Shi-kun, you're the first I have ever slept with as being the one to top. It was amazing, you're amazing." I brush my fingers along his face. "I don't regret it one bit." I lean down and kiss him softly. "I meant it when I said it Shi-kun. I love you." I close my eyes and lean my forehead against his.


"I never thought I would ever be able to say that to another after losing Shin." I tighten my arms around him. "But yet, you somehow won my heart." I kiss his lips once more. "But I seriously need to get the fuck out of here."

"They already know you stayed the night." Hiroshi smiles.

"Yah, but they don't know we made love." I whisper quietly.

"I have a feeling they do." Hiroshi whispers. "I was just as shocked that they let you spend the night."

"Fuck! It was a trap and fell right into it, now I am totally fucked."

"Ren." Hiroshi wraps his arms around my neck. He pulls me down into a kiss. "Please don't run out on me the morning after." I stare at him in shock. "If it is a test, then this morning is critical. My father will want to see if you regret it, or if you truly love me enough to face him."

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