10. Ren

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By the time Rikuta and I made it to school, Homeroom had just ended. "Hey, at least we have Science together now." Rikuta smiled at me.

"I got my books in my bag, so I don't need to hit up my locker." I mutter knowing the homework due today is still unfinished. "Let's go."

"Hey Ren!" Nadia smiles at us.

"Hey Rikuta!" Aidan grinned.

"See ya two at lunch!" I called out, as we watched the twins walk side by side. While they passed us, on their way to their class.

Starting to feel better after my mental breakdown this morning now. That of course all sadly ended, as soon as me and Rikuta entered the science classroom. My eyes immediately landed on his head of black hair.

"Ren come on." Rikuta grasps my arm, as Hiroshi raises his gaze and our eyes locked together.

"Fuck me." I grumble to myself, as I could feel my heart pounding, just from looking at him. Rikuta drags me to the back of the class, where we collapse at our work table.

The moment I sat down, I instantly yanked out my science textbook and homework. While I start scribbling in my answers. "Ren, you didn't finish it?" Rikuta's voice was one of surprise.

"Shut up." I growled lowly. My pencil stops scribbling, as I flip open my text book and read it before writing some more. Just as the beginning of class bell echoes, I somehow managed to finish my homework. I stare at my sloppy scribbling and sigh. "Better than nothing at least."

"Before we begin class, I want everyone to hand in their homework assignments." Miss Yoshida calls out.

Groaning I stand up along with the rest of the class, walking up to her desk.

As she takes my paper she speaks out softly. "Ren, I am very concerned with your grades. I can clearly see a huge difference in your work, and it is not on the good side."

"I know, I'm sorry. I am doing the best I can."

"Try to do better. I would hate to have to fail you in this class. You have been my top grading student for the past two years now."

"I know, I will try to do better." I whisper as I turn around, only to freeze as my eyes grow wide. Standing right behind me was Hiroshi, which means he just heard all of that.

"Fucking Hell." Grumbling I quickly push past him, causing our arms and hands to brush against one another's. I could feel my face blushing, as I rushed to my table and sat beside a laughing Rikuta who clearly saw everything. "Shut up!" I hissed at him. This naturally only causes him to laugh even harder.

"Shit." Rikuta sits up straight and stops laughing, as Miss Yoshida walks over to our table.

"Ren. I want you to change seats." She spoke, as I glanced up at her.

My green eyes grew wide, as I was stunned. "What? But why!"

She hands me my last homework assignment, that was half filled out and I see most my rushed answers were wrong. "I think it would be best if I separate you and Rikuta."

"But this has nothing to do with sitting next to him!" I argued back. She however only gives me a stern look. Miss Yoshida is my favourite teacher, so I know she is doing this out of my best interest. "Fine..." Grumbling I collect all my belongings into my arms. "Who am I switching with?"

"Switch with Amy."

"No way in hell!" I blurted out a little louder than I should have. "Sorry..." I quickly mumble. I glance to Rikuta, and I see the look of concern in his green eyes. Sighing I walk to the front row of tables, and walk to the one at the far left of the classroom. "Yo Amy!" I called out to her, trying to remain calm.

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