24. Ren

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Finally the first two periods of the day are over. I grinned as I made my way from Literature, and towards Hiroshi's locker. Honestly asking him to be my boyfriend, him saying yes. Since that happened, whenever I have thought of him today. Shin hasn't entered my mind once, well except for right now.

But this is good, it means I am finally moving on from that painful past. Hiroshi truly is the only one that can gather all my shattered pieces of my heart and put it back together. For someone who only ever reminded me of Shin.

Walking around the corner, I freeze in my steps. My blood boils as both my hands clenched into fists.

"You fucking fag, you're pathetic with no one around to help you. Honestly what the fuck does Ren see in you? You're the biggest wimp ever." An image of the night of the dance, flashes across my mind as Kenta punched him.

I can't hold in my rage of anger, as I run towards Kenta and grasp him around his neck from behind.

"How many times must I fucking tell you Kenta. Keep your fucking hands off my boyfriend!"

I am not stupid. Kenta is way stronger than me, and I know this. But watching him bully my boyfriend, I can't let that go. He easily got out of my grip, as he elbowed me in the stomach. I gasp in pain, as I fall to my knees.

"REN!" Hiroshi cries out.

"What a pathetic excuse of a boyfriend, can't even protect your gay pathetic lover." Kenta laughs out, as he kicks me in the chest making me fly backwards onto the ground. "As for you." I watch as he grasps Hiroshi's wrist, and grips it tightly. I see the pain on his face.

"KENTA!" I yell out. As I stand and kick him in his back. I am completely, 100% pissed off. "Keep your fucking hands off my boyfriend!" I cry out as he turns to face me, and I punch him so hard in the face, that he falls backwards onto the ground completely passed out.

"REN!" I turn to see Rikuta and Kyo running over to me. "You ok man?"

My eyes land on Hiroshi. I hold my hand out to him. He runs to me and throws his arms around my body in a tight hug. I feel his body shaking in fear.

"You ok?" I whisper softly.

He nods his head. "He just really scares me."

"You two get out of here." Rikuta speaks softly as he places his hand on my shoulder.

I shake my head. "You will not take the fall for something you didn't do."

"Ren just get him out of here." Rikuta glances down to my shaking boyfriend.

"No." I shake my head. "I am done having you covering for me."

"Ren." Rikuta places his hand on my shoulder. "You can't afford more detentions."

"So what? I did this, not you!"

Just then Mr Nakahara storms down the hall, with teachers behind him. His sharp eyes land on Kenta's passed out body. He then glares at me, while Hiroshi clutches onto me tightly.

"What happened here!"

I watch Rikuta about to speak up, when I blurt out.

"Kenta keeps bullying my boyfriend. I got fucking pissed off about it, and knocked him out."

"Ren my office, now!" He is pissed, that is clear to say. "You two! Take Mr Endo to the school nurse." He points to two of Kenta's followers. They nod and grab their unconscious friend. Mr Nakahara turns his anger back to me. "I said my office, NOW!"

"Ren." Hiroshi whispers.

I grab Kyo who is standing there, unsure what to do. "Take him outside for some fresh air. I will meet you guys after."I whisper, as I detach Hiroshi from me.

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