Friday morning, I woke up earlier than normal. I throw some clothes on for the day, and grab my school bag. Exiting the house I start the long walk to school. The sun is barely even up yet, as I walk down the quiet street.
I pull my phone out and send a quick text to Hiroshi.
REN -- Went to school early, come find me in the library when you get here--
Smiling, I close my phone, slipping it into my pocket. I take a deep breath of the early morning fresh air, and silently make my way to school.
When I arrive, there are some other early risers here. I walk through the quiet halls, and enter the library. Walking over I place my school bag on a table, and walk down the rows of books in the library. Finding the ones I need, I slide them from their place on the shelves and into my arms. My arms full of books, I walk over and place them down at the table by the window where my bag is. The exact table I sat with Hiroshi, at that one day.
Pulling my phone from my pocket, I check the time. "Two hours until Homeroom starts." I whisper. Setting my phone on the table, I reach into my school bag and pull out my iPod and headphones. Slipping the ear buds in my ears, I turn on music while I pull out the huge pile of unfinished homework, that is way passed their due dates.
Opening the first library book, I read the pages as I neatly begin to write my answers.
My pencil flies across the papers, as I keep glancing back and forth to all the books. By now I have papers and homework assignments scattered all across the table. I have about five different library books, all opened before me on the table. I reach out and flip the page of one book, as I once again fill out answers. My eyes glance to another book as I write even more down.
I am so focused on my work, I didn't even hear the chair beside me get pulled out while my music keeps me focused on what I am doing.
"FUCK!" I blurt out as my entire body jumps in the chair, as I feel someone touch my arm. My heart pounding, I look beside me only to see Hiroshi's smiling face. I raise my hand and pull my ear buds out. "Fucking hell, way to sneak up on someone and give them a heart attack!"
"Sorry, you didn't hear me when I spoke your name." He lightly chuckles. "I got this for you. When I told Kyo at the bus stop you were already here. He said you probably skipped breakfast." I stare at the coffee and muffin he places before me, that he got at the school's coffee shop.
"Thanks." I turn off my iPod and throw it into my bag. I glance at my phone only to notice the texts from Hiroshi now. "Sorry, didn't see my phone buzz." I smile.
"It's fine." I watch his eyes scan all the books and papers.
"I am keeping up my end of the deal." I smile. "I really don't want to throw away my chance of getting accepted into Veterinary School."
"I'm proud of you." He smiles. "Sorry if I'm interrupting, I will just leave."
I watch as he goes to stand up. "No, stay with me." I smile at him, as I grasp his hand. "I need to start packing up anyway. Homeroom will start soon."
"Ok." He sits back down beside me, sipping his own coffee in his other hand.
I pick up the muffin and take a bite. "It's good, thanks." I take a second bite as I sip my coffee to wash it down. I begin to gather up my papers, and close the books while piling them up.
"Ren I was thinking." I glance up only to see him staring at the disposable coffee cup in his hands.
"About what?"
"Well, right now you should probably just be focusing on school." My heart beat starts to slow down. "I, well uhh I think you and me, well we should maybe not see each other. I don't want to be the reason you fall behind even more."

Just Another Sappy Love Story
RomanceWith a painful past haunting his every move. Ren pushes himself further into his school work and studies. Determined to graduate the top of his class with perfect scores, his life takes a sudden change. Suddenly with crashing grades and stuck in det...