20. Ren

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Somehow I ended up on my back, as I lay on the small grassy hillside. I like to come here when I want to be alone at school. It's not close enough to be seen from the school, and most students never walk out this far past the fields.

But right now, I was anything but alone.

I gaze up at Hiroshi Saito, as he straddles my waist with his legs. His face is flushed pink as he leans down to kiss me gently. His soft black hair covers his shy face, as the tips of his hair brush against my own face, while he kisses me.

He said he had a boyfriend before this, but I am highly guessing they didn't do very much together. The reason I think this? He has no idea where to place his hands on me. He seems too nervous to place them on my body. This makes me chuckle.

"What?" Hiroshi sits up, shyly looking worried. "Did I do something wrong?" This only confirms my earlier thoughts.

"No, you're doing this perfectly." I smile as I grasp his hips with my hands. I give them a squeeze, causing a slight whimper to escape Hiroshi's soft pink lips.

"You, you've done this a lot haven't you Ren?" He whispers.

"Done what?" I gaze up at him.

His face burns redder in his blush. "Physical Relationships." I watch him bite his lip. "You're not a virgin are you Ren."

I feel my own cheeks dust pink in blush. "No, I'm not a virgin."

"Was he, your first?"

I see a flash of sadness and insecurity cross his brown eyes. I know he is asking about Shin.

"No. I can't even remember how many guys I have been with. I am ashamed of my past ok. Not only did I not give a fuck about school or my life. I also slept around a lot, I was a player before I met Shin. But trust me Hiroshi. I haven't been like that in over two years now. I only want real serious relationships now. You're the first, since after Shin." I whisper.

"I'm sorry to ask." I feel him try to crawl off my waist. I grip his hips tighter, holding him in his place. "Ren?"

"You're the only one I want now, I need you to know that..." I whisper.

"I Just fear one day Shin will return. Then you will break my heart, by pushing me aside and running straight back into his arms."

"That will never happen."

"How do I know that?"

I take a deep breath, "Because, after our fight. He will never talk to me again." I bite my lip.

"Sorry." Hiroshi whispers as he gazes down at me. "Let's just talk about you and me." My heart races in my chest. I watch as he shyly pushes his black hair back revealing his pink face.

"You and me huh?" I smile back up at him. "I like the sound of that." I squeeze his hips once more.

"Ren, I want..." Hiroshi bites his lip in a shy nervous way.

"You want what?"

"I want you to be my first..." He whispers so quietly, I almost didn't hear him. My heart pounds madly in my chest. "When the time is right. I want you to be the one, to take my virginity."

"Hiroshi." I exhale a deep breath. "Fuck you're to damn cute." I mutter, as I reach one of my hands up and place it softly against his smooth cheek. "When the time is right. I will be your first, your only, and your last." I whisper causing his brown eyes to grow wide.

I move my hand to running through his soft black hair, as he leans back down to kiss me once more. The world around us fades away, as we get lost in each other's kisses and warmth.

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