33. Hiroshi

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Tonight was perfect. Ren was perfect. But naturally perfection never lasts.

Ren was hugging me tightly, when a voice yelled out towards us.

"Ren Ozawa you fucking piece of trash!" We both looked up to see a man staring at us. I have no idea who he was, but Ren. Ren seemed to stop breathing at the very sight of him.

"Ren?" He doesn't even seem to hear me.

"So in the end you truly never loved my son after all. He hasn't even been gone half a year, and you're already with some whore!"

"Mr Higashi..." Ren finally whispers the man's name, and I could feel my heart clench. This is Shinji's father. I looked up at Ren, and I saw the pain he has fought so hard against returning into his eyes.

"You destroyed Shin's life!" Ren flinched at his harsh words. His warm arms that once held my body, fall loosely to his side. "Because of you, his dream of Law School was thrown out! Because of you he died!"

I know Ren's mind is no longer thinking clearly, as he stares blankly at Shin's father.

"You said you loved him! But you destroyed his life! My wife couldn't stand the thought of seeing your face everyday, so we had to move!"

"Ren, let's go..." I grasp his arm and tug on it. I needed to get Ren away from this man and fast. I can't watch him fall back into his heart broken self. Not after everything we have been through.

"If you were smart you would stay away from him, before he kills you too!" My heart stops as Shin's dad speaks harshly towards me.

"REN!" I begged him to look at me, which he finally does. He blinks his green eyes, and I know I must be showing the fear in my eyes for this man. "Let's go..."

Ren Nods his head silently, allowing me to pull him down the street.

"We will never forgive you for what you did!" We heard Shin's father cry out to us, as we walked away in silence.

Arriving at my parked car, I take one look at Ren to see he is a complete mess from what just happened.

"Ren, give me my keys..." I whisper afraid he may try to drive in his current state.

All I can do is watch him pull the keys from his pocket. He drops them into my hand before collapsing to the ground.

I don't know why but I pull out my phone and dial Kyo's number.


"Hey it's me..."

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Yah, can you two meet us at the city park?" I whisper over the phone as my eyes stare at Ren.

"We will be there as quickly as we can!" I heard the worried tone in Kyo's voice.

Ok thanks, bye." I put my phone away.

Ren's body was shaking like crazy, as I gently placed my hand on his shoulder "Ren..."

He must have been deep in thought as he jumps at my touch. "Stay away from me..." He whispers. I see fear in his green eyes.


"No! He is right! Being with me, I may just kill you too!" I watch as Ren clutches his head in his hands.

"Ren, please talk to me!" I beg of him. I am freaked out. Things were going so well. Then that man showed up, and ruined what we had going. "Ren..." I reach out to him.

"NO!" He smacks my hand away. I stare at him with wide eyes. "I can't Shi-kun. I can't hurt you too!"

"You won't!" I wrap my arms around his neck in a gentle hug. "The only thing hurting me right now, is you pushing me away!" But he only pushes me off of him.

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