16. Ren

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The night to follow after the school dance, I can't stop thinking about what happened. Damn Kyo and Rikuta for doing that. Forcing me and Hiroshi, to be alone in the Club House. He kissed me, then I pulled him back in and kissed him once again.

"What am I doing?" I groan out as I dress for school. I know today is going to be hell. The homework I planned to finish on the weekend, I never once touched after the dance. "I am so fucked." I whisper. My teachers already gave me extensions, since I have been top of the class the past two years, but even I can't expect more from them.

I collapse on my bed, my head falls into my hands. I grasp my sandy blonde hair tightly. I raise my gaze, and my eyes land on the picture of Shin on my bedside table. Reaching out to it I pick it up in my hand. My finger glides across the glass.

"Shin..." I bite my lower lip. His picture smiles up at me. Those light brown eyes that are encircled in green, that I love oh so much, his short brown hair.

"Fuck..." I groan as I place the frame back down. I stare at the picture as a sigh escapes my lips. "I know I need to move on." I whisper. "But I love you so much Shinji, so how can I? I just want you to come back to me."

My green eyes travel to my window. I push myself off my bed, and walk towards it opening my curtains. I stare across the street at Shin's...fuck. At Hiroshi's bedroom.

I smile slightly, as I watch him rush around his bedroom getting ready for school. I lean my elbow against the wall as I prop my head against my hand while I watch him.

"Do I like him?" I whisper to myself. My mind goes back to me kissing him the other night. "Why would I kiss him if I didn't." I mutter.

I watch as he stops and freezes. He suddenly glances out the window, and our eyes meet. Even from across the street, I can clearly see his face flushing bright red. I flash him a smile, then turn and walk away to get ready for school.

"Fuck Ren, what the fuck am I doing?" I groan to myself, as I realize what I just did. "Now he will think him and I are something, but we aren't...r-right?" My eyes flash to Shin's photo. "No one can replace the love I have for you." I whisper as I grab my school bag, and unfinished homework. "Fuck today is going to suck."

I grumble to myself, as I go over my class schedule today. To start off the day I have a free period. Then fucking art class before lunch. But after I have Science and PE.

"He is in all three of my fucking classes today." I groan out as I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Not to mention detention after class, fuck!"

"Morning darling."

"Morning Mom." I mumble as I grab an apple. "See ya later." I whisper before exiting the house, and walking to the bus stop. There I see both Hiroshi and Kyo standing. I mentally facepalm, as I see Kyo talking to him.

"Oh Renny! Morning!" Kyo grins as he jumps on me and hugs me tightly.

"Get off you fucker..." I grumble annoyed.

"Oh someone is in a bad mood today." He grins madly, as he pokes my cheek.

"Fuck off!" I hiss, I am so not in the mood for this today.

"Uhh, m-morning Ren..." I raise my gaze to meet Hiroshi's brown eyes. For a moment I get lost in my thoughts, as I can't stop thinking how beautiful his eyes are.

"Earth to Ren." Kyo nudges me in the ribs.

My eyes grow wide, as I shake my head. "Yah, morning." I whisper while staring at the apple in my hand. I hear Kyo chuckle as I feel my cheeks burning red.

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